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To study and analyze the behaviour of working women from the cross section of the society. To study the behaviour concepts:
     Emotional contagion Mentalization Psychological contract Identity negotiation Emotional labour

By sample survey and draw conclusions from the same.

Aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by individual in any situation Manner of acting or controlling oneself Observable activity in human being Reflects his thoughts, actions and feelings

Thus, Behavior= the sum of all of a persons varying responses styles to varying stimuli

Passive Behavior Assertive Behavior Aggressive Behavior Submissive Behavior Submissive Behavior

Internal factors 1. Age 2. Values 3. Perception 4. Attitude

External factors 1. Culture 2. Society 3. Education 4. Environment 5. Family& friends

Group Level Behavior-Group behaviour consists of the things between two or more people do and say they interact. Individual behaviour influences group behaviour. Organization Level Behavior- An organization is a group of people working to achieve one or more objectives. Organizations are created to produce goods and services for the larger society.

Human behavior has an effect on performance. Every person in the organization is affected by atleast one other person, and each person affects the whole group or organization . The organizations performance is based on the combined performance of each individual and group.

` ` ` ` ` ` `

Be Optimistic Be Positive Be Interested in other people Smile and develop a sense of humor Listen to other people Help Others Think Before You Act

Emotional contagion is the tendency to catch and feel emotions that are similar to and influenced by those of others. A process in which a person or group influences the emotions or behavior of another person or group i.e. the ability to transfer moods.

People at different levels unconsciously send messages about how they are feeling while simultaneously receiving the emotional messages being sent by others. These emotional cues affect each persons own emotions, and in turn, these feelings affect how they perform at individual level as well as group level . It also determines moral , teams performance & group cohesiveness

Individual feelings affect group performance

Never often 0% 0% 17% Always


In a study of the influence of the contagion of emotions of a group leader on group members, the positive emotions of the leader positively influenced group members at both the individual and collective level with the opposite for leader having negative emotions. The leaders positive emotions also had a subsequent influence on group coordination and effort

Groups emotions
week strong 0% 15% moderate

18% 67%

There are times when others' emotions are being manipulated by a person or a group in order to achieve something. It deals with the need to manage emotions so that they are consistent with organizational or occupational display rules, regardless of whether they are discrepant with internal feelings. In regard to emotional contagion, in work settings that require a certain display of emotions, one finds himself obligated to display, and consequently feel, these emotions.

Explicit Emotional contagion

0% never 0%

always 33%

often 67%

Individual emotional outcome is primarily attributed to

personal outcome group outcome organisational outcome 0% 10% 30%

Factor shaping ones emotional state

education society demographic profile 0% 17% 33%



Concept was popularized in 1990 by Peter Fonagy. It is a psychological concept that describes the ability to understand the mental state of oneself and others which underlie overt behaviour. Mentalization refers to your ability to recognize your own and others mental states, and to see these mental states as separate from behaviour. It allow us to perceive and interpret human behaviour in terms of intentional mental states (e.g. needs, desires, feelings, beliefs, goals, purposes, and reasons).

Mentalization has implications for attachment theory. Attachment theory describes the dynamics of long term relationships between humans especially in family and life long friends. Attachment means an affectionate bond or tie between an individual and an attachment figure. It has an exhaustive description of human relationship which indicates that bond exists. Mentalization has implications for self development.

Objective: To study how the mentalization concept is practiced by the women employees in the organization. Sample: - Size: 30 - Age: 20 yrs- 50 yrs - Length of service: 1 year to 20 years Method Of Data Collection: Questionnaire

How often you are forced against your will? Never Often Always When you are involved in the conflict do you try to understand the mental state? Never Often Always When your employee or junior staff ask for a holiday what was your reaction? Simply refuse to give by saying that there is too much work Gives holiday without asking much Ask for the reason and when he feels there is actually need then only give you holiday Ignore your situation and force you to come otherwise he will fire you

If you find the two people are arguing over a topic in the office then as an employer what is your reaction? Go over that place and scold both of them to keep their mouth shut Ask what the problem is and take one person side with whom you are comfortable and start arguing. Listen both of them and understand their views and try to give neutral judgment Complain to higher authorities You are forced to do other employee work? What you will do? Oppose it and say I will not do as it is not my part of job. Do it as we all belong to the one organization Do it when you are forced to do If someone in the organization come to you discuss his/her problem with you. Listen to his/her problem and try to give him the best possible situation Just listen without taking any interest Ignores him/her

Women with age group of 30-45 years try to understand the other person mental state.

