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Indian Contract

Act, 1872

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Chapter ² 1
Nat re and Eential
of a Contract

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

`The term ´Contractµ in ordinary ene mean an

agreement between two peron
The law of contract eek to reg late the behavior of
peron who make contract, o that any conflict
arie between thee peron later may be reolved
eaning of Contract:
Sec 2 (h) define a contract: ´ An agreement
enforceable by law i a contractµ
eg C make an agreement with D to ell him ome
good for R 25000

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

[ invite a friend S to dinner He make elaborate

preparation S fail to t rn p for dinner and all the
preparation made by  go wate Since thi wa a
contract between the partie,  cannot take S to
co rt for legal action againt him for breaking the
commitment to come for the dinner

  How co ld it be aid that the above wa not a

contact altho gh it wa clearly an agreement
between the two friend

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Essential of Valid Contract

1An Agreement or offer and acceptance:
-Agreement = Propoal + their acceptance
-Agree  t made by two peron, one i making
offer and another i accepting thi offer
2Intention to create legal relation
-Co rt wo ld like to mea re the degree of
erio ne
-Not every looe converation, not any exchange of
pleaantrie, not a ca al ocial commitment,
conider a a contact

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Indian Contract Act, 1872

3Competentnce of Partie
Everybody i able to make contract except inor,
Peron of Uno nded mind,
Peron who are di alified by any other law
´Something in Ret rnµ
eg  promie to S that He will b y hi bike for
5ree Conent
If the partie make the agree witho t any kind of
pre re or mig idance, then the agree wo ld be
the re lt of ree Conent
´Conen  ad itemµ between partie, which mean
that there m t be complete ndertanding of each
other· mind between them

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

6Lawf l object and conideration

eg I will kill yo r if yo will give mw 100 bottle
7Not exprely declared void (Cancelled) agreement
Alway void ie witho t legal effect beca e of their
nat re
eg Agree made witho t conideration
Agree to do impoible act
Agree on the meaning of which ncertain etc
8Certain ormalitie
-Neceary f lfillment of certain formalitie for
making certain pecific type of contract
-ade in written or in preence of witne

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Indian Contract Act, 1872

Case Law





 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

Chapter ² 2


 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872


  6ormation of Agreement required two steps ,
making of a proposal by one person and
acceptance of this proposal by other.
  Agreement= Offer + their acceptance

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

The Propoal or Offer

Sec 2 (a) define an offer in thee word:
´When one peron ignifie to another
hi willingne to do or to abtain from doing
with a view to obtaining the aent (acceptance) of
that other to  ch act or abtinence, he i aid to
make a propoalµ
eg R tell S : ´ I am ready to ell my machine for
R000,are yo ready to b yµ
Thi i clear offer from R to S

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

Re irement for Valid Offer

1Offer m t be expre or implied
- t be made in a manner which leave no do bt abo t
-Propoal made in word, the promie i aid to be
expre, and propoal mad otherwie than in word, it i aid
to be implied
eg  tell S : ´Can yo repair my comp terµ ² Expre
A treet eller of photo-alb m  ietly extend a
piece before a paer ²by who take it in hi poeion-
Implied offer to ell
2Offer m t intend to create legal relation
3Offer m t be certain and not vag e in meaning
Offer m t be definite and certain in meaning

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

Offer may be pecific or General

There m t be detination of offer
-If offer i targeted for one pecific peron, it i called a
pecific offer
-If it i targeted for the whole world at large, it i called
general offer eg Advertiement

5 Offer m t be comm nicated


6Offer m t be diting ihed from invitation to offer

eg Availability of ook in ook Store being available for
letting o t Diplay of  it with price tag-All are example of
invitation to offer Advertier may or may not ell thi

eg P blihing of Time Table by railway are example of

expreion of an intention

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

What i difference between Invitation to Offer and General

Invitation to Offer: Aim at taking the c tomer to the
advertier to tart negotiation
General Offer: Aim at leading the offeree (to whom offer
made) to the performance of pecified condition which
wo ld amo nt to acceptance of offer
7An Offer ho ld not contain a term forcing an
action on Offeree
eg  tell S that in cae no reply i receiving from S
within day , it will treated a acceptance of hi offer
S are not bo nd by thi offer

