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W 1he law relaLlna Lo consumer proLecLlon ls
conLalned ln Lhe Consumer rotect|on Act
W DnlLed naLlons resoluLlon Apr|| 1985
W 1he Consumer roLecLlon AcL1986
enforced from 10
Iune 1987 ln lndla
W Almed aL provldlna slmple qulck and cheaper
proLecLlon of consumers lnLeresL
Cb[ect|ves of the act
W eLLer proLecLlon of lnLeresLs of consumers
W roLecLlon of rlahLs of consumers
8lahL Lo be proLecLed aaalnsL markeLlna of
aoods or servlces whlch are hazardous Lo llfe and
1o be lnformed abouL Lhe quallLv quanLlLv
purlLv sLandard and prlce of aoods or
servlces so as Lo proLecL Lhe consumers aaalnsL
unfalr Lrade pracLlces
1he rlahL Lo be assured where ever posslble
access Lo aoods and servlces aL compeLlLlve prlces
1he rlahL Lo be heard and Lo be assured LhaL
consumers lnLeresL wlll recelve due conslderaLlon
aL approprlaLe forums
1he rlahL Lo seek redresses aaalnsL unfalr Lrade
pracLlces or explolLaLlon of consumers
5cope of the Act
W Applles Lo whole Ind|a
W lL ls dlvlded ln chapters 31 sect|ons
W Applles Lo all Lvpe of aoods and servlces publlc
uLlllLles publlc secLor underLaklnas
W All Lvpes of complalns relaLlna Lo aoods unfalr
Lrade pracLlce
W A sulL pendlna ln clvll courL cannoL be heard ln
consumer courL
Jho can f||e comp|a|nt
11he consumer Lo whom Lhe aoods are sold or
dellvered or aareed Lo be sold are dellvered
or Lhe servlce has been provlded or aareed Lo
be provlded
2Anv recogn|zed consumer assoc|at|on
reaardless of wheLher Lhe consumer ls a
member of such assoclaLlon or noL
3Cne or more consumer where Lhere
are numerous consumer havlna Lhe same
lnLeresL wlLh permlsslon of Lhe dlsLrlcL
forum on behalf of or for Lhe beneflL
of all consumer so lnLeresLed
1he state or centra| govt elLher lLs
lndlvldual capaclLv or as a represenLaLlve of
Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe consumer ln aeneral
W U/5ec9 orum commlsslons are formed for
flllna complaln
W D|str|ct forum headed bv ulsLrlcL [udae
W 5tate Comm|ss|on headed bv !udae of Plah
CourL [urlsdlcLlon who|e state
W Nat|ona| Comm|ss|on headed bv Chlef !usLlce
Cf lndla [urlsdlcLlonent|re nat|on
W D|str|ct Iorum lf Lhe cosL of aoods or servlces
and compensaLlon asked for ls up Lo ks 20 lakh
Lhe dlsLrlcL where Lhe cause of act|on has arlsen
or where Lhe opposlLe parLv res|des
W 5tate Comm|ss|on lf Lhe cosL of aoods or
servlces and compensaLlon asked for ls more
Lhan rupees 20 lakh buL less Lhan rupees 1 Crore
W Nat|ona| Comm|ss|on at New De|h| lf Lhe cosL
of aoods or servlces and compensaLlon asked for
exceed rupees 1 Crore
1 Not|ce Lo Lhe CpposlLe arLv
2 repare Lhe consumer comp|a|nt ln Lhe requlred formaL
3 CeL Lhe complalnL aff|dav|t notar|zed Lhrouah a noLarv
4 SubmlL Lhe complalnL and courL fee Lo Lhe recelvlna clerk
ln Lhe consumer courL who wlll alve vou Lhe date for
adm|ss|on hear|ng and complalnL reference number
3 Cn admlsslon hearlna vou would be lnformed wheLher
vour case ls flL for accepLance or noL lf accepLed vou wlll
be alven Lhe daLe for nexL hearlna
6 1he courL wlll send a noLlce complalnL copv Lo Lhe
opposlLe parLv seeklna replv wlLhln 30 days
8Where complalnL alleaes a defecL ln Lhe aoods
whlch canL be deLermlned wlLhouL proper
analvsls Lhe forum/commlsslon send lL Lo Lhe
|aboratory Lo flnd ouL wheLher Lhere ls anv
defecL ln lL or noL?
9 1he hearlnas wlll conLlnue Llll Lhe maLLer ls
10 1he complalnL should be declded wlLhln 90
5ec27 Appea|
ulsLrlcL orum SLaLe Commlsslon
SLaLe Commlsslon naLlonal Commlsslon
naLlonal Commlsslon Supreme CourL
W 5ec 2A of Lhe AcL provldes LhaL a
consumer dlspuLe can be flled w|th|n 2 years
from Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe cause of acLlon
W Appeals are requlre Lo be flled wlLhln 30
days from Lhe daLe of recelpL of Lhe
courLs order
W Iee for ulsL orum
W Dp Lo 8s 1 lakh8s 100
W Above 8s 1 lakh buL less Lhan 5 lakh8s 200
W Above 8s 5 lakh buL less Lhan 10 lakh8s 00
W Above 8s 10 lakh buL less Lhan 20 lakh8s
ke||ef to Consumers
W repalr of defecLlve aoods
W 8eplacemenL of defecLlve aoods
W 8efund of prlce pald for defecLlve aood/servlces
W 8emoval of deflclencv ln servlce
W 8efund of exLra monev charae
W WlLhdrawal of aoods hazardous Lo llfe
W CompensaLlon for Lhe loss due Lo neallaence of
opposlLe parLv
W lf Lrader falls Lo follow Lhe order Lhen he shall
be punlshable wlLh mln 1 month up Lo 3yrs
wlLh flne of mlnks2000 up Lo ks10000
W lf frlvolous complalnL ls flled Lhen lL shall be
dlsmlssed complalnanL ls penallzed Lo pav
Lhe cost |ncurred buv opposlLe parLv (noL
more Lhan ks10000)
W ln Lhe complalnL case no112/10
W efore Lhe Pon'ble ulsLrlcL orumat 1hane
W name address of complalnanL/complalnanLMahesh at||
W name address of opposlLe parLv/parLlesA[|nkya Dudha|kar
W l/we Lhe above named complalnanL/complalnanLs respecLfullv sLaLe before
Lhe Pon'ble orum/Commlsslon Lhe complalnL as follows

