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Chapter 6 Section 2

 Explain the relationship between DNA, genes,

and proteins
 Outline the basic steps in making a protein
 Describe 3 types of mutations, and provide an
example of a gene mutation
 Describe 2 examples of uses of genetic
 Almost every body cell contains about 2
meters of DNA!

 How does it all fit into a small cell?

 How does this DNA hold a code for certain

 DNA is wound around proteins and coiled and
bundled into strands

 DNA and proteins are bundled into

chromosomes in the nucleus

 This structure allows DNA to hold information

 The order of the bases on one side of the
molecule is a code that carries information

 Gene: a string of nucleotides that give the cell

information about how to make a specific trait
1. DNA in nucleus codes for proteins that
determine traits
2. DNA is part of chromatin. Long strands of
chromatin are bundled in the nucleus
3. A single strand of chromatin is made up of a
long strand of DNA that is coiled around
4. Each strand of DNA contains 2 halves (double
5. When a cell divides it packages the chromatin
into chromatids. 2 chromatids make a
 Groups of 3 bases are the codes for specific
amino acids
• Ex. CCA codes for proline
• Ex. AGC codes for serine
 A long string of amino acids forms a protein

 Each gene is a set of instructions for making a

 Proteins act as chemical triggers & messengers
for processes in cells

 Proteins help to determine traits (hair color,

height, etc.)

 We have 1000’s of genes that code for 1000’s

of proteins
 RNA: another type of molecule that helps make
proteins (ribonucleic acid)

 Similar to DNA

 Provides a temporary copy of a DNA sequence

 There are several forms of RNA that do the work

of changing code into proteins
1. Make a copy of 1 side of DNA

2. A mirror-like copy of DNA is made out of RNA

(messenger RNA - mRNA)

3. Each group of 3 bases on mRNA codes for 1

amino acid

4. mRNA is fed through the ribosome (“factory”)

5. Molecules of transfer RNA (tRNA) deliver
amino acids to the ribosome

6. Amino acids are dropped off at the ribosome

7. Amino acids are joined to make a protein

8. One protein is produced for each gene
 Mutations: changes that happen accidentally in

 Changes can be in the number, type, or order

of the bases on a piece of DNA

 If a base is left out: deletion

 If a base is added: insertion
 If a wrong base is used: substitution
 3 possible consequences to changes in DNA:
• An improved trait
• No change
• A harmful trait
 There are some cells that can detect an error

 Some mistakes don’t get fixed; sex cell errors

get passed along
 Random errors get copied

 Damage to DNA can also happen

 Harmful chemical or physical agents:

• Ex. High-energy radiation (x-ray, UV rays), asbestos,
chemicals in cigarette smoke
 May cause a gene to produce the wrong protein

 Example: GAA sequence incorrectly copied as


 A simple change in an amino acid can cause

sickle cell anemia
 Genetic Engineering
• Scientists can manipulate individual genes within
• Ex. Genetically engineered plants; new drugs, foods,
 Genetic Identification
• DNA Fingerprinting – identifies unique patterns in an
individual’s DNA
• May be used to solve crimes or identify family relations
• Clones: a new organism with an exact copy of DNA
 Holt Science and Technology: Life Science.
Austin: Holt Rinehart & Winston, 2007. Print.

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