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Qu pueden expresar o significar?

Causa Agente a causa de, por su culpa hecho por

die of cancer composed by spade

Manera Propsito Material

escrito a lpiz (ejemplar)

ir a pie para conseguir, por lograr De madera

with a spade
In style in order to succeed Made of wood

Funciones de la preposicin
Puede realizar las siguientes funciones en la oracin:
Sirve de lazo de unin entre dos palabras o elementos de una oracin, indicando la relacin que hay entre ellas y que puede ser de lugar, tiempo o cualquier otra circunstancia: He did it on purpose Lo hizo a propsito (on purpose es complemento circunstancial de modo del verbo did) La frase preposicional puede tambin hacer las veces de complemento de un nombre o pronombre : Nothing in common Nada en comn (in common complementa/ postmodifica a nothing) Tambin hace las veces de complemento de un adjetivo o postmodificador.

Hes clever at it. Es listo para eso. (At it complementa a clever) Im sorry for him Lo siento por l (for him postmodifca a sorry)

Funciones de la preposicin
La frase preposicional puede incluso constituir una oracin independiente/ modificador oracional:
On the other hand, he wasnt ready for it yet. In all frankness, your son is not making any progress.
Por otra parte, todava no estaba preparado para eso. Con toda franqueza, su hijo no est haciendo ningn progreso

Otra funcin primordial de la preposicin en ingls es la de acompaar a un verbo sirviendo de enlace con su complemento. Como en estos dos ejemplos:
La preposicin no altera el significado del verbo:

To listen to To dream of To laugh at

Hes listening to some classical music Est escuchando escuchar msica clsica soar con Think about what Ive told you - Piensa en lo que te he dicho rerse de

Funciones de la preposicin
La preposicin transforma el significado primitivo del verbo, constituyendo un trmino lxico diferente, lo que se llama en ingls Phrasal Verbs.
Hes come into a vast fortune. Ha heredado una inmensa fortuna.

To do- hacer; pero to do without- pasarse de To come- venir; pero come into heredar

Youre supposed to look after the children .

Se supone que debes cuidar a los nios.

Particulareidades de las preposiciones inglesas

Preposiciones diferentes pueden tener usos similares in the morning on Monday morning Muchos sustantivos, verbos y adjetivos se usan normalmente con especficas preposiciones: La mayora de las Alta versatilidad with preposiciones inglesas tienen varias One funcioneswith a lady may walk diferentes
One may walk with difficulty One may walk with a limp One may walk with a cane

reason for
angry with someone

Preposiciones ms comunes en ingls

Hay cerca de setenta preposiciones simples en el ingls.

About Above Across After Against Along Amid(st), formal (en medio de, entre) Among (st)AmE, BrE Around

As Astride At Atop Athwart Before Behind Below Beneath (formal)

Beside(s) Between Beyond But By Despite Down During

Except For From In Inside Into Like Near On

Onto Of Off Opposite Out Outside Over Past Since

Through To Toward(s)/A mE, BrE Under Underneath Until Upon With

Preposiciones arcaicas y/o bblicas

Adown (down)

stories told anent them without their express desire Anent (concerning, about, etc)

historias contadas sobre ellos sin su deseo expreso. Aslant (diagonally over or across)
Athwart (Contrary to , across) I shall be back ere nightfall Betwixt (between) Estar de regreso antes del anochecer

O lords, this noble knight that I have fought withal Ere (before) Oh seores, este noble caballero con el que he luchado
Forth (from, out of)

Betwixt (above, between)

Unto (to)
Withal (with)

Anent (concerning, about, etc) Ere (before) Withal (with)

Preposiciones que provienen de otros idiomas

Provenientes del latn (usados por pocos miembros de una elite educada)

Anti: Just becauseto won't join you, it sb) Anti (opposed I or against sth or doesn't mean that I'm anti you. Circa: He was born circa 1600. with years/ approximately; alrededor de (fecha) Circa (formal- used especially Pace: The evidence suggests, pace Professor Jones, that Pace (contrary to the opinion of) Pro: He is pro exercise but against physical exertion. Pro (in favor of) Qua: Qua musician, heof sth): Qua (as, in the role lacks skill. Re : Re your communication of 15 Februarywith regard to): Re (especially in business letters/about;

Versus: Tomorrow's game is Newcastle contra frente a) Versus (law, sports/against; versus- versus Arsenal.
Via: I only found using- va it via my sister/de) London-Addis flight goes via Rome. Via (through; out about por mediacin The Cum: This is for linking two nouns) and; as well as/ with bar-cum-restaurant. Cum(used my bedroom-cum-study./ This hotel has small

