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The Trade Unions Act, 1926

Sayed AIlar Hossain (u2)

Manish Kumar (II)
An Acl lo piovido foi lho iogislialion of Tiado
Unions and in coilain iospocls lo dofino lho Iav
ioIaling lo iogisloiod Tiado Unions.
2 Def|n|t|on
(h) 1rade Un|on lL means any comblnaLlon wheLher Lemporary or permanenL
formed prlmarlly for Lhe purpose of regulaLlng Lhe relaLlons workmen and
employers or beLween workmen and workmen or beLween employers and
employers or for lmposlng resLrlcLlve condlLlon on Lhe conducL of any Lrade or
buslness and lncludes any federaLlon of Lwo or more 1rade unlon
(a) Lxecut|ve lL means Lhe body by whaLever name called Lo whlch Lhe
managemenL of Lhe affalrs of a 1rade unlon ls enLrusLed
(d) keg|stered Cff|ce lL means LhaL offlce of a 1rade unlon whlch ls reglsLered
under Lhls AcL as Lhe head offlce Lhereof
(e) keg|stered 1rade Un|on lL means a 1rade unlon reglsLered under Lhls AcL
2 Def|n|t|on Contd
(f) keg|strar lL means
(l) a 8eglsLrar of 1rade unlon appolnLed by Lhe approprlaLe CovL under secLlon
3 and lncludes any AddlLlonal or uepuLy 8eglsLrar 1rade unlons and
(ll) ln relaLlon Lo any 1rade unlon Lhe 8eglsLrar appolnLed for Lhe SLaLe ln
whlch Lhe head or reglsLered offlce as Lhe case may be of Lhe 1rade unlon
ls slLuaLed
(g) 1rade D|spute lL means any dlspuLe beLween employers and employers or
beLween employers and workmen or beLween workmen and workmen whlch ls
connecLed wlLh employmenL or nonemploymenL or Lhe Lerms of employmenL
or Lhe condlLlons of labour of any person
keg|strat|on of 1rade Un|ons
3 Appo|ntment of keg|strars
(1) ApproprlaLe CovL shall appolnL a person Lo be Lhe 8eglsLrar of
1rade unlons for each SLaLe
(2) 1he approprlaLe CovL may appolnL as many AddlLlonal and
depuLy 8eglsLrars of Lhe 1rade unlons as lL Lhlnks flL for Lhe
purpose of exerclslng and dlscharglng under Lhe superlnLendence
and dlrecLlon of Lhe reglsLrar such power of Lhe 8eglsLrar under
Lhls AcL as lL may by order speclfy and deflne Lhe local llmlLs
wlLhln whlch any such AddlLlonal and uepuLy 8eglsLrar shall
exerclse and dlscharge Lhe powers and funcLlons so speclfled
S App||cat|on for keg|strat|on
(1) Lvery appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon of a Lrade unlon shall be made Lo Lhe
reglsLrar and shall be accompanled by a copy of Lhe rules of Lrade unlon
(a) the names, occupations and address of the members making
(b) the name of the Trade Union and the address of its head office;
(c) the titles, names, ages, addresses and occupations of the office-
bearers of the Trade Union.