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

The Acceptance

Sec 2 (b) ´When a peron to whom the propoal i made ,

ignifie hi aent thereto, the propoal i aid to be
A propoal , when accepted become a promie
Re irement for Valid Acceptance
1y a proper peron-
-The proper peron to accept the offer i the one to
whom it i targeted
-Offeror cannot be forced to be bo nd in a contract
with a peron with whom he did not want to be involved

2Within proper time

Time pecified by Offeror
eg Advertiement of IPO

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

3 t be abol te and n alified(total and witho t

Offeree ho ld neither add to nor red ce from the
offer anything from hi ide
- offer to ell hi Car to S at R20,000 S accept the
offer with the condition that payment hall take after a
Thi i co nter offer from S to  The offer
from  tand rejected

 t be Comm nicated

ental acceptance i no acceptance

5 t be given in a proper ode

-If Offeror precribed ay mode of acceptance , it m t
be adopted by offeree for acceptance Eg by fax, by
mail, by regitered pot etc

eg A make an offer to  and ay : ´If yo accept the

offer, replay by e-mail onlyµ  end the reply by pot
 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872
6Accepatnce m t  cceed the offer
Two identical cro offer can not form an
eg A end a letter to  containing an offer Almot
at the ame time,  alo end a latter to A containing an
offer on exactly ame line The two offer cro each other
d ring potal jo rney So they called identical cro offer
Can both of them together form an agreement between A
and  on the logic that they repreent a common deire and
common ndertanding 
Only two offer are made and there i no acceptance

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

7 Offer once rejected can not be accepted

 make an offer to give job to H at R 7000 pm alary S
ay, ´No, I want R 8000 pm month  ref e S ay, ´ Alright ,
I will work for R7000µ  ay , ´I am not intereted in yo µ
There i no contract between  and S beca e · initial offer
came in to end with it rejection by S thro gh a co nter offer
Now, it i S· offer to work for R 7000 which  i rejecting £ 


 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

Comm nication of Offer, Acceptance and

1Comm nication of Offer
An offer i aid to have been made when it
come to knowledge of the other peron for
whom it wa intended
2Comm nication of Acceptance
or Acceptance two tep re ired: (i) Offeree
tranmit hi acceptance and (ii) eage
reache the Offeror
rogden V etropolitan railway Co
i Comm nication of acceptance from offeree i
binding pon the Offeror a oon a the latter of
acceptance i poted o a to be beyond the
Offeree· control
ii Comm nication of acceptance from offeree i
binding pon the offeree himelf only when it
come to the knowledge of the Offeror

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

eg r X end a letter of offer to Y on A g t 5 which

may reach Y on A g t 10 Y pot hi letter of
acceptance on A g t 15 which may come to
knowledge of X on A g t 20
Offer aid to be made on = A g t 10
Offer aid to be accepted for Y on = A g t 15
Offer aid to be accepted for X on = A g t 20
Poition of time gap between A g t 15 to A g t 20 =
Thi time i available for Y to withdraw hi acceptance

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

3Comm nication for Revocation

Sec 5 provide r le abo t revocation of offer and
acceptance It tate:
´A propoal may be revoked at any time before the
comm nication of it acceptance i complete from
acceptor a againt the propoer, b t not afterwardµ
´An acceptance may be revoked at any time before the
comm nication of the acceptance i complete a
againt the acceptor ,b t not afterwardµ