15-20 20-30 30-45 more than 45

Women with more than 10 years of service try to understand the other person mental state.

0-5 yrs 5-10 yrs 10-20 yrs

Public sector and education sector try to understand the other people aspects as compared to the other private sector organizations.

PSU E i s c pi s c

Women try to understand more their colleagues and friends or people who belong to same cadre in the organization as compared to the people who are their bosses or junior staff. This can be explained on the basis of attachment theory

The term 'the Psychological Contract' commonly and somewhat loosely refers to 'expectations 'of an employee or workforce towards the employer & vice versa. The Psychological Contract represents, in a basic sense, the obligations, rights, rewards, etc., that an employee believes he/she is 'owed' by his/her employer, in return for the employee's work and loyalty.

In an employment context, Psychological Contract is the fairness or balance between: ` How the employee is treated by the employer & ` What the employee puts into the job.
Psychological Contract can either be : ` Intrinsic ` Extrinsic

OBJECTIVE: To find discrimination(if any) in OBJECTIVE: psychological contract on gender basis. POPULATION:
Size: 30 Gender: females Age group: 20-35 years

Q1)How well your employer has fulfilled the promised obligations that they owed you? ` Very poor-0 ` Poor-13.33% ` Fair-60% ` Good-20% ` Excellent-6.66%

Q2)How much would you rate the extrinsic inducements being fulfilled? ` Very poor-0 ` Poor-6.66% ` Fair-13.33% ` Good-66.66% ` Excellent-13.33%

Q3)Do you think that your intrinsic inducements are being fulfilled properly? ` Yes-33.33% ` No-13.33% ` To some extent-53.33% MAXIMUM POPULATION DIDN,T SEEM TO BE SATISFIED WITH THE INTRINSIC INDUCEMENTS FULLY. Q4) With the same inducements, employer & the same working environment for how long do you see yourself working here? ` 0-12 months-20% ` 1-2 years-33.33% ` 2-5 months-13.33% ` 5-10 years-20% ` More than 10 years-13.33% MAXIMUM POPULATION WOULD NOT LIKE TO WORK FOR MORE THAN 2 YEARS WITH THE EXISTING EMPLOYERS.THUS, SHOWING THAT SOMEWHERE DOWN THE LINE THEY ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THEIR PRESENT JOB. Q5) Do you think that your organization has a promotion system that helps the men to rise and not women? ` Yes-13.33% ` No-46.66% ` To some extent-40%

People are not ready to tell their companys name & give exact branch address. The data may be biased as people are afraid to say anything against their company/employer. Also, people are not ready to respond properly because of time constraint.

Questions on Psychological Contract: (Elite) 1. Since how long have you been working in this organization? What were your expectations from this organization and your fellow employees when you joined this organization? 2. Being a woman, have you ever been discriminated against, in terms of transfers, promotions and pay scale? 3. Do you think the expectations from your organization/your employer are justified? Why? 4. Do inter-personal and professional conflicts often take place within the organizations? What do you think are the reasons? 5. In what ways do you think the policies of the organization are flexible/ rigid towards the female employers/employees? Are you satisfied with your job and organization?

91.3% of the women have been working in the organizations for the past 10 or more years They expect a cordial and friendly atmosphere from their employees/employers 45.7% of the organizations are a little biased towards male employees in terms of pay scale and promotions Most organizations see the existence of employeremployee & male-female conflicts The organizational policies are flexible in 78.6% of the organizations 84.53% women are satisfied with their jobs.

Identity Negotiation
It refers to the processes through which people reach agreements regarding who is who in their relationships. Once these agreements are reached, people are expected to remain faithful to the identities they have agreed to assume. The process of identity negotiation thus establishes what people can expect of one another. It provides the interpersonal glue that holds relationships together.

