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In order to manage risk at your event, you must identify potential hazards and the level of risk they

pose (a risk assessment). As an event organizer, you need to put in place any necessary contingency plans after conducting this risk assessment. It is also your responsibility to be aware of safety precautions and procedures in the case of a high risk situation at your event.

Safety and Security Comprehensive risk assessment and contingency planning, as well as preparation of clear emergency response and crisis management plans, must be standard operating procedure for every p l a n n e r

What are you protecting? The safety and security of attendees and staff should always be the top priority. After people, safeguarding property, proprietary information, and the financial investment in the event is important. The success of the event, your professional reputation, and even the reputation of your company or organization may be at stake, and so adequate should be taken to protect all these tangible and intangible assets.

Risk Assessment and Analysis

Global event planners recognize that just being overseas constitutes a risk.

Questions to assess the specific risk potential of particular event:

Is there anything of concern with regard to timing of the event? The date ? The season? Is there anything of concern with regard to the location: the specific destination or venue? Is there anything of concern with regard to attendees, for example, age, physical limitations, and political views?

Questions to assess the specific risk potential of particular event:

Is there anything of concern with regard to the program components, such as controversial content and potentially dangerous activities? What is exposed to loss? What specifically could come cause to loss? Who would suffer a loss? What are the consequences?

Risk Management A good risk manager looks at two variables; The probability of a disruptive event occurring and the severity of its consequences. One cornerstone of risk management is insurance; the other is contingency planning.

Medical Emergencies Health related issues are the most common situations that require special attention overseas. Life threatening medical emergencies such as heart attack, stroke and anaphylactic shock also can occur, as can serious injuries as a result of accidents or violent crime. All larger events, where several hundred people are in attendance, the chance of something h a p p e n i n g i n c r e a s e s p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y. Paramedical Technicians at the event or on call for rapid response should be hired for large events, and on site medical teams are recommended if the event is in a remote location.

Basic safety precautions

Fire, theft, criminal assaults and natural disasters are common threats to travelers everywhere and should be taken seriously. Planners who have never worked overseas should know that many of the safety precautions and building codes that are mandated by law. A comprehensive site inspection is not just advisable but mandatory from a risk management prospective. It is a planners professional responsibility to be aware of any and all on site hazards to prevent or mitigate their effects and protect attendees from potential harm of any kind.

Special Security Issues

When dealing with high profile, security sensitive participants, it is advisable to retain the services of professional security consultant or company.

Weather Contingency and Natural Disaster

Natural disasters such as harsh weather, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis can be disruptive even when they occur . Meeting professionals need to keep abreast of weather conditions in places where substantial numbers of delegates originate as well as at the meeting site and plan accordingly.

Strikes and Protests

Labor disputes that occur during an event can be extremely disruptive and demand flexibility and some ingenuity. For these kinds of disruptions, contingency planning requires the knowledge and cooperation of the local support personnel, especially the hotel or the convention facility management.

It reduce the liability and financial loss associated with every one of the possible disruptions or crises. Cancellation and interruption insurance generally costs 1 to 2 percent of the overall event budget and is available for events overseas as well as in the United States.

Key Points
The safety and security of attendees and staff should always be the first priority. Risk management includes a listing of all possible events that might disrupt the meeting, a prioritizing of the probability of each event occurring and an analysis of the severity of each disruptive events consequences. Health related issues are the most common situations that require special attention overseas.

Key Points
A comprehensive site inspection is mandatory from a risk management perspective. Contingency plans should be created for possible weather related disruptions, natural disasters, strikes, demonstrations that have a high probability of occurring. When dealing with high profile,security sensitive particpants, it is advisable to retain the services of professional security consultant or company.

Key Points
Insurance is available to reduce the liability and financial of most potential disruptions.

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