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Ecology Project

Relationships in Ecosystems
Some species at the beach are sea urchin,
crabs and pelicans. Pelicans are
accidentally caught by fisherman, sea
urchins are damaging kelp forests, and
crabs are being harvested faster than they
can reproduce

Biotic factors are
both helping and
harming the Wind causes
ecosystem, biotic waves in the
factors such as ocean and erodes
sea urchins are rocks on the
harming the kelp. beaches. The sun
continued.. Different biotic affects the water
factors in the temp, which
ecosystem affects the
compete for the metabolism of
same prey. Such organisms in it.
as pelicans and
Cycles of Matter and Energy in
Connections to the carbon cycle,
biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Movement of energy
through trophic levels
Photosynthesis, cellular respiration
Ecosystem Dynamics functioning
and Resilience:
● Homeostasis is affected because it can interfere with
food webs, fishing, and the transferring of toxins from
each animal, which in turn can be transfer to us
● This affects the species because animals mistake the
floating plastic for food, causing death because plastic
is not to be ingested.
● Human interference has affected pollution levels
marine life, and erosion rates, which in turn has altered
the normal routine of beaches. Beach life is changing,
as human impact continues.
Ecosystem Dynamics functioning
and Resilience(Cont.):

● The impact of human behavior on the ocean is vast.
● Oceans absorb CO2, decreasing the water's pH levels.
● The lower, or more acidic, the pH of the world's oceans, the more stress is
put on marine organisms, including sensitive-to-change coral reefs.


● The ocean and coastal ecosystems provide nearly a million jobs in the
United States through fishing, recreation, and tourism.
● More than 180 million people visit the ocean and the coast for recreational
purposes each year.
● In fact, over 50% of people living on Earth live within 50 miles of the coast
and the ocean. Even if you don’t live near the ocean, you are still
dependent on it.
*All according to Texas Gateway 6
Importance of and dependence on
Marine biodiversity needs to be protected because us humans are
dependent on the Earth's resources for their livelihood, health and well
being In Belize, efforts have been made to conserve the incredible
biodiversity that exists in the country. In addition to seasonal closures
and catch limits on some fishery products, many national parks and
marine reserves have been established in an effort to protect these
natural areas. Having diverse ecosystems makes organisms and
systems more resilient to and when they are more resistant, they are
able to then continue to provide the following benefits:
● Protection of water resources (e.g. Mangrove forests trap silt)
● Nutrient Storage and Cycling
● Pollution Breakdown and Absorption
● Contributes to Climactic Stability
● Recovery from unpredictable events (e.g. hurricanes)
● Food
● Medicinal Resources
● Recreation 7
How to The national geographic has a
make list to use to help the oceans
change change and heal. That is…..

1. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption. …
a. Such as reducing the amount of time spent driving
b. Riding bikes instead of driving
2. Make Safe, Sustainable Seafood Choices. ...
3. Use Fewer Plastic Products. ...
4. Help Take Care of the Beach. ...
5. Don't Purchase Items That Exploit Marine Life. ...
6. Be an Ocean-Friendly Pet Owner. ...
7. Support Organizations Working to Protect the Ocean. ...
8. Influence Change in Your Community.

These changes will help species
How it thrive and heal from the harm
affects that mankind has caused. It will
biodiversity be a long process.

We believe that we can all make
a change by simply cleaning up
and not littering. Even if you
Our own clean up after yourself, if you see
ideas other garbage pick it up.

Our plan to save this ecosystem
was creating an instagram that
Our Plan spreads awareness for this awful

Our Instagram

We made an instagram account to spread awareness of this problem.

We even got a pledge from a Texan!
Hutchinson, Brian. “7 Ways To Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution Today.” 7 Ways To Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution

"Stories of Animals, Nature, and Culture." National Geographic. 14 May 2019


“Welcome to Belize!” Reef Briefs, Belize Barrier Reef, 2015,

Daniels, Natosha. “Marine Biodiversity: What Is It...and Why It Is so Important?” Marine Biodiversity: What Is It and
Why It Is so Important? Reef Briefs, All About the Belize Barrier Reef, 10 Dec. 2014,

Safina, Carl. "Threats to the oceans and what we should do about them." Medium. 08 June 2017. Medium.
15 May 2019 <
"The 5 Oceans of the World - Maps and Details." World Atlas - Maps, Geography, travel. 22 Mar. 2016. 15
May 2019 <>.

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