The actual phrase identity negotiation was introduced by Swann (1987). Who emphasized the tension between two competing processes in social interaction these are:

Behavioral Confirmation Self-Verification

Behavioral confirmation
It occurs when one person (the perceiver) encourages another person (the target) to behave in a way that confirm the expectancies of the perceiver .

It occurs when the target persuades the perceiver to behave in a manner that verifies the target s firmly held self-views or identities.

Psychological view of identity negotiation Battle of wills.

Stable images Social interaction

y target audience will be working women of elite class.

Probable outcomes will be in terms of :

Their attitude towards others and how well do they get along with them. Their understanding and cooperative nature. Their faith in others ability. Are they comfortable in different working environment. Do they welcome suggestions about their work and themselves? They possess leadership qualities or not.


To study effect of Identity Negotiation on the behavior of a working women of Elite class in an organization.
Sample size-10

Age limit- 20-50 years

Method of Data Collection-Questionnaire

1.How well you get along with other people at your work place, any social gathering and in your family ?

10% 30%

10% 50% Excellent Good Average Poor

2.Rate your ability to identify and decipher the feelings of other? 0% 0% 40% 60% Excellen t Good Average

3.Do you prefer working as a individual or as a group?

30% 70% individual group

4. Would you like to interact with evaluator who had -

20% 80% Favoura le Unfavoura le

5. Do you often face conflict while working in a group? 10% 0% 40% 50% Yes No Cant say do you see yourself in a difficult situation?

20% 40% 40% Become Hyper Behave calmly Neutral

7.Do you often agree with views of your male colleagues?


30% 30%

Yes No Cant say

8. Are you a leader in your group?

30% 70% Yes No

Probable outcomes are in terms of :

Their attitude towards others and how well do they get along with them Their understanding and cooperative nature. Their faith in others ability. Are they comfortable in different working environment. Do they welcome suggestions about their work and themselves? They possess leadership qualities or not.

The Negotiation process

Negotiator must familiarize themselves with

The entire context and background of their counterparts. To the specific subjects to be negotiated. Differences in culture, language, and environment.

Stage two Relationship building

Taking time to build mutual trust before starting any discussions
During relationship building many non-task events (social events, tours, and ceremonies) take place so that the parties can get to know one another.

Stage three Exchange of Task Related information

Once stage three begins the parties begin to present their

positions and discussion follow so that a mutually beneficial solution can be found. Negotiators should focus not only on presenting their situation and needs but also on showing an understanding of their opponents viewpoint. Focusing on the entire situation to assess a wider range of alternatives for resolution. Researchers suggest that to be most effective, negotiators should prepare for meetings by practicing role reversal.

Stage four - Persuasion

During this stage both parties try to persuade the other to accept more of their position while giving up some of their own. There are recognizable tactics for this stage

Stage five Concession and Agreement

At this point each side will make various concessions so that an agreement can be reached.


Stella Ting-Toomey applied the concept of Identity Negotiation on the field of intercultural communication. Based on her cross-cultural-face-negotiationtheory, Ting-Toomey argued that identity negotiation is the precondition for successful intercultural communication.

TING-TOOMEY POSTULATES EIGHT ASSUMPTIONS: Ever self; e lti le i es er i sense f

Cultur l variabilit influences t e sense f self; Self-i entificati n involves securit and vulnerabilit ; Identit boundar regulation otivates behaviour;

Identit boundar regulation involves a tension bet een inclusion and differentiation; Individuals tr to balance self, other, and group emberships;

Managing the inclusion-differentiation dialectic influences the coherent sense of self and; A coherent sense of self influences individuals communication resourcefulness (i.e., the knowledge and ability to apply cognitive, affective, and behavioral resources appropriately, effectively, and creatively in diverse interaction situations.


The more secure individuals self-identifications are, the more they are open to interacting with members of other cultures. The more vulnerable individuals feel, the more anxiety they experience in these interactions. Individuals vulnerability is affected by their needs for security. The more individuals need inclusion, the more they value ingroup and relational boundaries. The more individuals need differentiation, the more distance they place between the self and others.

