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Heredity, variation and

Interaction among these three phenomena
Group Members
Jonaid Yousuf Siam 0920133030 sec-3

Habibur Rahman 1010049030 sec-3

Md. Iftejar Rahman 1010889620 sec-14

Syeda Fatema Tuz-Zohra 0930096030 sec-3


What is Heredity?

Heredity is the passing on of characteristics from one

generation to the next. It is the reason why offspring look like
their parents.

The study of heredity is called genetics, which includes the

field of epigenetic and scientists that study heredity are called
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884)

 Father of modern genetics

 Researched with pea plants

 Developed ideas of
dominance and trait
Types of Heredity
1. Number of involved loci

Monogenetic– one locus

Oligogenetic– few loci
Polygenetic– many loci

2. Involved chromosomes

Autosomal– loci are not situated on a sex chromosome

Genosomal – loci are situated on a sex chromosome
Mitochondrial– loci are situated on the mitochondrial DNA
Types of Heredity (cont.)
3. Correlation genotype–phenotype
Dominant Intermediate Recessive

4. Coincidental and environmental interactions

Penetrance - Complete and Incomplete

Expressivity- Invariable and Variable
Maternal or paternal imprinting phenomena

5. Sex-linked interactions

6. Locus–locus interactions
Heredity Variation

The phenotype of an individual is influenced by several factors, and is

represented in the following equation:

P = G + E + (G*E)

P = phenotype of individual
G= genotype of individual
E = environment of individual
G*E = interaction of genotype and environment
Heredity Variation (cont.)
The ultimate source of all genetic variation is mutation-changes to the DNA itself.

Offspring from mutation;

 sometimes they can not survive
 sometime add new varieties
 Sometimes so changed and different from parents that it can be considered as a
new species.

Types of Mutation
 Germ mutation - occurs in gametes.
 Somatic mutation - occurs in body cells.
 Gene mutation
 Chromosome mutations:
Somatic Mutation
Lali born near New Delhi, India on Manar (Cairo): The baby had
March 11. She has a rarebirth defect craniopagus parasiticus, a rare birth
called diprosopus that gave her two defect where a child's skull is linked to
faces on one head the head of an undeveloped twin
Nonsense Mutation
Heredity Disorder
Heredity diseases are disorders that are inherited by a person
from his or her parents or are related to some type of spontaneous
genetic change.

Common Inheritance Patterns of Genetic Diseases-

Single-gene autosomal diseases

Single-gene sex-linked diseases
Multiple-gene diseases
Chromosome disorders
Spontaneous genetic mutations
Heredity Disorder (cont.)
Some genetic disorders-

Cystic fibrosis -a genetic disorder of the body's mucus-producing glands. It mainly

affects the respiratory and digestive systems of children and young adults.

Phenylketonuria - a genetic disorder of body chemistry that, if left untreated, causes

mental retardation.

Down syndrome- causes mental retardation, shortness, and distinctive facial

characteristics, as well as many other features.

Criduchat - causes mental retardation, a small head, and a cat-like whine.

Curner syndrome - causes several physical abnormalities, including shortness, and

lack of sexual development.

What is Evolution?

Evolution is the change in inherited characters of a population of

organism through successive generations.

Evolutionary in term of life on earth can also be defined in

oversimplified words as the process that transformed life on earth
from it’s simplest single cell form to the complex multi cell form
and the vast diversity that we can see around us today, over a
period of 3.5 billion years.
Theory of Evolution
Natural Selection
“Survival of the fittest”

When there is variation within a species, some individuals

may be better suited to the environment than others and
flourish in offspring.

Especially, to adjust or adapt to new environment, such

capability of organism is important.
If natural selection takes place for long time, a number of
characteristics of a species can be changed significantly.
English peppered moth (Biston betularia)
- light and dark phases
Key Components of Natural Selection

 Variation

 Competition

 Fitness

 Adaptation
The evolution of insecticide resistance is an example
of natural selection in action

Chromosome with gene application
conferring resistance
to insecticide


applications of the
same insecticide will
be less effective, and
the frequency of
resistant insects in
the population
will grow
Evidence of Evolution
 Biogeography: Geographical distribution of species.

 Fossil Record: Fossils and the order in which they appear in layers of
sedimentary rock (strongest evidence).

 Taxonomy: Classification of life forms.

 Homologous structures: Structures that are similar because of common

ancestry (comparative anatomy).
 Comparative embryology: Study of structures that appear during
embryonic development.

 Molecular biology: DNA and proteins (amino acids)

This evolutionary tree of the elephant family is
based on evidence from fossils.

Eastern Long Necked Turtle

Ammonite casts Fossilized organic matter in a leaf

Scorpion in amber “Ice Man”

The study of fossils provides strong evidence for evolution

Fossils and the fossil record strongly support the

theory of evolution.
- Hominid skull

A mass of evidence validates the evolutionary view of life

Other evidence for evolution comes from

Human Cat Whale Bat

Comparative embryology





Molecular biology:

Human Rhesus monkey Mouse Chicken Frog Lamprey

Last common
ancestor lived 80 MYA
26 million years
ago (MYA), 275 MYA
based on
fossil evidence
330 MYA

450 MYA

Types of Evolution
Microevolution - A change in a population’s gene pool over a
secession of generations.
Evolutionary changes in species over relatively brief periods
of geological time.

Macroevolution - The origin of taxonomic groups higher than

the species level.
Five Mechanisms of Microevolution

1. Genetic drift

2. Gene Flow

3. Mutation

4. Non-random mating

5. Natural selection
Micro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Importance of Evolution
Plays an important role for the survival for each species in
today’s society.

The theory of evolution by natural selection is one of the pillars

of modern science. Modern biology, medicine, archeology,
anthropology, paleontology and other sciences depend on it.

Without evolution, organisms will be disadvantaged with the

constant change in the environment.
Thank You

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