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V Born June 10, 1933 in Waltham, MA
V Father Ȃ worked in newspaper advertising
V Mother Ȃ teacher and a
school nursery director
V Had two siblings
V His mother and father divorced when Bailey
was ten years old
V 1960: Married Florence Gott, both divorced a
year after
V 1970: Married Froma , but both later divorced
V Married Lynda Hart that same year
V No known children
V imball Union Academy in New Hampshire
V Scholarship to Harvard University in 1950
V Later dropped out sophomore year, to join
the U.S. Marine Corps as jet fighter pilot and a
legal officer
V Entered Boston University Law School
V Lawyer and author
V One of Americaǯs most famous and successful
defense attorneys in Americaǯs legal history
V Founded a private detective agency while in
law school
V First noticed when he took over the Torso
Murder case and won
V orso Murder case:
G George Edgerly, a doctor accused of murdering
his wife
V 1996:Sentenced to six months in jail for failing
to hand over a clientǯs illegally obtained shares
of stock and money
V 2000: sent to prison for contempt
V 2001: Prohibited from practicing
law in the state of Florida
V unvolved in well-known cases such as :
G Patty Hearst trial
G O.J. Simpson trial
G Boston Strangler trial
G Sheppard re-trial

V J eppard v. Maxwell
G Convinced U.S. Supreme Court that prejudicial
publicity was preventing Sheppard from receiving
a fair trial
V His books on law became bestsellers
V Books written:
G T e Defense Never Rests
G For t e Defense
G Cleared for t e Approac  In Defense of Flying
G How to Protect Yourself Against Cops in California
and Ot er Jtrange Places
G Jecrets
V £he worst men often give the best advice;
our thoughts are better sometimes than our
V £hose who the think the information
brought out at a criminal trial is the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth, are
V none
V none
G Mainly known for joining the defense of high
profile cases that seemed hopeless
V hroughout his whole life, controversy has
accompanied him due to his eagerness and
£risky defense strategies £
G Sheppard vs. Maxwell case established a new
important standard for defendant rights

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