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Group Members

Roll No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 979 982 983 984 Name Niyati Sagar Rachit Sanghvi Tejal Saraf Parth Savla

The United Nations defines violence against women

as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.

Sexual Violence. Kidnapping and Abduction. Physical and Mental Torture . Molestation. Eve Teasing of sexual harassment. Dowry Homicides. Importation of Girls. Immoral Trafficking. Sati.

Indecent Representing of Women.

Wife Battering.

Rape as sex with a women Against her will Without her consent When the man knows that he is not her husband but she believes him as her husband With or without her consent when she is under the age of 16

Abduction is forcibly ,fraudulently ,or deceitfully taking away a woman. With an intention of seducing her to illicit sex of compelling her to marry a person against her will.

Practice of giving dowry to a daughter is an age old institution in our country. The custom has suddenly acquired harmful overtones in recent years. It is perceived as pernicious to the welfare of the society in general and women in particular.

Molestation is the sexual exploitation of a child or a woman by an adult for sexual gratification or for profit. It is the act of subjecting someone to unwanted or improper sexual advances or activity. Molestation is a heinous crime; it shows the mentality of the men living in the society.

Sati was a religious practice among some Hindu communities in which a recently widowed woman either voluntarily or by use of force and coercion would have immolated herself on her husbands funeral pyre. The practice is rare and has been outlawed in India since 1829.

Wife battering refers to violent acts-psychological, sexual and/or physical assaultby an assailant against his wife and/or partner made with the intent of controlling the partner by inducing fear and pain.


Mental & Physical Health

Risky Behaviours


Sexual & Reproductive Health

Health consequences can result directly from the long term effects of violence. Injuries: Physical and sexual abuse by a partner is closely associated with injuries to women. Deaths: Deaths from violence against women include honour killings like suicide, female infanticide and maternal death from unsafe abortion.

Sexual and reproductive health: Sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS, unintended pregnancies, gynecological problems, induced abortions, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage , low birth weight and fetal death. Risky behaviours: Sexual abuse as a child is associated with higher rates of sexual risk-taking substance use, and additional victimization. Each of these behaviours increases risks of health problems.

Mental health: Violence and abuse increase risk of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, sleep difficulties, eating disorders and emotional distress. Physical health: Abuse can result in many health problems, including headaches, back pain, abdominal pain, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal disorders, limited mobility, and poor overall health.

To decrease violence against women through initiatives that help to identify, quantify and respond to the problem, including : Building evidence on the scope and types of violence in different settings. This is a key step in understanding the magnitude and nature of the problem at a global level.

Disseminating information to countries and supporting national efforts to advance women's rights and prevent violence. Collaborating with international agencies and organizations to deter violence against women globally. Developing guidance for Member States and health professionals to prevent violence and strengthen health sector responses to it.


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