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V Theconcept of Scientific Management

was introduced by Fredrick Winslow

Taylor in the beginning of 20th century.

V Theconcept was further carriede by

Frank and Lillian Gillberth, Henry
Gantt, etc.,
V Taylordefined scientific management as

V´ Scientific management is concerned

with knowing exactly what you want men
to do and then see in that they do it in the
best and cheapest wayµ.
V Taylor·s
contribution can be described in
two parts:
Elements/ tools
of scientific
Principles of
 Separation of Planning and doing- Taylor emphasized
the separation of planning and doing of the work. The
worker used to plan about how he had to work and what
instruments were necessary for that. And then Taylor
emphasized that planning should be left to the Supervisors
and the worker should only do operational work.
2 Functional Foremanship- Seperation of planning from
doing resulted into development of supervision. Taylor
evolved the concept of functional foremanship basede on
specialisation of function. In this system, eight persons are
involved to direct the activities of workers. 4 are
concerned with planning: route clerk, instrument card
clerk, time and cost clerk, disciplinarian. 4 are concerned
with doing aspect of the work: speed boss, inspector,
maintenance foreman and gang boss.
ï ob Analysis - Äob analysis is undertaken to findout the one
best way of doing the thing. The best way of doing job is
one which requires the least movements, consequently
less time and cost. The best way of doing thing can be
determined by taking up time- motion-fatigue studies.
V Time study- determination of time movement takes to
complete. The movement which takes minimum time is the
best one.
V Motion Study- involves the study of movement in which
are involved in doing a job and thereby eliminating the
wasteful movement.
V Fatigue study - shows the amount and frequency of rest
required in completing the work.
h Standardisation- As far as possible,
standardisation should be maintained in
respect of instruments and tools, period of
work, amount of work, working conditions, cost
of production etc.
5 Scientific selection and Training of workers-
Taylor suggested the workers should be
selected on scientific basis taking into their
education, work experience etc. Apart from
selection, proper training should be given to
the workers to increase their efficiency.
4 Financial Incentives- To motivate the employees, Taylor
introduced Piece wage rate system. According to this
workers who completes the normal work get wages at
higher rate per piece and who does not completes will get
at lower rate.
7 conomy- The main aspect of Scientific management is
economy and profit. Taylor emphasized cost estimates and
control should be adopted.
8 Mental Revolution- Scientific management depends the
mutual cooperation between management and workers.
For this there should be mental change in both parties
from conflict and cooperation.
V ºeplacingºule of Thumb with Science
V Harmony in Group Action
V Cooperation
V Maximum Output
V Development of workers
V Fayol looked at the problems of managing an
organisation from top management point of view.
V He used the term ´ Administrationµ instead of
V Fayol found that activities of an industrial
organisation could be divided into 4 groups.
. Technical
2. Commercial
ï. Financial
h. Security
5. Accounting
4. Managerial.

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