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Possible Bacterial Infection
Feeding Problem
Ear Problem
j   IMàI makes use of
³evidence-based, syndromic´
approach of case management
of common childhood illnesses
that supports the rational,
effective and affordable use of
drugs and diagnostic tools.
ð. The IMàI strategy was formulated as a
response to prevent unnecessary deaths of
children from Pneumonia and Diarrhea. All of
the following are considered as goals of the
strategy which one is NOT?
a. Improvement of the HàDS
b. Improvement of health service delivery through
c. Improvement of skills of health workers
d. Improvement of family and community practices
v. IMàI as strategy follows principles in assessing a sick
child. The following are principles of IMàI, except:
a. All sick children must be routinely assessed for major
b. All children must also be routinely assessed for nutritional and
immunization status, feeding problems, and other potential
c. All sick children must be examined for general danger signs
which indicate a localized disease of the child and urgent
d. Only a limited number of carefully-selected clinical signs are
used, based on evidence of their sensitivity and specificity to
detect disease.
. Per IMàI protocol, combinations of individual signs lead to a child¶s
classification(s) rather than a diagnosis. It is a color coded
classification. The following are correct statement on the
classification in IMàI.
ð. Green indicates home treatment
v. Pink suggests initiation of antibiotic before urgent referral
. Pink classification must be referred always urgently to the
4. Yellow calls for initiation of specific treatment such as oral
antibiotics/ oral anti-malarial treatment.
a. ð, v, 
b. ð and v
c. ð, , 4
d. ð, v and 4
4. As a systematic approach IMàI involve a
step by step process, the steps in
sequence includes:
ð. àlassify
v. Treat
. àounsel
4. Assess
a. 4, v, ð, 
b. 4, ð, , v
c. 4, , v, ð
d. 4, ð, v, 
. In assessing the child using the protocol
of IMàI, the mother should initially:
a. Look for stridor and chest indrawing.
b. Ask the mother for vitamin A
supplementation schedule.
c. Look for the main symptoms.
d. àheck if the child is abnormally sleepy or
difficult to awaken.
Ë. In checking for the main symptoms, the nurse will assess for
the following symptoms, select all that apply:
ð. Difficulty of breathing
v. Dehydration
. Diarrhea
4. àough
.  . à axillary temperature
Ë. . à axillary temperature
. Ear problem
. Pneumonia
9. Malaria, DHF and Measles
ð. Mastoiditis
a. All
b. v, , , 9, ð only
c. ð, v, 4, , Ë, only
d. ð, , 4, , Ë,
Situation: Ondoy James a
young infant was noted for his
weak sucking and swallowing
during feeding and stiffening of
the arms and legs due to
muscle contraction.
. The next step the nurse should take is:
a. àontinue the assessment for diarrhea
b. Assess the child for general danger signs
c. Give oral antibiotic for bacterial infection
d. Proceed to the next question ask for cough
or difficulty of breathing.
. Ondoy James registered two signs in pink
and one sign in yellow during the
assessment of dehydration, the child can
be classified under:
a. Some Dehydration
b. Severe Diarrhea
c. Severe Dehydration
d. Some Diarrhea
9. On further assessment of Ondoy James,
he has diarrhea for almost ð4 days. The
child can be classified under:
a. Persistent diarrhea since he has no
b. Severe persistent
c. No persistent diarrhea since its only ð4
d. Persistent diarrhea since its ð4 days.
ð. The treatment for Ondoy James¶ condition
ð. Plan A
v. Plan B
. Plan à
4. Oral Antibiotic
. Referral to the hospital
Ë. Vitamin A
b. , , Ë
c. , 4
d. v only since it¶s not persistent diarrhea
ðð. To complete the assessment of Ondoy
James, the nurse should assess:
a. Ear Problem
b. Malaria
c. Feeding Problem
d. Dengue H Fever
Situation: Emerita Jae and àarlota Rae, v
months old today are twins. This is their
first visit in the RHU. Mother Gaga claims
that they have cough and diarrhea for
almost ð days, fever, and pain in the
ears. Nurse Markita plans to apply the
IMàI protocol in the management of
Emerita and àarlota. They live in
àordillera Region.
