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2 The factors and forces outside marketing that
affect marketing management¶s ability to
develop and maintain successful transactions
and relationships with its target customers.
2 Jncludes:
2 Micro environment: Factors close to the
company that affect its ability to serve its
2 Macro environment: Larger societal forces that
affect the microenvironment.
2 Considered to be beyond the control of the



2 The forces close to the company that affect
its ability to serve its customers - the
company, market channel firms, customer
markets, competitors and publics, which
combine to make up the firm¶s value delivery
The Microenvironment



2 Company¶s Jnternal Environment- functional areas such
as top management, finance, and manufacturing, etc.

2 Suppliers - provide the resources needed to produce

goods and services.

2 Marketing Jntermediaries - help the company to promote,

sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers.
2 Customers - five types of markets that purchase a
company¶s goods and services.

2 Competitors - those who serve a target market with

similar products and services.

2 Publics - any group that perceives itself having an

interest in a company¶s ability to achieve its





2 The larger societal forces that affect the whole

microenvironment - demographic, economic, natural,
technological, political and cultural forces.
2 The company and all of the other actors operate in a
larger macro environment of forces that shape
opportunities and pose threats to the company.






Úorldwide Population Growth

Population Age Mix

Ethnic Markets

Educational Groups

Household Patterns

Geographical Shifts in Population


Subsistence economies
Raw-material-exporting economies
Jndustrializing economies
Jndustrial economies


2 ëemographic - monitors population in terms of age,
sex, race, occupation, location and other statistics.

2 Economic - factors that affect consumer buying

power and patterns.

2 Natural - natural resources needed as inputs by

marketers or that are affected by marketing activities.




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The Company¶s Macro environment

2 Technological - forces that create new product and

market opportunities.

2 Political - laws, agencies and groups that influence or

limit marketing actions.

2 Cultural - forces that affect a society¶s basic values,

perceptions, preferences, and behaviors.
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