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Saturated Steam Tables

A saturated steam table is an indispensable tool
for any engineer working with steam. It's
typically used to determine saturated steam
temperature from steam pressure, or the
opposite: pressure from saturated steam
Since saturated steam pressure and saturated
steam temperature are directly related to one
another, saturated steam tables are generally
available in two different formats: based on
pressure and based on temperature.

P = Pressure of the steam/water

T = Saturation point of steam/water (boiling point)
vf = Specific volume of saturated water (liquid).
vg = Specific volume of saturated steam (gas).
hf = Specific enthalpy of saturated water (energy
required to heat water from 0°C (32°F) to the
boiling point)
hfg = Latent heat of evaporation (energy required to
transform saturated water into dry saturated
hg = Specific enthalpy of saturated steam (total energy
required to generate steam from water at 0°C
Superheated Steam Tables
The thermodynamics steam tables contain the following tables:
– Saturated water and steam temperature tables: In these
tables for every temperature the absolute pressure,
specific volume for saturated water and saturated steam,
specific enthalpy for saturated water and saturated steam
and specific entropy for saturated and saturated steam are
– Saturated water and steam pressure tables: In these tables
for every pressure the temperature, specific volume for
saturated water and saturated steam, specific enthalpy for
saturated water and saturated steam and specific entropy
for saturated and saturated steam is given.
– Specific volume of superheated steam: In this table for
every pressure the saturation temperature and the specific
volume at various temperatures are given.
– Enthalpy of superheated steam: In this table for every
pressure the saturation temperature and the enthalpy
of superheated steam at various temperatures are
– Entropy of superheated steam: In this table for every
pressure the saturation temperature and the entropy
of superheated steam at various temperatures are
– Specific volume of superheated steam: In this table at
every absolute pressure the specific volume of
supercritical steam is given.
– Enthalpy of supercritical steam: In this table at every
absolute pressure the enthalpy of supercritical steam
is given.
Nilai yang terkait dengan uap superheated tidak
dapat diperoleh melalui table uap jenuh biasa,
namun memerlukan penggunaan table Superheated
Steam . Hal ini karena suhu uap Superheated tidak
seperti uap jenuh, dapat sangat bervariasi untuk
tekanan yang sama.

Sebenarnya, beberapa kemungkinan kombinasi

tekanan suhu begitu besar sehingga hampir tidak
mungkin mengumpulkan semuanya dalam satu tabel.
Akibatnya, sejumlah besar table Superheated Steam
menggunakan nilai tekanan-suhu perwakilan untuk
membentuk tabel ringkasan.
How to Use the Steam Table

We will now become familiar with this formula:

h = hf + xL
where x is dryness fraction and L = hg - hf
• By the above formula, if we know the dryness fraction of steam, we
can calculate the enthalpy of wet steam, and its value would lie
between that of the saturated water and saturated steam.
• For example if the dryness fraction is 0.8 for steam at 9 bars
absolute pressure in bars.
• Referring to the steam table above, hf = 743 kJ/Kg, L = 2031 kJ/Kg,
h = 743 + 0.8 x 2031 = 2367.8 kJ/Kg
• This is a simple sample calculation; for more complex ones, please
refer to your book on thermodynamics, but the essence is the same
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