Provenientes del francs

Apropos (of) (with respect to): A propos (of) what you were just saying Sans (without): She went to the party sans her husband. Vis- - vis (in relation to/ in comparison with): I've got to speak to James vis- -vis the arrangements for Thursday. In lieu of : instead of

Preposiciones y dialectos del ingls

Dialecto escocs:
Ablow (below) Abuin (above) Aside (beside) Aneath (beneath) Ahint(behind) Afore (before) Aboot (about) Agin/outwith (except, outside) Athort (athwart, across) Fornent (near, opposite, alongside) Outwith (lenguaje legal/ beyond, outside)

Dialecto britnico:
while (till): working nine while five Again/ against ("before, by the time that"): She'll be back again five o'clock.

Dialecto irlands:
After: Im after hitting him with the car! (Ive just hit him) (Irish has no pluperfect, exclamation is used)

Dialecto escocs/irlands:
Fornent/fernenst ("against, next to"): It's over fernenst the wall. Till ("to"): It's quarter till five.

Cmo la ortografa de las preposiciones han cambiado?

Ingls antiguo (desde el ao 400 al 1100) Ingls medio (desde el 1100 a fines de 1400) Ingls moderno (desde 1500 hasta hoy)

onbutan aefter aet beforan betweonum be/bi fram ofer til

aboute(n) efter aet before betwenen be/bi/by fram ofer untill

about after at before between by from over until


Preposiciones que se usan en Tween/twist (formas reducidas el estilo potico, literario between) Betwixt (between) Atop On top of (especialmente AmE) Ere (before)

Tipos de preposiciones del ingls

1. Simple Prepositions

2. Locuciones preposicionales o Preposiciones compuestas

Se puede clasificar en secuencias de dos o tres palabras Dos palabras Adverbio adjetivo conjuncin preposicin simple For from of To with

We had to leave early because of the bad weather

In line with latest trends in fashion, many dress designers have been
sacrificing elegance to audacity. Except for Margaret, everybody was in favor of the idea.

Ejemplos de preposiciones con dos palabras

According to Across from Ahead of antes que All along All over All around All through Along with Alongside of Apart from As for As from As of As per As regards As to Aside from Away from Back of Because of But for de no ser/ haber sido por Close to Contrary to Due to Far from From among From under Except for Exclusive of In between Inside of Instead of Irrespective of Near to

Next to On to (onto) Out of Outside of Owing to Preliminary to Preparatory to Previous to Prior to Pursuant to Regardless of Subsequent to Thanks to Up against Up to Upwards of

He arrived five minutes ahead of us. But for his help, youd be dead. Lleg cinco minutos antes que nosotros.muerto. De no haber sido por su ayuda, estaras

Preposiciones compuestas de tres palabras

La ms numerosa categora de preposiciones compuestas es la que tiene tres palabras, como en:

Pres 1



in view of the election

In view of these recent election results, many Peruvians wish to have voted for PPK. In view of the new evidence, the judge dismissed the case.

En vista de dichos resultados electorales, los peruanos desean haber votado por PPK. Teniendo en cuenta las nuevas pruebas, el juez desestim la causa.

As far as At the back At the bottom As well as At variance with By dint of (a fuerza de) By means of By virtue of By way of

In accordance with In addition to In back of In case of In charge of In compliance with In connection with In face of In favor of In front of In lieu of

In line with In order to In quest of In spite of In terms of In view of On account of On pain of On top of To the bottom With reference to In spite of

Preposiciones compuestas donde el sustantivo es precedido por un artculo definido o indefinido y usualmente terminan en of. Por ejemplo: In the light As a result of For the sake of por el bien de The election At the expense of With the exception of Por (el bien de) la familia In the event of On the ground(s) of Hablar por hablar

For the sake of the family To talk for the sake of talking

3. Marginal Prepositions
A diferencia de las preposiciones presentadas anteriormente, hay algunas palabras que se comportan de muchas maneras como preposiciones, aunque tambin tengan afinidades con otras clases de palabras como los verbos o adjetivos. Se forman a partir de otras partes del discurso, por lo general los verbos, pero actan como preposiciones.

Granted his obsequious manner, I still think hes ambitious enough to do the job. He gave Mary all bar three of the sketches. (except/ but)

To say that you accept that something is true, often before you adding contrasting information.

Le dio a Maria todos los libros excepto tres.

Two gold-hilted swords, each worth 10, 000, were sold at Sothebys last Monday.

