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P re se n ta tio n o n a

S T E M S e m in a r in th e
D e p a rtm e n t o f
M a th e m a tics
Sudhanwa Dewasthale
CHE 802: Research Methods
Introduction to the topic

Criticism based on following criteria:





Front propagation in living
systems: From cell invasion
to population dynamics
 The seminar was given by Dr. Evgeniy Khain, Oakland
 In the lecture, the mathematical model was developed on
the cell invasion phenomenon which plays an
important role in tumor growth and wound healing.
 In the stochastic model, cells movement, cell division and
cell-cell adhesion was considered.
 Modified Cahn-Hilliard equation and Fisher-Kologorov
equations were used for modeling.
Also, a discrete stochastic model was developed on a
lattice for insect outbreak of Spruce Budworm.
For this, the stability of Low density refuge state and
high density outbreak state was compared.
A model was formulated on a lattice to show that the
direction of front propagation (i.e. the relative stability
of the two states) can be reversed by fluctuations.

Now let me criticize
this seminar using
general guidelines in
Grading Rubric…
Clarity of Topic: Very good. Speaker was very much
clear about what he wanted to deliver and was
confident about the subject.
Sequence and Logic: The presentation was in proper
sequence and it was also logical.
Time Division: The time was not divided properly, so
that the last section was hurried up.
Quality of conclusion and summary statement:
The quality of summary was average, may be because
of less availability of time.
 Presentation of Significance of the topic: Though it
was mentioned initially, the significance of the topic was
not presented properly to justify it completely.
 Fundamental Principles: No comments.

 Diverse Knowledge: The problem was discussed

considering various views, especially, maths, biology as
well as physics. But being highly focused topic, there was
little scope to think with wide angles.
 Command of concepts: Speaker had very good command
over concepts.
Content (contd.):
Quality of explanations: Good. But again time was
not sufficient.
Technical Level: Presentation was highly technical.
Probably the target audience was ONLY from
mathematics graduates.
Handling of questions: Speaker handled the
questions, both technical and non-technical,
skillfully. But the explanation again was completely
Clarity of speech: Slightly fast, but understandable.
Again TIME factor!!!
Speaking Volume: Voice modulation as well as
speaking volume was appropriate.
Slide Effectiveness: Slides were effective. Speaker
even used animation to explain the topic.
Fluidity of presentation: The seminar had three
summaries. So the fluidity seemed to be hampered
each time.
Eye contact: Eye contact of the speaker was good.

The overall presentation was good.

Less availability of time was the major

The presentation was thoroughly technical.
The speaker was confident about the topic and he
had prepared good for the presentation.
Quality of presentation could have been improved
“non-technically”, but technically, presentation

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