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The Bremen site of the German

Aerospace Center (DLR) has been the
home of the Institute of Space Systems
since 2007.

The institute¶s main focus is on:

‡ Spaceflight systems analysis

‡ Spaceflight systems technology

‡ Spaceflight application

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The Float-Sat is a demonstration model device,
consisting of mechanical and electronic
mechanisms contained within a floatable
waterproof hemi-spherical hull designed to
operate on water.

Top View Side View


‡ The Diameter of the hemisphere is somewhere

between 10 cms and 25 cms.

‡It should be able to rotate on its X and Y-axes

and it should be able to freely turn on the Z axis.

‡ An engine is located on the Z-axis (vertical axis

of rotation of the hemisphere) with an adjustable
weight that makes no contact with the outside


‡Located in the centre is an electronics box

consisting of a battery that produces approx. 5 volts
and an external charger engine controller (for speed
and performance electronics).

‡At the top on the Microcontroller platform an

embedded microcontroller is mounted (based on
arm CPU).

‡The microcontroller has the following approximate

mass: 90 x 60 x 15 mm3.


The energy for this demonstrator comes

from the battery. We will require approx. 1
watt and 5 volts for the engine
consumption and the engine control. With
a total battery charge it should work for
approx. 5 minutes.

The maximum rotating speed of the

Floating-Sats should be approx. one rotation
at approx. 5 seconds.




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LPC-E2468 uC Linux development

prototype board with LPC2468
USB,Ethernet, SD/MMC in credit
card format.

RODOS operationg systems

developed by DLR is successfully
on the ARM processor using this
development board

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Printed Circuit board for the camera

Interfacing is designed in ALTIUM

‡ 2.5 Volt power supply is used

for analog.
‡ 1.8 Volt for digital Core.

‡ 3.3 Volt for I/O pins.



‡ The camera is controlled through Serial

Camera Control Bus (SCCB).

‡ The camera module is interfaced with

Microcontroller board with External I/Os of
the board.


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