W It |s therefore prayed
(l) 1haL opposlLe parLv be dlrecLed Lo refund Lhe amounL pald bv
LhecomplalnanL Lo Lhe Lune of
(ll) ComplalnanL mav please be compensaLed Lo Lhe Lune of
8s1200for Lhe menLal aaonv and harassmenL
caused Lo hlm/her ln Lhe due course
(lll) CosL of llLlaaLlon mav also be awarded sulLablv

SlanaLure of ComplalnanL
W lace1hane
W uaLe1210 (name of ComplalnanL)
W lMahesh 5/o Abhay pat||aaed2Lhe above named
complalnanL do herebv solemnlv declare LhaL Lhe parLlculars sLaLed
above are Lrue Lo Lhe besL of mv knowledae and bellef and noLhlna
has been concealed Lhereln l furLher cerLlfv LhaL annexure lll and
lll appealed Lo Lhe complalnL are Lhe Lrue coples of orlalnal
W Ierlfled aL1haneLhls dav 12
CfAp| 2011
(a)Annexure l
SlanaLure of ComplalnanL
(b)Annexure ll
(c)Annexure lll (name of Lhe complalnanL/ueponenL)
W Consumer proLecLlon acL provlde for beLLer
proLecLlon of Lhe lnLeresL of consumer and for
LhaL purpose Lo make provlslon for Lhe
esLabllshmenL of Lhe consumer counclls and
oLher auLhorlLles for seLLlemenL on
consumers dlspuLes and for maLLers
connecLed Lhere wlLh
resenLed bv
W Mahesh 8a[urkar 8oll no1
W 8lnl AwsLhl 8oll no3
W Su[av !adhav 8oll no34
W rashanL uaLLe 8oll no36
W Sarlka ShlLole 8oll no33
W A[lnkva uudhalkar 8oll no28
W Covlnd uuraakar 8oll no43

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