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CE203303 - PSoC 5LP Breathing LED

1. This example uses two PWMs and an XOR gate to make an LED gradually cycle
through increasing and decreasing brightness. There is no CPU usage beyond PWM
2. The PWMs was changed from 8-bit to 16-bit to get more precise control of the
breathing rate.
3. The Pin LED configuration was changed from P2[1] to P6[2] since the LED on our kit
board was P6[2].
4. We did not had an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) so we couldn’t design a
potentiometer based control of breathing rate. Since potentiometer does not take
analog input, so we require a Analog to Digital converter.

1. Max. Period of PWM 1 is 51.2ms

2. Max. Period of PWM 2 is 50.4ms
CE95375 - SPI Master and DMA with PSoC 5LP
1. This example project demonstrate SPI communication between SPI master
and SPI slave components using 8-byte Tx and Rx software buffers at 1Mbps
bit rate.
2. The appropriate pins i.e., (Master MISO to Slave MISO ; Master MOSI to
Slave MOSI; Master SCLK to Slave SCLK ; Master SS to Slave SS) were
connected together bringing another SPI slave along with the previous SPI
MASTER TX(Transmitted) Data- 0001020304050607
MASTER RX (Received) Data- 0000010203040506

Our received data shifted to two digits towards right. The sending and receiving of
data was not done at the same time for the device , but instead in sequence, the
manner of sending / receiving data may vary , the clock polarity may vary, where the
device clocks the data may vary, Some devices might need delays between data bytes.
Some devices might need some obscure handling of the Slave Select pin in order to
work .
CE95376 - SPI Slave and DMA with PSoC 5LP
1. This example project demonstrate SPI communication between SPI master
and SPI slave components using 8-byte Tx and Rx software buffers at
1Mbps bit rate.
2. The appropriate pins i.e., (Master MISO to Slave MISO ; Master MOSI to
Slave MOSI; Master SCLK to Slave SCLK ; Master SS to Slave SS) were
connected together bringing another SPI slave along with the previous SPI
CE95323 - Hardware Fan Control with PSoC 5LP
This example project demonstrates the unique benefit of the Fan Controller
component whereby the fan control algorithm is implemented entirely in
digital hardware blocks inside PSoC with zero intervention by PSoC’s MCU
core. This example project also demonstrates the component’s ability to
detect fan stall and other fault conditions. It is intended for users who need
to get up and running quickly on a full-featured fan control application.
1. The Thermal Management Expansion Board Kit (EBK) supports,Fan control
of up to four 4-wire fans (both firmware or hardware based), but since as we
were not provided with the CY8CKIT-036 PSoC® Thermal Management
Expansion Board Kit, so we could not actually got the output.
2. The output was not completey obtained due to the unavailability of the 2
fans and we got the following output.
The output display was

4500 STALL %
CE95324 - I2C LCD with PSoC 5LP
This example project demonstrates the functionality on the I2C LCD
component. In this example project I2C LCD component is used to display
a custom set of the NXP PCF2119x compatible LCD module. It also
demonstrate the example of usage of address macros and custom
commands .
1. After making the default configuration and setting the LCD on the
breadboard , the Serial Data (SDA) pin (P_4[1]) and Serial Clock(SCL) pin
(P_4[0]) was connected to Pin 4 and 5 of the LCD module respectively.
The LCD reset pin P_3[5] was connected to pin 7 of the LCD module.
2. The button pin P_1[7] was connected to a button (SW1 on PSoC 5LP
3. After building and programming the whole project , no preferable output
was observed , even after connecting the different pins
CE95295 - 8-bit UDB Counter with PSoC 5LP
This project contains an example for the use of the Counter, ISR and clock
components. A clock is connected to Count input of Counter via a Sync
block. On each rising edge of this clock signal, the Counter will be
decremented by one count. The Counter is configured to trigger interrupt
on terminal count event. This simple example reads the Counter Period,
Count and Compare values and displays them on the LCD module.
TC P0_4: This pin gives a high pulse when the count value becomes zero.
Compare output P0_5: This pin goes high when the counter value is less than
the compare value.
Results :
Char LCD displays the following:
1st row:
Counter Period = 64
2nd row:
Compare value = 32
CE95339-Operational Amplifiers (OpAmp)
1. This example project demonstrates the working of OpAmp with OpAmp mode and
Power mode High Power.


Vin = 0.5V
Vout = 1V

Gain = Vout/Vin = 2 which is

same as the theoretical value
CE95342-Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA)

1. This example project demonstrates the working of the PGA component with Gain 1
and Power mode set to Medium Power.
2. This project explains the working of PGA component. When the board is powered ON,
PGA component starts and produces analog output depending on the input provided
and the PGA parameter setting. The output can be seen on the multimeter on pin
specified in the design.
Expected Results: Actual Results:
• Character LCD displays the following:
PGA DEMO Multimeter Readings:
Gain = 1 Vin = 1.13V
• The PGA output should be equal to Vout = 0.80V
the voltage value, which is calculated
using the formula : Since Vref = 0,
Vout = Vref +(Vin – Vref) * G Gain(G) = Vout/Vin = 0.707
where Vout, Vin, Vref are termed as
PGA output, input, reference voltages
respectively. G is termed as PGA gain,
which is a positive value.
• In this example project Vref is equal
to 0 since it is internally connected to
CE95342- Inverting Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA)

1. This example project demonstrates the working of the Inverting PGA component
with Gain 1 and Power mode set to Medium Power.
2. This project explains the working of PGA_Inv component. When the board is
powered ON, PGA_Inv component starts and produces analog output depending
on the input provided and the PGA_Inv parameter setting. The output can be seen
on the multimeter on pin specified in the design.


Vref = 0.496V
Vin = 0.5V

Theoretical calculations:
Vout = Vref + (Vin – Vref) x Gain
Given, gain = 1,
Vout = 0.504V

Experimental results: Vout = 0.496V

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