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Suggested Curriculum
 This course is designed to give the student
a background in the elements and principles
of design that are used in art.
 Throughout the semester we will study
several art processes, new vocabulary words
and art history. Scheduled projects are:
Drawing - Perspective, Portraits and Cartooning
Painting - Landscapes , Still-Life and Collage
Ceramics – Spring Semester
Sculpture – with wood, found objects and
 Grades are based on a scale from 0-100. Students who
follow the established criteria for each project will receive
satisfactory grades. The student who chooses not to follow
the criteria will have a grade that reflects that choice. *Note:
No inappropriate artwork will be accepted.
 Initiative and Innovationare also considered when the
grades are computed. Use your creativity in all art projects
and let me see you work!
 Final grades are based on the following percentages:
25% Participation
15% Passports and Journals
60% Projects

Homework and Late Work

If a student is behind on a project due to

illness, he or she will be given extended time to

complete the project. But it is the students
responsibility to keep track of and to make
arrangements for deadlines and materials.
Late work is accepted but a 70 is the highest

grade that will be given. Some exceptions can

apply and again it is up to the student to make
plans to turn in any late projects.
1 Spiral Sketchbook (with 1 compass
1 vinyl and 1 rubber
1 plastic Shoebox with lid
1 pkg. of wooden pencils
1 container of watercolors
1 pkg. of 24 count
1 box of Kleenex (girls only)
1 roll of paper towels (boys
1 pkg. 10 count of only)
Markers 1 magazine ready to be
1 pkg. of 12 count of recycled! Newsweek, Time,
Colored Pencils Texas Monthly etc.
2 large glue sticks or 4
regular size glue sticks
Rules and

Do not talk when I am talking.
No gum or candy allowed.
Keep hands, feet, books and objects to your
Use respectful and appropriate language
when speaking to your peers and to your

Verbal warning
Loss of privileges
Parent Contacted
Classroom Procedures
When you first enter the classroom, you are to get out your sketchbook and work
quietly on the Journal topic for the week.
When the teacher is talking or another student has the floor you may not interrupt.
You must get permission to ask a question at this time by raising your hand. Do
not expect to get called on immediately.
During class you may not get out of your seat, unless you need to sharpen your
pencil or get supplies. If you need help, raise your hand and I will come to you.
You may talk quietly in class while working, using table voices.
Every student is responsible for the upkeep of the classroom. Failure to do your
assigned job will result in a phone call to parents and/or a possible detention.
Use materials responsibly - put all materials away in designated areas, use them
for the purpose intended and do not write, paint or draw on others artwork, clothes,
bodies or tables.
Actions which may result in immediate detention and or referral include :talking
disrespectfully to the teacher and physical contact (hitting, shoving, chasing
another student
To use the restroom during class, you

will have to use your school restroom

Each card has 10 signature areas and a

teacher has to sign your pass. No pass –

No bathroom.
You must also use the Restroom Pass

with the lanyard, to get out into the

Tardy Policy  
Tardiesaccumulate through the semester and

start over in the Spring semester. This policy

is not per class, but throughout the school
day A student can accumulate 8 tardies in
one day. 
3 Tardies -Warning notice sent home to parent through student
5  Tardies - ½ day Saturday Detention   9:00-12:00
10 Tardies - Full day Saturday Detention   9:00-3:00
15 Tardies - Mandatory parent conference with academic team
and grade level administrator and Full Day Saturday Detention
and 1 day ISS
20 Tardies - Full day Saturday Detention and 1 day ISS  
21 or More - Student begins Level III misconduct – Persistent
Level II behavior (430) and follows the consequences as defined

The clean-up process is very important
in art, because you want to keep your
tools, supplies and equipment in good
working condition.

You are ultimately responsible for the

clean – up.

If you make a mess, clean it up!

If you borrow it, put it back!
Two people will be the clean-up
monitors each day.
 In art, there are two ways you can receive a
verbal complements
Hive Bucks.
This is my way of letting you know you are

doing a great job and to keep it up.

Hive Bucks - are individual rewards that can be used for extra

5 = 100 daily grade
10 = drop lowest grade
15 = 10 points added to a project
I expect you to read all directions, try first and then ask
I expect you to solve problems within the set criteria.
I expect you to do your very best.
I expect you to take pride in your work and to be proud of
 you have created.

I expect you to be nice and friendly to your peers.

I expect you to use appropriate language when speaking
to peers
 and all teachers.

I expect you to work everyday and to experiment with


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