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

X make an offer to Y on 5th ay, it reach to Y on 10th ay

Y poted of hi acceptance to X on 15th ay It reache to
X on 20th ay

X end withdrawal of hi offer on th ay, it reache to Y

on 1th ay
-It will come to effect on 1th ay only, even tho gh X
end on th ay It i called revocation of offer

Y end withdrawal of hi acceptance on 17th ay , it

reache to X on 1th ay
-It will come to effect on 1th ay only, not on 17th ay
It i called revocation of Acceptance

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

1 X make an offer to Y on 1th ay, it reach to Y on 5th

J ne When Offer i completed
-It i competed only on 5th J ne

2 Y poted of hi acceptance to X on 10th J ne It reache

to X on 30th J ne When acceptance i completed
- It i completed only on 30th J ne

3 X want to withdraw hi offer, which i the lat date

-It m t be before 10th J ne, not thereafter

 Y want to cancel hi acceptance, which i the lat date

for cancellation
-It m t be before 30th J ne, not thereafter

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

  Lo of letter of Acceptance in the Potal tranit

Acceptance i complete a againt Offeror a oon
a the letter of acceptance i poted The contract i
completed even if the letter of acceptance lot in
the pot
 t it i important that the latter of acceptance i
correctly addreed,  fficiently tamped and
  Contract over telephone or telex or oral
comm nication
The offeree m t make  re that hi acceptance i
properly received ie heard and ndertood by the

 ine Law
Indian Contract Act, 1872

When doe an offer come to an end

An offer come to end by Two Revocation or lap and

Rejection of Offer

A Revocation or lap or Withdrawal of Offer (Sec6)

1y comm nication of notice of revocation by Offeror
before it acceptance i completed againt him

2 y lap of time
- X offer Y to ell ome good on 1t ay and agreed
to give him three day time to accept Y accepted
offer on 5th ay

3 y non-f lfillment of condition by offeree

- X offer to ell ome good to Y, if Y give f ll amo nt
before certain date
Indian Contract Act, 1872
y death of Offeror
- If offeree accept the offer in ignorance of the
death of Offeror, the acceptance i valid

5 If co nter offer i made

6If Offer i not accepted according to precribed


7If law i change

 Rejection of Offer by Offeree

1 Expre Rejection ie by word written or poken
2Implied rejection
-when offeree make co nter offer
-When offeree make conditional acceptance
-Not following precribed time

Indian Contract Act, 1872
Cae Law
1 A garment tore gave the following
advertiement in a newpaper: ´Special ale for
tomorrow only en· S it red ced from R
200 to R 100µ I it offer
2 P ay to Q, ´I will ell yo a cameraµ I it
3 A advertie in ToI that he wo ld pay R R200
to anyone who find and ret rn hi knowledge
I it offer
 A offer by a letter to ell hi car to  for R
15000 , at the ame time, offer by letter to
b y A· car for R15000 The two letter cro
each other in the pot I there a contract
between A and 

Indian Contract Act, 1872

£define conideration a follow : ´When at the
deire of the promior, the promiee or any other peron
ha done or abtained from doing, or doe or abtain from
doing, or promie to do or to abtain from doing,
omething,  ch act or abtinence or promie i
called a conideration for promieµ

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Legal R le a to Conideration

1Conideration at the deire of the promior

eg A ave · good from fire witho t being aked to do
o A can not demand payment for hi ervice
2 Coni from promiee or any other peron
It i immaterial who provide the conideration for a
peron· promie o long a conideration i there
3 Con may be pat, preent or f t re
Pat Con : A find · Son and  promie to pay
A 10000
Preent Con : At the time of making promie
 t re Con : A promie to deliver good to  when the
hip arrive and b promie to pay A R 1000 againt the
receipt of good It f t re, a both the partie will
perform after the arrival of hip