6 rov|s|on to be conta|ned |n the ru|es of
a trade un|on
A Lrade unlon shall noL be enLlLle Lo reglsLraLlon under Lhls AcL unless Lhe
execuLlve Lhereof ls consLlLuLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls
AcL and Lhe rules Lhereof provlde for Lhe followlng maLLers namely
(a) Lhe name of Lhe 1rade unlon
(b) Lhe whole of Lhe ob[ecLs for whlch Lhe 1rade unlon has been esLabllshed
(c) Lhe whole of Lhe purposes for whlch Lhe general funds of Lhe 1rade unlon
shall be appllcable all of whlch purposes shall be purposes Lo whlch
such funds are lawfully appllcable under Lhls AcL
(d) Lhe malnLenance of a llsL of Lhe members of Lhe 1rade unlon and
adequaLe faclllLles for Lhe lnspecLlon Lhereof by Lhe
offlcebearers and
members of 1rade unlon
8 keg|strat|on
1he 8eglsLrar on belng saLlsfled LhaL Lhe 1rade
unlon has complled wlLh all Lhe requlremenLs of Lhls
AcL ln regard Lo reglsLraLlon shall reglsLer Lhe 1rade
unlon by enLerlng ln a reglsLer Lo be malnLalned ln
such form as may be prescrlbed Lhe parLlculars
relaLlng Lo Lhe 1rade unlon conLalned ln Lhe
sLaLemenL accompanylng Lhe appllcaLlon for
9 Cert|f|cate of keg|strat|on
1he 8eglsLrar on reglsLerlng a 1rade unlon under secLlon 8
shall lssue a cel1lflcaLe of reglsLraLlon ln Lhe prescrlbed form
whlch shall be concluslve evldence LhaL Lhe 1rade unlon has
been duly reglsLered under Lhls AcL
9A M|n|mum requ|rement about
membersh|p of 1rade Un|on
A reglsLered 1rade unlon of workmen shall aL all
Llmes conLlnue Lo have noL less Lhan 10 or 100 of
workmen whlchever ls less sub[ecL Lo a mlnlmum of
7 engaged or employed ln an esLabllshed or lndusLry
wlLh whlch lL ls connecLed as lLs members
10 Cance||at|on of reg|strat|on
W A cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon of a 1rade unlon may be
wlLhdrawn or cancelled by Lhe 8eglsLrar
(a) on Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe 1rade unlon Lo be verlfled ln such
manner as may be prescrlbed
(b) lf Lhe 8eglsLrar ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhe cerLlflcaLe has been
obLalned by fraud or mlsLake or LhaL Lhe 1rade unlon has
ceased Lo exlsL or has wllfully and afLer noLlce from Lhe
8eglsLrar conLravened any provlslon of Lhls AcL or allowed any
rule Lo conLlnue ln force whlch ls lnconslsLenL wlLh any such
provlslon or has resclnded any rule provldlng for any maLLer
provlslon for whlch ls requlred by secLlon 6
11 Appea|
(1) Any person aggrleved by any refusal of Lhe 8eglsLrar Lo
reglsLer a 1rade unlon or by Lhe wlLhdrawal or cancellaLlon of
a cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon may wlLhln such perlod as may be
prescrlbed appeal
(a) where Lhe head offlce of Lhe 1rade unlon ls slLuaLed wlLhln
Lhe llmlLs of a resldency Lown Lo Lhe Plgh CourL or
(b) where Lhe head offlce ls slLuaLed ln any area Lo such
CourL noL lnferlor Lo Lhe CourL of an addlLlonal or asslsLanL
!udge of a prlnclpal Clvll CourL of orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon as Lhe
ApproprlaLe CovernmenL may appolnL ln Lhls behalf for LhaL
12 keg|stered off|ce
All communlcaLlons and noLlces Lo a reglsLered
1rade unlon may be addressed Lo lLs reglsLered
offlce noLlce of any change ln Lhe address of Lhe
head offlce shall be glven wlLhln fourLeen days of
such change Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar ln wrlLlng and Lhe
changed address shall be recorded ln Lhe reglsLer
referred Lo ln secLlon 8
13 |ncorporat|on of reg|stered 1rade
Lvery reglsLered 1rade unlon shall be a body
corporaLe by Lhe name under whlch lL ls reglsLered
and shall have perpeLual successlon and a common
seal wlLh power Lo acqulre and hold boLh movable
and lmmovable properLy and Lo conLracL and shall
by Lhe sald name sue and be sued
14 Certa|n Acts not to app| to
reg|stered 1rade Un|ons
1he followlng AcLs namely
(a) 1he SocleLles 8eglsLraLlon AcL 1860 (21 of 1860)
(b) 1he CooperaLlve SocleLles AcL 1912 (2 of 1912)
(C) 1he Companles AcL 1936 (1 of 1936)
shall noL apply Lo any reglsLered 1rade unlon and Lhe
