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Organizing Medical

Research Papers (6)

( : !")

Setting of research ( #$): %&'()*?

%+,-./0 12 ?

Research problem ( 3') : %45%678


Quantitative specification of problem ( 3'@A) :


Importance of problem ( 3'OP) : BQ3'RS

9:;(T09, UV+,W5XYZ[\]
( ^: _`)

Research objective ( ab)

Methoolog! to achieve objective

( cdabef)

"nticipate results ( ghiQ)

#ontribution to fiel ( jklI)

mn( : !")
#$ $o etermine the raioactivit! levels in the human brain,
upta%e raiopharmaceuticals can be use in brain imager! to
accuratel! iagnose the earl! stages of brain&relate iseases'
3' (o)ever, accoring to clinical stuies, the amount an
concentration of brain upta%e raiopharmaceuticals have a lo) stabilit!,
ma%ing it impossible to iagnose brain&relate iseases accuratel! an
3'@A More specificall!, the chemical structures of
traitional raiopharmaceuticals (*#+) have too man! sulfur chemical
comple,es, resulting in raioactivit! in the liver'
3'OP Simultaneousl!, the upta%e of raiopharmaceuticals in
brain raioactivit! becomes increasingl! lo)er, ultimatel! ma%ing it
increasingl! ifficult to accuratel! iagnose brain&relate iseases for
clinical purposes'
mn( ^: _`)
ab -ase on the above, )e shoul evelop a high lipophilicit!
raiopharmaceutical metho that uses t)o groups of raiochemistr!, i'e'
amineithiolate ligan (./S) an monothiolate coligan (S), to increase the
raiopharmaceutical high lipophilicit! level in orer to maintain a
raiopharmaceutical stabilit! an h!peractivities'
cdabef $o o so, amineithiolate an monothiolate can be use to
one part of combine 00m$c1s 2 ligan 00m$c1s 3 ligans' In the ne)
raiopharmaceutical, its raiochemical characteristics can then be anal!4e
using a high performance li5ui chromatographic ((67#), )ith its amount
subse5uentl! anal!4e using a thin la!er chromatograph! ($7#)' /e,t, the
characteristics of high lipophilicit! can be anal!4e using a 6artition coefficient
8sing this raiopharmaceutical sample, its raioactivit! can be anal!4e as )ell
using an automatic gamma counter' Raiation tracer characteristics can be
anal!4e using multiple&channel pulse )ave e5uipment' "itionall!, the ne)
raiopharmaceutical serum can be injecte into laborator! mice, )ith the
raiopharmaceutical upta%e number of each mouse organ anal!4e as )ell'
9ollo)ing sacrifice of those mice )ith significant organs e,tracte,the organs
can be )eighe an their raioactivit! levels etermine as )ell' 9inall!, the
bioistribution in laborator! mice can be anal!4e'
mn( ^: _`)
ghiQ "s anticipate, the propose high lipophilicit!
raiopharmaceutical metho can ensure stabilit! in a mouse1s brain
)ith an upta%e number e,ceeing 2:; an other organ1s upta%e
numbers lo)er than 3<;' /e) raiopharmaceuticals can maintain
stabilit! si, hours after fabrication' -loo clearing ratio can then be
lo)er than traitional raiopharmaceuticals use in brain imager!'
jklI Results of this stu! can contribute to efforts to increase
the clinical accurac! of iagnosing brain iseases as earl! as possible
for curative purposes, thus enhancing a ph!sician1s abilit! to achieve
ieal patient management, improve a patient1s 5ualit! of life, ecrease
both the mortalit! rate associate )ith brain&relate iseases an the
relapse rate an, ultimatel!, lo)er the raiation ose of patients )ith
brain&relate iseases'
mn^( : !")
#$ #omputer tomograph! (#$) pla!s a prominent role in iagnosing meical
ailments o)ing to its abilit! to achieve precise treatment )ithout unnecessaril! high
raiation levels that )oul harm patients' Restate, )hile effective in therapeutic
treatment, #$ can not be use uring a routine e,amination' *fforts to integrate #$ into
routine e,aminations is thus of priorit! concern'
3' "lthough meical images are normall! ta%en through conventional ,&ra!
proceures, such proceures are limite in that )hile confine to capturing three&
imensional objects, man! organs overlap each other, ma%ing it impossible to
istinguish bet)een them' #onversel!, #$ can not onl! etect iseases in their earl!
stages, but also more effectivel! treat iseases' /evertheless, #$ is not aopte in
routine e,aminations o)ing to its higher raiation ose than in normal e,aminations'
#onventional meical imager! proceures emit a lo) raiation ose o)ing to the limite
e,posure time'
3'@A 9or instance, a normal chest ,&ra! e,amination, a raiation osage of
onl! <':m=! poses a relativel! lo) ris% to the human bo!' (o)ever, a #$ e,amination
ma! contain ten to t)ent! times higher osage levels than a conventional ,&ra!
e,amination )oul o)ing to the longer e,posure time, possibl! causing human injur!'
3'OP +espite the avantages of #$ images over those of conventional ,&ra!
images, the inabilit! to reuce its raiation ose to a safe level ma%es it impossible to
etect an subse5uentl! treat cancer in its earl! stages' $he feasibilit! of accelerating
the scanning time uring a #$ e,amination must be e,amine, thus reucing raiation
ose levels'
mn^( ^: _`)
ab -ase on the above, )e shoul e,amine the feasibilit! of accelerating the
scanning time uring a #$ e,amination, thus reucing raiation ose levels' >hereas the
human bo! is not proportional )ith respect to thic%ness, the absorbe raiation osage
is all the same'
cdabef $o o so, the abilit! to ensure that the human bo! absorbs a lo)er
raiation ose )ith respect to thic%ness, #$ can be verifie as an effective ph!sical
e,amination proceure for prevention purposes (/.$*: " ?&3 more sentences to more
escribe the methoolog! more completel!)'
ghiQ "s anticipate, anal!sis results can inicate that the accelerate #$ scan
spee can scan front an rear positions of the bo! at var!ing thic%nesses an raiation
osages, subse5uentl! reucing a substantial amount of nonessential osage an
ma%ing #$ highl! promising as a preventive meicine proceure' Such a proceure
)oul significantl! contribute to treatment of lung cancer patients since MRI oes not
have a spo%e beam' =iven that the lo)er number of h!rogen atoms in the lungs oes
not provie ae5uate information for the image signal of MRI (o)ever, #$ can prouce
an accurate image of the lungs, ma%ing it relativel! eas! to etect lung cancer in its earl!
jklI Results of this stu! can emonstrate the abilit! of #$ to reuce the
raiation ose level, ma%es it highl! promising as a preventive measure uring ph!sical
e,aminations to etect lung cancer in its earl! stages'
9urther etails can be foun at

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