Indian Contract Act, 1872

 Con need not be ade ate

eg X ell hi ho e worth R 1 lac for R 100 to Y
5 Con m t be real and not ill ory
i Phyically Impoibility
eg X promie to p t life into Y· dead wife ho ld Y
pay him R 500
ii Legal Impoibility
iii Uncertain Conideration
6Con m t be omething which promior not already bo nd
to d e
eg There wa a promie to pay to the Vakil an additional
 m if the cae wa  ccef l
7It m t not be illegal, immoral or oppoed to p blic policy

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Exceptions (Sec. 25)



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Indian Contract Act, 1872

Capacity to Contract



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Indian Contract Act, 1872

  According to Indian inority Act,
1875, a peron who ha completed
hi 18th year of age i conidered too
be minor

Indian Contract Act, 1872
  Law Relating to minor· Agreement:

1Abol tly Void

Agree of minor i abol tely void and n llify
eg A minor take loan of R 20000 from moneylender and
p t mortgage of hi ho e in favor of moneylender Later,
minor tarted an action to get the mortgage cancelled

2 Agree may be enforced for minor· benefit

eg A minor may give loan to a peron and the
borrower may ref e to ret rn money on the gro nd
that agreement i void
- ndamental r le, aim to protect the minor

Indian Contract Act, 1872

3 ´R le of Etoppelµ doe not apply againt minor

-If minor milead the other party to believe that he i
of the majority age, and then ome benefit get nder an
agreement , he will be permitted to deny latter the fact that
he wa of minority age Thereby , he will have no liability
toward the other party

 Normally , no retit tion wo ld be permitted

-No recovery from inor
Law regarding retit tion i according to Sec33 of Specific
Relief Act 163

5Apprenticehip agreement are enforceable

S ch Agreement are made for minor· benefit to enable him
to ac ire kill nder trained peron for f t re
-Agreement m t be made nder Apprentice Act 161

Indian Contract Act, 1872
6 Service argee for minor i not enforceable
eg ilm Prod cer agreed with the g ardian of minor girl to
give to the girl the role in hi film Later, he gave role to
other girl Can girl make cae on ilm prod cer

7 Normally , pecific performance of promie hall not be

Agree y minor may be ordered for pecific performance if
ome condition are atified
i It i made by g ardian on behalf
ii The G ardian i competent to make that agreement
iii The agreement for minor· benefit

8 No ratification on attaining majority age

eg K (minor) take loan from  of R10000 and give
promiory note in favor of  K will not be liable nder thi
P/Note even after attaining majority age by K

Indian Contract Act, 1872

 inor· liability for necearie

If peron provide any  pport or neceitie to minor who
are not enable to make contract, thi peron who had
provide neceity have right to reimb re from the property
of the minor, beca e it i benefit of the minor
10inor a a member of partnerhip firm
-inor can not be partner
11inor a hareholder
A minor can become a hareholder in a company
thro gh hi g ardian who will act a hi tr tee
inor directly can not entered into contract with the
12inor a an agent
A minor can be appointed a a agent beca e agent do not
inc r peronal Liability

Indian Contract Act, 1872

13Poition of inor· Parent

-Parent are not liable for inor· act
1 Poition of a joint contract of major and minor
-inor will not be liable major (ad lt) are liable
15 Inolvency of inor
- Co rt can not be declared inolvency by co rt

Indian Contract Act, 1872

.   / 
   ($ %0(

Indian Contract Act, 1872

ree Conent

According to Sec 13 ¶Two or more peron are aid to conent when

they agree pon the ame thing in the ame ene·
Thi mean that there ho ld be perfect identity of mind
(conen  ad idem) regarding the  bject-matter of contract
According to Sec 1 conent i aid to be free when it i not ca ed
by any of the following :
1 Coercion
2 Und e Infl ence
3 ra d
5 itake

Indian Contract Act, 1872

  i A ha two car, one bl e and other red He want

to ell hi bl e car  who know of only A· red car,
offer to p rchae A· car for R 20000 A accept the
offer thinking that it i for hi bl e car Thi i no
conent beca e both the partie are not
ndertanding the ame thing in the ame ene

  ii If  goe to A and on the point of pitol ak A to

ell hi red car for  m of R 20000 to him, there i
conent beca e both are ndertanding that red
car i the  bject matter of the conent, b t the
conent i not free beca e it ha been obtained by

