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 (MIS) is a system that provides information needed to
manage organizations effectively .
 Earlier, business computers were mostly used for
relatively simple operations such as tracking sales or
payroll data, often without much detail. Over time,
these applications became more complex and began to
store increasing amount of information while also
interlinking with previously separate information
systems. As more and more data was stored and linked
man began to analyze this information into further
detail, creating entire management reports from the
raw, stored data. The term "MIS" arose to describe these
kinds of applications, which were developed to provide
managers with information about sales, inventories, and
other data that would help in managing the enterprise.

 Financial MIS Provides financial information
to all financial managers within an
organization. It integrates financial &
operational information from multiple sources.
Financial MIS eases analysis by providing fast
financial data. It enables financial analysis from
different aspects; time, product, customer. With
Financial MIS, one can analyze historical and
current data. Also one can monitor use of
funds. Few examples or functions of Financial
MIS are Costing, P&L reporting, Auditing, Funds
management, etc.
 MIS is used in Banking Sector for Customer
Segmentation and judging the Creditworthiness
of a person by using Business Intelligence
softwares like SAS.COGNOS, etc.
 MIS is used in Insurance Sector for Fraud
Detection and Product Pricing. It is also used
for tracking the performance of the
organization and helps to formulate its future
 MIS is used in Mutual Funds and Share
Markets for Trend Analysis and Forecasting.
B a n ks M anagem e FINANCE
and nt
C re d ito r S h a re h o ld e
s Lo a n s & NCoateshs Pla n n in g R e p o rts rs
M anage S tra te
M anagem ent g ic
m e n t, R e p o rts S h a re h o ld e r
In ve stm e &
R e p o rts
n ts, Ta ctica
D e p a rtm e Fo re ig n l
C a p ita lA cct Pro d u ce G o ve rn m
n ts E xch a n g Pla n n i
S h a re h o l e n ts
& e Planngn in g der
E m p lo ye e Pa yro ll D a ta R e p o rts
s &
E q u ity Ta x Filin g s
E xp e n se s E m p lo Ta x
ye e M IS Ta x d a ta Filin g
B e n e fi Pa yro ll &
ts P la n n i
R e ce iva b le s ng
O rd e rs In ve n to ry & S a le s S a le s Ta x
& A sse ts In ve n to ry &
A cco u M anagem A cco u
n ts Pa ya b le s e n t, n ts S a le s & R e ce iva b le s
Pa ya b l & Fixed R e ce iv
e A sse t C u sto m e r
a b le s
Pu rch a se s & & Cost
Pa ya b le s In ve n to ry C h a n g e s A cct. In ve n to ry C h a n g e s
S u p p ly & Pro d u ct
S u p p lie rs In -p ro ce ss In ve n to ry
In ve n to ry

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