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Company Divisions


6 The creator of Mickey Mo se and fo nder

of Disneyland and Walt Disney World was
orn in Chicago, Illinois, on Decemer 5,
1901. His father,
lias Disney and his
mother, Flora Call Disney.

6Walt ecame interested in drawing at an early age. At

McKinley High chool in Chicago.
6 Walt joined the Red Cross and was sent overseas to France, where he
spent a year driving an am lance and cha ffe ring Red Cross officials.

6 He egan prod cing short animated films for local  sinesses, in Kansas
6 After making a s ccess of his "Alice Comedies," Walt ecame a recognized
Hollywood fig re. On J ly 13, 1925, Walt married one of his first
employees, Lillian Bo nds, in Lewiston, Idaho.

6 On Decemer 21, 1937, now White and the even Dwarfs, the first f ll-
length animated m sical feat re, premiered at the Cart hay Theatre in Los

6 Walt Disney took a deep interest in the estalishment of

California Instit te of the Arts, a college level, professional
school of all the creative and performing arts.
Creation of Mickey Mo se

In 1928 Walt created a new animated

character, Mickey Mo se.
͞ A Real Personality͟

 1 2, Mickey had ecome a

 and as s ch he was
2 4 
 at all times

6 His main vision is to spread happiness in the world.

6 Walt Disney presents his vision of a magical park´. The more he dreamt of
it, the more elaorate his plans ecame.

6 In 1954, the year efore Disneyland opened.

6 He completely tr st his creative employees.
Leadership tyle.

„ Walt Disney of co rse was one of the fo nding fathers of the

Disney organisation.
„ One of Walt Disney ailities was to come at a prolem from
different mental perspectives.
„ He developed three distinct mental methods and gave them
The dreamer.

The Realist.

The poiler.
*| (5

6 To recover from the loss of Oswald the

L cky Rait - created Mickey Mo se
6 Disney's first so nd film teamoat Willie

6 Disney signed contract with Technicolor

6 The pop larity of the Mickey Mo se series

contin ed
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 
6 First feat re-length animated film in 1934.

6 New Release in Decemer 1937- now White

6 now White was released thro gh RKO Radio Pict res,

6 now white made h ge profits

6In the year 1939 initiated P lic Offerings

6More s ccesf l releases

Pinocchio(1940), Bami (1942) Fantasia (1940), D mo (1941),

6World War II
6Box-office profits egan to dry p.
6Attack on Pearl Haror,
6Films like-Ëictory Thro gh Air Power and the short

d cation for Death(oth 1943)

6Welcome Donald D ck
6Congo Mr D ck Der F ehrer's Face (1943).
1;  4

6 With limited staff and little operating 6

nded its contract with RKO in 1953
capital 6Fo nded B ena Ëista Distri tion.
6 Low  dget films 6In Decemer 1950, shaked hand with
The Three Caalleros (1944) COCA COLA

Melody Time (1948),

6 Introd ction of live-action films and

doc mentaries

6 Biggest HIT in Box Office

Peter Pan (1953)

Cinderella (1950) Alice in Wonderland (1951)
1955ʹ65: Disneyland

6 J ly 18, 1955, Walt Disney opened

Disneyland to the general p lic

6 Novemer 1965, "Disney World" was

anno nced, with plans for theme parks,

hotels, and even a model city on

tho sands of acres of land p rchased

o tside of Orlando Florida

6 Disney's most s ccessf l film Mary

Poppins, (1960s)
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6 On Decemer 15, 1966, Walt Disney Passed away
6 Roy Disney took over as chairman, C
O, and president of the company.
6 Disney World as "Walt Disney World
6 |he Jungle Book and the m sical |he Happiest Millionaire were the last movies of Walt
6 Roy Disney died of a stroke
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6 ed Disney C
O Ron Miller New C

6 To chstone Pict res as a rand for Disney. To chstone's first release


6 Ret rn of Disney

6 anno nced plans for the second Walt Disney World theme park,
6 Disney Prod ctions to  ild the first Disney theme park o tside of the
United tates, Tokyo Disneyland, which opened in April 1983.
 2  1|2 4

6 Michael
isner was orn in New
York as a son of Jewish parents.

6 As Paramo nt͛s C

6 Leaving Paramo nt and Joining

6 New flagships starting from ͞The Little Mermaid͟

6 90͛s era Disney domination

6 Key feat re films ʹ Lion King ,Aladdin ,D ck tales , Tales pin and many

6 Fores's 50 est Companies

6 Transition to live action films and cgi from cartoons

6 Pirates of the Cariean ,National Treas re ,The Princess Dairies ,The

chronicles of Narnia, Toy story ,Wall-e ,Cars etc

6 Prolems with teve Jos and Pixar


6 4
Inaility to adapt Idea Generator
Complete control domination Friction and Conflict

gotistical Attit de 6  

  + Heavy criticism

Osessive Micromanagement
Brain Drain


elf-cons med ,exploitive ,power oriented

Negative empowerment
6 |  

xtracting val es from s ordinates
Advancing own agendas

6  21=

Positive goal estalishment financially

Revamping the Disney Image

Ëal es
Innovation 6Comm nity

6 We follow a strong tradition of create positive and incl sive ideas ao t

innovation. families.

Q ality provide entertainment experiences for all

generations to share.
6 high standard of excellence.
high-q ality standards across all prod ct

very prod ct tells a story.
6 Decency
At The Walt Disney Company, entertainment is
6 honor and respect the tr st people ao t hope, aspiration and positive
place in s. resol tions.
6 A Wide Range of Benefits, incl ding Health, Dental, Life Ins rance and

6 Complimentary Theme Park Passports

6 Learning and Development Opport nities

6 The Walt Disney Company Fo ndation cholarship Program

mployee tock P rchase Program

6 Disney T
AM Disco nts, incl ding Disney prod cts and merchandise

6 ervice Awards

mployee & Cast Memer Contests
Learning Program

6 At The Walt Disney Company, we know o r employees and Cast Memers

make the magic happen.
6 Disney programs

6 Disney Dimensions, an
xec tive Development Program

6 Disney
thics, Integrity, and Diversity Programs

6 Professional Development

6 Management/Leadership Development

6 Disney's relationship Pixar Animation t dios, teve Jos and

Catm ll,regarding possile merger.
6 The noteworthy res lts was the transition of Pixar's C
O and 50.1%
shareholder, teve Jos, ecoming Disney's largest individ al shareholder
at 7% and a memer of Disney's Board of Directors
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