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Undue Influence
  Und e infl ence i the improper e of any power
poeed over the mind of the contracting party
  According to Sec 16 a contract i aid to be affected by
nd e infl ence when:
-(a) the relation  biting between the partie are  ch
that one of the partie i in a poition to dominate the
will of the other, and
(b) Ue that poition to obtain an nfair advantage over

Indian Contract Act, 1872

  The peron deemed to be in poition to dominate the will

of the other
- Where he hold a real or apparent a thority over the
other like mater and Servant , child and parent

-Where he tand in a fid ciary relationhip ( t al

tr t and confidence) like religio  g r and follower,
doctor and patient, lawyer and client

- Where he make a contract with a peron whoe

mental capacity i temporarily or permanently
affected by reaon of age, illne or mental or body

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Burden of Proof
  The peron who claim nd e infl ence ha to prove
that it wa the ca e of contract He ha to prove
that pre-exiting relationhip, the poition of
domination, and the mi e of the poition

Indian Contract Act, 1872
Difference Between Coercion and Undue Influence
1.Mode of Obtaining Consent
- In Coercion ,Consent obtained by threatening to act.
- In U.I. , Consent obtained by using dominating power.
2. Type of 6orce
-In Coercion, physical force is exercised.
- In U.I. , Moral forced is used.
3. Existence of Relationship
-relationship between the promisor and the promisee is not
-Some sort of relationship MUST exist between the two parties
to the contract.

Indian Contract Act, 1872

  ra d mean method of mileading a peron deliberately
to ca e in him a wrong ndertanding of o a to
obtaining that· peron· conent for a contact

  Eg  falely tell R that the car that he wa offering to

ell wa once owned by Sachin Tend lkar Thi i a fra d
againt R committed to obtain hi conent to p rchae
the car

Indian Contract Act, 1872

  irepreentation i a fale repreentation made
innocently witho t any intention of deceiving the other
party It may incl de two thing:
(a) Wrong tatement of a material fact not known to be
(b) Non-diclo re of the fact where there i a large
d ty to dicloe witho t any intention to deceive

Indian Contract Act, 1872
Diff. between 6raud and Misrepresentation
1 Intention:
- In fra d, there i intention to deceive (milead to
-In i , there i no intention to deceive

2 Cone ence:
-In ra d, damage can be available to the affected
party for the lo  ffered 
-In i , no  ch damage are available

3 Defene:
-In ra d, the g ilty party doe not have any defene
in it favor
In i , the g ilty party have defene in it favor

Indian Contract Act, 1872

  A mitake mean an error in ndertanding the
fact relevant for formation of a contract

Indian Contract Act, 1872

[ X , a poor widow, borrowed R 3000 from a money-lender at
100% per ann m rate of interet for the p rpoe of enabling her
to etablih her right of maintenance I he liable to replay the
loan on thee term
[ No, thi i an nconcionable tranaction and th 
amo nt to a contract ca ed by nd e infl ence
  A woman went to a jeweller, falely repreented herelf to be a
wife of Sachin Tend lkar and took with her a ring on the
pretext of getting the approval of her h band  She depoit the
ring with r Kambli Can the jeweller recover the ring from r
% Ye, beca e , there wa a mitake of identity on the part
of the jeweller, Th  the agreement wa void

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Void Agreement
1 Agreement made by incompetent partie (Sec 11)
Everybody i able to make contract except
Peron of Uno nded mind,
Peron who are di alified by any other law

2 Agree the conideration or object of which i nlawf l

in part (Sec 2)
I will kill yo r if yo will give mw 100 bottle wine

3 Agree ade witho t conideration (Sec 25)

 Agree in retraint of marriage (Sec26)

reedom of choice in marriage ha been g aranteed to
every peron who i major in age