reglsLraLlon of any such 1rade unlon under any such
AcL shall be vold
13 Cb[ecLs on whlch general funds
may be spenL
1he general funds of a reglsLered 1rade unlon shall
noL be spenL on any oLher ob[ecLs Lhan Lhe followlng
a) aymenL of salarles
b) aymenL of expenses
c) rosecuLlon or defence
d) ConducL of Lrade dlspuLes
e) CompensaLlon of members
f) Allowances Lo members
g) rovlslon of educaLlon soclal or rellglous
h) aymenL ln furLherance
16 Const|tut|on of a separate
fund for po||t|ca| purposes
(1) A reglsLered 1rade unlon may consLlLuLe a
separaLe fund from conLrlbuLlons separaLely
levled for or made Lo LhaL fund from whlch
paymenLs may be made for Lhe promoLlon of
Lhe clvlc and pollLlcal lnLeresLs of lLs members
ln furLherance of any of Lhe ob[ecLs speclfled
ln subsecLlon (2)
17 Cr|m|na| consp|rac |n trade
no offlcebearer or member of a 8eglsLered 1rade unlon shall
be llable Lo punlshmenL under subsecLlon (2) of secLlon 1208
of Lhe lndlan enal Code 1860 (43 of 1860) ln respecL of any
agreemenL made beLween Lhe members for Lhe purpose of
furLherlng any such ob[ecL of Lhe 1rade unlon as ls speclfled ln
secLlon 13 unless Lhe agreemenL ls an agreemenL Lo commlL
an offence
18 Immun|t from c|v|| su|t |n
certa|n cases
(l) no sulL or oLher legal proceedlng shall be malnLalnable ln any Clvll CourL
agalnsL any reglsLered 1rade unlon or any offlcebearer or member Lhereof ln
respecL of any acL done ln conLemplaLlon or furLherance of a Lrade dlspuLe Lo
whlch a member of Lhe 1rade unlon ls a parLy on Lhe ground only LhaL such acL
lnduces some oLher person Lo break a conLracL of employmenL or LhaL lL ls ln
lnLerference wlLh Lhe Lrade buslness or employmenL of
some oLher person or wlLh Lhe rlghL of some oLher person Lo dlspose of hls caplLal
or of hls labour as he wllls
(2) A reglsLered 1rade unlon shall noL be llable ln any sulL or oLher legal proceedlng
ln any clvll courL ln respecL of any LorLlous acL done ln conLemplaLlon or
furLherance of a Lrade dlspuLe by an agenL of Lhe 1rade unlon lf lL ls proved LhaL
such person acLed wlLhouL Lhe knowledge of or conLrary Lo express lnsLrucLlons
glven by Lhe execuLlve of Lhe 1rade unlons
20 k|ght to |nspect books of 1rade
1he accounL books of a reglsLered 1rade unlon and
Lhe llsL of members Lhereof shall be open Lo
lnspecLlon by an offlce bearer or member of Lhe
1rade unlon aL such Llmes as may be provlded for ln
Lhe rules of Lhe 1rade unlon
21 k|ghts of m|nors to membersh|p of
1rade Un|ons
Any person who has aLLalned Lhe age of flfLeen years
may be a member of a reglsLered 1rade unlon
sub[ecL Lo any rules of Lhe 1rade unlon Lo Lhe
conLrary and may sub[ecL as aforesald en[oy all Lhe
rlghLs of a member and execuLe all lnsLrumenLs and
glve all acqulLLances necessary Lo be execuLed or
glven under Lhe rules
23 Change of Name
Any reglsLered 1rade unlon may wlLh Lhe
consenL of noL less Lhan Lwo Lhlrds of Lhe LoLal
number of lLs members and sub[ecL Lo Lhe
provlslons of secLlon 23 change lLs name
24 Ama|gamat|on of 1rade Un|ons
Any Lwo or more reglsLered 1rade unlons may become
amalgamaLed LogeLher as one 1rade unlon wlLh or wlLhouL
dlssoluLlon or dlvlslon of Lhe funds of such 1rade unlons or
elLher or any of Lhem provlded LhaL Lhe voLes of aL leasL clne
half of Lhe members of each or every such 1rade unlon
enLlLled Lo voLe are recorded and LhaL aL leasL slxLy per cenL
of Lhe voLes recorded are ln favour of Lhe proposal
26 Lffects of change of name and of
(1) 1he change ln Lhe name of a reglsLered 1rade unlon shall
noL affecL any rlghLs or obllgaLlons of Lhe 1rade unlon or
render deLecLlve any legal proceedlng by or agalnsL Lhe 1rade
unlon and any legal proceedlng whlch mlghL have been
conLlnued or commenced by or agalnsL lL by lLs former name
may be conLlnued or commenced by or agalnsL lL by lLs new
(2) An amalgamaLlon of Lwo or more reglsLered 1rade unlons
shall noL pre[udlce any rlghL of any of such 1rade unlons or
any rlghL of a credlLor of any of Lhem

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