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V ´That part of total repertoire of human action (and its

product) which is socially, as opposed to genetically

transmitted .µ
V E.B Tylor says ´Culture of civilization is that complex
whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom and other capabilities and habits acquired by man
as a member of society.µ
V Kluckhohn says ´ The total life way of a people.µ
V Geert Hofstede says ´ Culture is the s/w of the mind ² the
social programming that runs the way we think act and
percieve ourselves and others. In other words, your brain is
simply the h/w that runs the cultural programming.µ
V The implication is that culture is not innate.
V It is learned behaviour and hence can be changed.
V Is the characteristically human product of social
V Provides socially acceptable pattern for meeting
bilogical and social needs.
V Is cumulative for it is handed down from generation
to generation in a given society.
V Is meaningful to human beings because of its
symbolic quality
V Is learned by each person in the course of his
development in a particular society.
V Is therefore a basic determinant of personality
V Depends for its existence upon the continued
functioning of society but is independent of any
individual or group.
°) Knowledge and Beliefs
2) Ideals
3) Preferences
V The social structure and the integration of
traits, complexes and patterns that make up
the cultural system.
V Determined to a large extent by major social
V ¢anner in which a social system or an
individual fits into physical or social envt
V Eg: An Indian settling in USA adapting to that
V ¢essage for biz : the firm and its people
should adapt to envt of different mkts.
V Important to know the nature of cultural
envt. For successful formulation of biz
VA feeling of confusion, insecurity and anxiety
caused by strangeness in new envt.
V Eg:Youngster born and brought up in large
city posted to bank in village areas.
V Elements transmitted among generation, may be
even to a different culture
V It is cumulative.
V Handed down by parents, teachers, elders
(Downward), Teachers and elders immitating students
and teenagers (Upward).
V Vertical, Horizontal ( Contemporaries) Eg. Styles of
dress, learning & reading habits etc.
V Takes place by Symbolic communication.
Eg.Literature, TV, film.
V Facilitates cultural diffusion(place to place)
V Transmission is easy in places with high edu levels
and well organized communication systems
V Imporatnce in biz : Identify refernce grp and extend
of their influence.
V Individuals tend either to conform to the
cultural norms or to deviate from them.
V A student who abides by rules of his school
discipline does his homeworks prompty and
studies properly is conforming to his role
V Blind conformity-difficult to market new
revolutionary ideas, special efforts needed to
change attitude of people.
V By William F. Orgburn says ´ The various
parts of modern culture do not change at
same rate.
V Cultural lag places constraints on scope of
social change through technological dvpt.
V Eg: people·s nation abt birth control.

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