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Explain two or more issues caused by

ageing population. (8)

Ageing population is increase number of median aged population of 65 years and above.
Issues: Explaination
1. Demographic With healthy diet and strong family ties in Japan people will live longer thus women
will have fewer children and this cause a reduce in Birth rate. Japan is one of the
country with the lowest Birth rate. In Japan since there is lower working hours this
prevent them from socializing thus less get into married and have children.
2. Social Burden of care for elderly …

3.Economic With the reduce in fertility rate resulted in shrinking of young workforce i.e. from 8
million in 1990 to 5.3 million in 2015. With a decrease in tax payers and increase
elderly population, put further stress to government in providing
health care and social welfare for older population.
4. Political

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