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A general consideration of Stage I in Begg Technique.

General objective of any ortho trt. to
obtain a result that simulates normal occlusion. With Begg tecchnique objective achieved by dividing trt. into 3 stages. Stages I and II Crown tipping phase. Stage III Root tipping phase. Stage IV Finishing phase

Overlapping of the stages must be avoided. Ie. Objectives of each stage met before

proceeding Therefore better results and fewer problems are encountered. Division into stages
to prevent anchorage failure Teaching and learning made easier.

Objectives of Stage I
Correction of crowding and irregularity Closure of anterior spaces. Correction of rotations. Elimination of deep bites -edge to edge
bite / openbite except in class III

Openbites Overbite relations Correction of Mesiodistal relations of

buccal segments
Class I and Class II Mild class III Class III Class I or Class II

Co-ordination of upper and lower arches.

Correction of anterior and posterior cross

bites. Axial relation of anchor molars corrected upright position.

Extraction spaces become smaller All tooth movements carried out simultaneously & in both arches.

Orthodontic apparatus in Stage I. Attachments Bands, brackets, tubes &

lingual cleats. Archwires Ligatures. Elastics. Auxiliaries.- Rotation springs.

Apparatus applied simultaneously

to avoid breakage Act simultaneously to reciprocal adv. with each other Creeping into trt. Also avoided Severe loss of anchorage.



0.016 special AJW principal wire of Stage I. Combination of resilienbcy and flexibility. Adequate stiffness for bite opening Developed by rigid control in wire drawing and heat trt. 0.018 special Molar extraction cases 0.014 special rotating springs.

Parts. Intermaxillary Hooks ( IMH ) Small loops for engaging elastics and cuspid ties
2 types Boot Circle/ Helical Adv of Circle hook. 2 2.5 outside dia. Mesial & Distal rolling possible Less space requirement. Less distortion Greater stiffness in horizontal and vertical plane.

Well aligned ant. 1-2 mm mesial to the cuspid bracket. Spaced ant. Farther mesially. Mildly crowded ant. impinging on the bracket. Severley crowded multi loop wires.

Anterior Segement.
Portion of the wire b/w intermaxillary IMH lies gngival to buccal segment for effective intrusion Reverse curve at midline 2-3 mm elevated form occusal plane for even intrusion.

Cuspid Offset bend.

Horizontal offset bend mesial to the IMH. Proper positioning of the cuspid and the lateral incisor.

Cuspid Curve:
Labial curvature in cuspid area incorporated to avoid lingual tipping of canines. In narrow arches requiring expansion, cuspid offset given.

Anchorage bends / Tip back bends.

In buccal segment of the archwire mesial to

the tube with vertex facing occlusally.

Angulation depends on
Stage of trt. - as stage progresses.
Depth of overbite - with bite opening.

Rate of progress of case.

Inclination of anchor molars.

Mild to moderate inclination slight anchor

Severe inclination Initially no anchor bend.

Later gradually increases anchor bend to

upright the molar.

No intrusion of anteriors beyond edge to edge

or mild openbite.

Location depends on
Time elapsed since commencement of trt. as

far mesially.
Distal to ccuspid bracket. In mild open bite and overbite anchor curve.

Depth of overbite.
Greater reduction in overbite if closer to the molar tube.

Rate of progress.
Amount of space remaining. Location in looped archwire.

Non extn. cases

1st molar extn. cases. 2nd Premolar extn. cases.

Nearer the tube

Toe in and toe out bends.

Horizontal offset bends combined with anchor bends.

Anchorage bend bent lingually toe in.

Anchorage bend bent buccally toe out.

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