Dos espadas con empuadura de oro, cada uno con valor 10,000, fueron robadas el lunes pasado en Sotheby's.

El ingls tiene muchas preposiciones que derivan de verbo. Parecen participios de presente pero son clasificados como participle prepositions. Algunas preposiciones con ing. Por ejemplo:

Concerning (formal/referente a), Considering (teniendo en cuenta) Excepting (exceptuando, excepto) Regarding (con respecto a) Respecting (con respecto a, respecto a)

Touching (in regard to formal o literario) Bar/barring, excluding: save=salvo (formal) Failing, wanting Following, pending (formal/hasta) Given, granted, including

Barring any further interruptions, we will finish on time.

Salvo interrupciones adicionales, terminaremos a tiempo. Hasta nueva revisin.

Pending further review.

Less, minus, plus, times, y over forman un especial grupo en el uso con nmeros. Ejemplo:
6+2 se lee como six plus two En un estilo informal, minus and plus pueden tambin aparecer en contexto que no son numricos: I hope he comes minus his wife. (without) Espero que venga sin su esposa

Shes had mumps plus measles. (and)

Ha tenido paperas y sarampin

Plus puede ser usado como conjuncin and, in addition, also

You can get what you want, plus you can save money Puedes conseguir lo que quieras, adems de poder ahorrar dinero.

Verbos con distinta preposicin en ingls y espaol

Los falsos amigos sintcticos los causan verbos de forma y significado parecidos que rigen una preposicin distinta, o ninguna.
operate Ingls
Wait for Depend on Consist of Pay for Dote on Feed on Shiver with Shudder with/at Account for Brim over with

operar es transitivo y por tanto no lleva preposicin tras l, mientras que el verbo ingls rige la preposicin on. He dotes on his grandson. Owls feed on mice. She was shivering with cold. Shes brimming over with happiness. Se le cae la baba por su nieto. Los bhos se alimentan de ratones. Estaba tremblando de fro. Est rebosante de felicidad. Calla! No llames a la muerte!

Esperar a Depender de Consistir in Pagar Caerse la baba por Alimentarse de Temblar de Estremecerse de/ ante Responder de Rebosar de

Shut up! Dont call on Death!

Verbos que rigen preposicin en ingls y en espaol no

To see To apply for To approve of To ask for To listen to To long for To look at To look for To look forward to To look like To pay for To preside over Ver a Solicitar (trabajo, puesto, etc.) Aprobar (solo en el sentido de considerar algo bueno) Pedir (algo) Escuchar Desear Mirar Buscar Desear Parecer Pagar (algo q se ha comprado) Presidir

I saw James last night.

Who presides over the meeting?

Vi a Jaime ayer noche.

Quin preside la asamblea?

Verbos que rigen preposicin en espaol y en ingls no:

To approach To lack To marry To remember To resemble To trust Acercarse a Carecer de Casarse con Acordarse de Parecerse a Confiar en, fiarse de

Do you remember Hugh? Your son resembles you. You can trust me.

Te acuerdas de Hugh? Tu hijo se parece a ti. Puedes confiar en m.

Nota 1: Los verbos to approve of, to listen to, to look at, to look for y to wait for llevan preposicin en espaol cuando el objeto es un ser animado: Look at Yolanda. Look at this fotograph. Nota 2: la preposicin en: Mira a Yolanda

Mira esta foto In God we trust. Confiamos en Dios.

Diferencias en las construcciones en el ingls britnico y Americano

Americano Britnico Aside from Apart from Different from Different from, different to Enroll in (a course, etc.) Enrol on In (good) form On (good) form In a pinch at a pinch In school at school On the street, on south street In the street, in south street In tow (of a vehicle) On tow On the weekend At the weekend Estadounidenses usan raras veces different to. De otro lado el uso de different than es poco comn en el ingls britnico.

Around and round Americano

En todos los casos around: He came around to our point of view. The ropes are tied the wrong way around. There has to be a way around this obstacle. La nica diferencia son las expresiones fijas : round the clock (the) year round round and round Todas estas expresiones son ms frecuentes en el ingls americano que con el uso de around.

Usa round en casi todos los casos He came round to our point of view. The ropes are tied the wrong way round. There has to be a way round this obstacle. Pero around tambin puede ser utilizado sin causar ninguna extraeza en estas oraciones o expresiones.

Se prefiere utilizar around cuando significa aproximadamente (it costs around 100) y en otros casos, tpicamente modificando a un verbo, en los cuales hay una nocin de imprecisin e indefinicin: We wandered around for ages

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