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Session 8
D a te d : O cto b e r 2 7 ,

Prepared By

Class Representative, FMG XVII
What is Organization
Specification of jobs to be done within an

organization and the ways in which they relate to

one another. This allows the organization to
achieve goals. At some organization the structure
is rigid, other it is more flexible.
Components of
Organization Structure
Designates formal reporting relationships
including number of levels of hierarchy, span of
control of manager and supervisor.
Suggests that Organization structure identifies
grouping together of individuals into
departments and departments into total
Organization structure design of system to
ensure effective communication, coordination
and integration of efforts across departments.
Formal Organization
It is expressed through an:

Organization chart
Diagram depicting a company’s structure and
showing employees where they fit into its
Chain of command
Reporting relationships within a company
Key Elements of
Organization Structure
Work specialization
Chain of command
Span of control
Authority and responsibility
Centralization and decentralization
Specialization and
In a small organization, the owner may perform
every job. As the firm grows, however, so does
the need to specialize jobs so that others can
perform them.
Adam Smith (1976) discovered if each of 10
workers did all the steps of making pins, each
could make 200 a day. By specialization the
group could make 48000 a day.
Customer Departmentalization
 Departmentalization according to types of customer
likely to buy a given product
Product Departmentalization
 Departmentalization according to specific products
being created
Process Departmentalization
 Departmentalization according production process
used to create goods and services
Geographic Departmentalization
 Departmentalization according to areas served by
Functional Departmentalization
Illustration of
Functional Departmentalization

Vice Vice Vice

President, President, President,
Marketing Production Finance
Geographical Departmentalization

Plant Plant Plant

Manager Manager Manager

Product Departmentalization

Consumer Industria Consumer Industria Consumer Industria

Product l Product product l Product Product l Product
Centralized Organization
O Highest
R 12 1 1
G 34 4 8
A 78 16 64
NI 64 512
256 4096
AT 1024
N Span of 4 Span of 8
Centralized Organization
Strength Weakness
 Flexible and rapid response D e te rm in in g co re p ro ce sse s to
to changed customer needs o rg a n ize a ro u n d is d ifficu lt
 Directs attention of everyone a n d tim e co n su m in g
towards production and R e q u ire ch a n g e in cu ltu re , jo b
d e sig n , m a n a g e m e n t
delivery of vale to p h ilo so p h y a n d in fo rm a tio n
customer tra n sa ctio n
 Each employee has a broader Tra d itio n a lm a n a g e r m a y b a ck
view of organization goals w h e n th e y h a ve to g ive u p
pow er
 Promote a focus on teamwork
and collaboration R e q u ire sig n ifica n t tra in in g o f
e m p lo ye e to w o rk e ffe ctive ly
 Important uplift for employee in a n o rg a n iza tio n te a m
by offering them e n viro n m e n t
opportunity to share C a n lim it in d e p th skill
responsibilities, making d e ve lo p m e n t
decision and be
Form of business organization in which authority is

determining the relationship between group

function and activities.

Strength Weakness
A llo w s e co n o m y o f sca le S lo w re sp o n se tim e in
E n a b le s in d e p th kn o w le d g e e n viro n m e n t ch a n g e
a n d skilld e ve lo p m e n t M a y ca u se d e cisio n to p ile
E n a b le s o rg a n iza tio n to o n to p h ie ra rch y o ve rlo a d ,
a ch ie ve g o a ls co o rd in a tio n a m o n g
Its b e st in co m p a n ie s d e p a rtm e n ts
h a vin g o n ly o n e o r fe w Le ss in n o va tive
p ro d u cts R e stricte d vie w o f
o rg a n iza tio n a lg ro w th
Divisional Organization
Organization structure in which corporate division

operate as autonomous business under the larger

corporate umbrella.

Strength Weakness
S u ite d to fa st ch a n g e in E lim in a te s e co n o m ie s o f
u n sta b le e n viro n m e n t sca le in fu n ctio n a l
Le a d s to clie n t sa tisfa ctio n d e p a rtm e n ta liza tio n
H ig h co o rd in a tio n Po o r co o rd in a tio n a cro ss
A llo w s o rg a n iza tio n to p ro d u ct lin e
a d a p t to d iffe re n ce s E lim in a te s in d e p th
B e st in la rg e r o rg a n iza tio n co m p e te n ce a n d
D e ce n tra lize s d e cisio n te ch n o lo g ica lsp e cia liza tio n
m a kin g In te g ra tio n a n d
sta n d a rd iza tio n ve ry d ifficu lt
Matrix Organization
 Organization structure in which teams are
formed and team members report to two or
more managers.
Highly flexible form that is readily adaptable
to changed circumstances
Rely heavily on committee and team authority
Same companies use the matrix organization
as a temporary measure to complete a
specific project. The end of project usually
means the end of matrix.
Matrix Organization:
Conditions for Existence
Pressure exists on organization in market to
share resources along various product lines
Environmental pressure exists for functional as
well as product division
Environment domain of organization is complex
and uncertain
High level of coordination is required for
Matrix Organization
Strength Weakness
 Achieve coordination C a u se s p a rticip a n ts to
necessary to meet dual exp e rie n ce d u a la u th o rity ,
demands from customer w h ich ca n b e fru stra tin g a n d
 Flexible sharing of human co n fu sin g
resources across product It is tim e co n su m in g sin ce it
 Suited to complex decisions in vo lve s fre q u e n t m e e tin g s
and frequent changes in w ith co n flict re so lu tio n
unstable environment d e cisio n s
 Provides opportunity for both
R e q u ire g re a te r e ffo rts to
function and product skill m a in ta in p o w e r b a la n ce
 Best in medium sized Pa rticip a n ts n e e d g o o d
organization with multiple in te rp e rso n a lskills a n d
products exte n sive tra in in g
W illn o t w o rk u n le ss p a rticip a n ts

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