Individuals resourcefulness in negotiating identities is affected by effectively managing security-vulnerability and inclusiondifferentiation dialectics. The more secure individuals' self-identifications, greater their identity coherence & global self-esteem. The greater individuals self-esteem and the greater their membership collective esteem , the more resourceful they are when interacting with strangers. Individuals motivation to communicate with strangers influences the degree to which they seek out communication resources The greater individuals' cognitive , affective , and behavioural resourcefulness , the more effective they are in identity negotiation. The more diverse individuals` communication resources are, the more effective they are in interactive identity confirmation , coordination , and atonement .

Finally, the more diverse individuals` communication resources, the more flexible they are in co-creating interactive goals and in developing mutual identity meanings and comprehensibility.

Objective To study effect of Identity Negotiation on the behaviour of a woman of middle class in an organisation.

Sample si e 10 Age Limit 25-55 Questionnaire

Method of Data collection



10% 30% 20%












20% 60%





50% 0%





60% 10%




30 10%








For what they are usually get negotiated in the organisation. Do they feel any difficulty in negotiation process. Do they feel any problem in the negotiation process with lower level workers. How much importance do they have in the organisations decision making process?

Strong instinctive feeling such as love or fear

(in fulfilment of an official or unofficial contract of labour) inducing or suppressing a feeling so as to produce a behaviour that produces required feeling responses in others

Emotional labour is a form of emotional regulation wherein workers are expected to display certain emotions as part of their job, and to promote organizational goals. The intended effects of these emotional displays are on other, targeted people, who can be clients, customers, subordinates or co-workers.


require face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact with the public

(2) require the worker to produce an emotional state in another person; (3) allow the employees to exercise a degree of control over their emotional activities. Display rules refer to the organizational rules about what kind of emotion to express on the job

` `

= a) Displaying emotions b) Handling emotions

1. 2.


emotion as unreasoned opinion; the object of control in the civilising process Elias a threat to the rationalisation of the modern workplace - Braverman, Ritzer But:
a) the long history of professional and craft pride encouraging high quality work b) the use of emotional ties among workers as a management tool to increase attachment to the workplace

1. 2.

Family/Housework model of care work Training consumers to display non-disruptive emotions

Distribution of emotional labour draws on gender stereotypes

Male affective neutrality Female emotional engagement

Surface acting Problem of mistaking performance and authenticity; betrayal of trust Deep acting

Colonisation of emotion


Empathy: ability to identify with a person or object professional labour, typically male Sympathy: sharing of anothers feelings routine labour, typically female


In flexible times emotional attachment to the job/organisation is potentially dangerous

Objective To study effect of Emotional labour on the behaviour of a woman of middle class in an organisation. Sample size 10 Age Limit 25-55 Questionnaire

Method of Data collection

Does your organisation provides the appropriate training in emotional labor? A) Strongly Agree C)Undecided B) Agree D) Disagree




20% 30%


Do you believe emotional labor is important to the success of the employees performance? A) Strongly Agree C)Undecided B) Agree D) Disagree

strongly agree agree 0% undecided disagree



Would do you think training employees on emotional labor would reduce turnover? A) Strongly Agree C)Undecided strongly agree B) Agree D) Disagree agree 0% 15% 24% undecided disagree


Would you think training employees on emotional labor would improve the quality service? A) Strongly Agree C)Undecided B) Agree D) Disagree

strongly agree

agree 0%

3rd Qtr

4th Qtr


50% 30%

Would you think Employees should regularly attend emotional labor s workshops? A) Strongly Agree C)Undecided strongly agree undecided 0% B) Agree D) Disagree agree disagree 10%



Do you believe management gives more importance to the Male employees and neglects the female employees? ) Strongly gree C) ndecided strongly agree ) gree D) Disagree agree 0% 50% 20% undecided disagree


Do you believe getting trained on emotional labour and being able to manage it would make a difference in your work life? A) Strongly Agree C)Undecided B) Agree D) Disagree agree undecided disagree

strongly agree

0% 30% 20%


Probable outcomes

We found that some dimensions of emotional labour significantly relate to job Satisfaction and job satisfaction positively affects organisational commitment And has an effect on Deep acting and organisation commitment.

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