Indian Contract Act, 1872

5 Agree in retraint of trade (Sec 27)

X and Y were competitor hopkeeper in a locality in S rat Y
agreed to pay X , a  m of money if he wo ld cloe hi
b ine in that locality X did o b t Y ref e to pay
6 Agree in retraint of legal proceeding (Sec 28)
7 Agree the meaning of which i ncertain (Sec 2)
8 Agree by way of wager (Sec 30)
A agree with  that if there i a rain on a certain
day, A will pay  R 50 If there i no rain  will pay R
A bet on hore race
A bet on winning or looing of cricket match
 Agree to do impoible act (Sec 56)
10 Agreement made nder a m t al mitake of the fact
(Sec 20)

Indian Contract Act, 1872





Indian Contract Act, 1872



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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872


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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872


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Indian Contract Act, 1872


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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872



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Indian Contract Act, 1872






Indian Contract Act, 1872





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Indian Contract Act, 1872


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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872

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Indian Contract Act, 1872



Indian Contract Act, 1872


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Indian Contract Act, 1872

Q ai Contract

  There i no offer, no acceptance, no conen  ad

idem and in fact neither agreement nor promie

  Thee contact contit ted by the Law, and therefore

termed a Q ai Contact

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Kind of Q ai Contract (Sec 68 to 72)

1 S pply of necearie
2 Payment by an intereted peron
3 Obligation to pay for non-grat ito  act
eg r X , a trader, leave good at Y· ho e by
mitake Y treat the good a hi own He i bo nd to
pay for them to X
 Reponibility of inder of Good
r X pick p a diamond on the floor of Y· hop He
hand it over to Y to keep it till tr e owner i fo nd o t
No one appear to claim it for  ite ome week inpite
of the wide advertiement in the newpaper X claim
the diamond from Y who ref e to ret rn Y i bo nd to
ret rn the diamond to X who i entitled to retain the
diamond againt the whole world except tr e owner

Indian Contract Act, 1872

The finder can ell the good in the following cae:

  1When the thing fo nd i in danger of perihing

  2When the owner cannot be fo nd o t
  3 When the owner i fo nd o t, b t he ref e to pay the
lawf l charge of the finder

5 itake or coercion
eg A and  jointly owe R 100 to C A alone pay the
amo nt to C and  not knowing thi fact, and pay R
100 to C again C i bo nd to pay the amo nt to 

Indian Contract Act, 1872

C  * 
  Q ant m er it mean ´a m ch a earnedµ

  When a peron ha done ome work nder a contact, and

ome event happen which make the f rther
performance of the contact impoible, then the party
who ha performed the work can claim rem neration for
the work he ha already done

Indian Contract Act, 1872

The claim for quantum meruit arises in the

following cases
1 When an agreement i dicovered to be void
eg GE wa employed a a managing director in a
company After he rendered ervice for three month It
wa fo nd that the director were not  alified to appoint
2 When omething i done witho t any intention to do o
grat ito ly
3 When there i an expre or implied contract to render
ervice, b t there i no agreement a to rem neration
In  ch cae, reaonable rem neration i payable
eg There wa an implied agreement between P and a fire
brigade for the ervice of the brigade
 When an indiviible contract i completely performed b t
Indian Contract Act, 1872

Kind of Contract (Sec 68 to 72)







3  3  

Indian Contract Act, 1872
1 Claification of Contract on the bai of Enforceability:
a Valid Contract:


b Void Contract:

c Illegal Contract:

d Unenforceable Contract:

Indian Contract Act, 1872

2 Claification of Contract on the bai of ode of

a Expreed Contract:

b Implied Contract:

Claification of Contract on the bai of Extent of
Exec tion
a Exec ted Contract

b Exec tory Contract

Indian Contract Act, 1872



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