ðv. In the application of the IMàI protocol,
Nurse Markita will take the following actions
for the assessment of Emerita and àarlota:
ð. Ask for the general danger signs
v. Ask for main symptoms
. Assess for Possible Bacterial Infection
4. Assess for Malnutrition
a. ð, v, 
b. ð, , 4
c. v, , 4
d. ð, v, 4
ð. Emerita Jae has cough. She
experiences chest indrawing and stridor
when she cries. She is classified under:
a. Severe Pneumonia because she has chest
indrawing and stridor.
b. Severe Pneumonia because she has v pink
symptoms only.
c. Pneumonia since she only experiences
chest indrawing and stridor when she cries.
d. No Pneumonia.
ð4. The treatment that Emerita Jae will
receive would be:
a. Give the first dose of appropriate antibiotic
the refer
b. Urgent Referral
c. Soothe the throat and relieve cough
d. Give oral antibiotics
ð. Emerita Jae registered sunken eyes
only. You can classify her under:
a. No Dehydration
b. Some Dehydration
c. Severe Dehydration
d. Mild Dehydration
ðË. In assessing Emerita Jae for
dehydration, you are going to take the
following action, except:
a. Look for the general condition of the child
b. Pinching the skin of the child¶s abdomen
c. Observe while offering the fluid to the child
d. Look for sunken eyes.
ð . One pink or one yellow in dehydration is:
a. Pink
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Pinkish Yellow
ð. Mother Gaga, mother of Emerita, asks
you when to return the child immediately
basing on her classification:
a. After v days
b. After  days
c. After ð4 days
d. When the child condition worsen.
ð9. àarlota, on the other hand, has a
temperature of  à(axillary), cough but
with no chest indrawing and stridor. She
has 9 breaths per minute and with
sunken eyes.
a. Pneumonia with Malaria:Unlikely
b. Pneumonia with Malaria
c. No Pneumonia with Malaria
d. No pneumonia with Malaria:Unlikely
v. With her classification which of the following is
the correct treatment based on the IMàI protocol:
ð. Give appropriate oral antibiotic
v. Give appropriate IM antibiotic
. Give chloroquine
4. Give co-artemether
. Soothe the throat
Ë. Follow-up in two days
. Paracetamol
. Tepid sponge bath
a. ð, , 4, , Ë, , 
b. ð, 4, , Ë, 
c. v, 4, , Ë, , 
d. ð, 4, , Ë, , 
vð. If she has measles, and the nurse found
out ulcers that are non-deep and non-
extensive. She will be classified under
what color in IMàI:
a. Fuchsia pink
b. Pink
c. Yellow
d. Green
vv. Basing on the above classification, the
treatment of choice would be:
a. Apply tetracycline eye ointment
b. Give the first dose of antibiotic
c. Treat it with gentian violet
d. Advise the mother when to return
v. àarlota was further assessed for dengue
hemorrhagic fever. It was noted that she
had bloody stools. All but one will not be
the treatment for àarlota:
a. Plan B(ORS)
b. Plan à(IVF)
c. Give aspirin
d. Assess for tourniquet test
v4. The nurse also found out that àarlota is
crying continuously because of ear pain.
The nurse checked for ear discharged and
found out nothing. She can be classified
a. Mastoiditis
b. àhronic Ear Infection
c. Acute Ear Infection
d. No Ear Infection
v. As the nurse rechecks the symptoms of
àarlota Rae, she found out the following:
temperature of  à (axillary), cough, 9
breaths per minute and difficult to awaken.
This warrant the nurse not to classify her
a. Pneumonia
b. Severe Pneumonia
c. Very Severe Febrile Disease
d. Malaria

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