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Contributions to the Workshop for Integrated Propeller Prediction

Aaron Crawford

WIPP Visualization Methods

The Workshop for Integrated Propeller Prediction (WIPP) is a The meshing process began in Pointwise with a simple grid
workshop hosted by the American Institute for Aeronautics shown in Figure 1. This represents the physical geometry as
and Astronautics (AIAA) in collaboration with NASA, Helden described by the 2D points covering the surface. Next cells are
Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, and Empirical Aerospace. Due grown off the wall of the model with a specified growth rate so
to the growing interest in propeller driven aircraft particularly that the boundary layer effects can be properly captured and
for electric and clean energy applications, this program seeks resolved. After this an unstructured volume mesh is created by
coming in from the farfield as well as placing blocks behind the
to provide Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modelers
model to add wake refinement. A sliding interface shown in
experimental data for validating their tools. The geometry was
Figures 2 and 3 was introduced to enable the relative motion
distributed to AIAA members around the nation. Experimental between the spinning blades and the stationary nacelle and wing.
tests were preformed in Fall 2018 on the model shown below. As the model inside the interface spins it connects and delivers
The predictions from each researcher will be compared to the data through the sliding interface to the rest of the model that is
Figure 1 –Domains and Wake Resolution Blocks
experimental results at the AIAA conference in June. This Figure 2–Sliding Interface Geometry stationary. Once a satisfactory volume mesh (shown in Figure 4)
poster details my contributions to the project. was completed, cases are run using a flow solver. Tenasi, the
SimCenter’s in-house flow solver, is a node-centered, finite
volume, implicit scheme applied to general unstructured grids
with nonsimplicial elements. Simulations are set to be run at
various Mach numbers, angles of attack and propeller speeds.
Variable Run Condition
Free Stream Velocity 28.27 m/s
Propeller and Wing Tested in a Wind Tunnel CAD model of Propeller Aircraft
Mach Number 0.08
Introduction to CFD Figure 4 – Z Plane Volume Mesh Cross Section Angle of Attack 0 Degrees
Computational Fluid Dynamics comes as the alternative to Propeller RPM 5,905 RPM
experimental procedures. In order to test objects it is often Figure 3 – Sliding Interface and Wing
Time Step 2.82x10-5 seconds
more cost effective and efficient to model and simulate the Simulations were run using the conditions specified in the table
flow field on a computer instead of using an expensive wind above. Time accurate simulations are run for at least 5 complete
tunnel. CFD can simulate both liquid and gas flows and for revolutions. The thrust values though simulation, 71 N,
speeds ranging from very low subsonic (Mach Number ~ 0) to compared favorably to the isolated propeller tests of 79 N.
hypersonic Mach numbers (Mach Number > 7). Despite the Quantitatively the simulations cannot be compared directly since
cost effectiveness, CFD serves only as a model and a best the experimental results have not been released yet. Figure 5
approximation. CFD works on the basis of solving the shows an image of the velocity profile over laid on the meshing.
discretized form of the Navier-Stokes equations (conservation It shows the expected increase in velocity downstream of the
of mass, momentum, and energy) and performs calculations propellers. Figure 6 shows the wing with a constant Q-criterion
on the points of a mesh. This process is only a simulation Figure 5 – Z Plane Velocity Profile outlining the vortices coming off the propeller tips. These initial
however, and will never be able to fully replace experimental simulations fall in line with the expected results. Not all of the
Figure 6 – Q-Criterion Visualization
simulations specified by WIPP have been run but they should be
results. Despite this, many things can be modeled accurately
Acknowledgements complete by the deadline in June. From this starting point the
using CFD and may not need experimental testing if the
Special thanks to my faculty mentor Dr. Kidambi Sreenivas as well as the model will continue to be refined and the remaining simulations
process and models have been verified before. UTC SimCenter, AIAA, NASA, and Helden Aerospace. will be completed.

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