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Utah Animals rock!

Utah Animals
By, Mia & Moriah

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Grizzly Bears
The North American grizzly bear is known as a brown bear. Sometimes people would call them brownies. Grizzlies live mostly in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Alaska, Washington and Canada. The grizzly bear can get up to 1,800 pounds. That is about the weight of a big bull. The grizzly is able to stand on its hind feet. When he stands up he can be as tall as 12 feet high. He could reach the ceiling in your classroom. Grizzlies also have a hump on their back but usually bigger than just the regular brown bear. His fur is brown with silver tips. This bear got its name from the shaggy looking fur it has. The grizzly bear is very strong. He can kill a human with one swipe of his claw. This bear doesn't see very well. Smelling is what he does the best. Dens or caves are where grizzlies like to live. Insects, wild honey, grasses, roots, berries, fish, moose, elk, deer, sheep, and sometimes other bears are what grizzly bears eat.

Prairie Dogs
Mostly you can find these in grasslands or forests. Prairie dogs are born with no hair. Once a year the female has a litter of four pups.Adaptations The front paws have long claws for digging tunnels. They eat a lot to store up fat for winter. They sleep in the winter. Prairie dogs do not need to drink water. They can get all of the water needed from the leafy foods they eat.Enemies Many predators hunt these rodents including badgers, weasels, ferrets, hawks, owls, coyotes, foxes, bobcats and snakes.

Utah bobcat
When bobcats roar or growl, it is so rough and deep they are often mistaken for a mountain lion. - If a bobcat thinks that it is in danger, it will stay in its home for days at a time without ever coming out. - Bobcats are twice the size of their relative the house cat. - Bobcats have five toes on the forefoot, but the fifth toe does not leave a mark in the ground because it is raised high up on the foot. - It is common for a bobcat to walk 4 miles in a day. - The bobcat does not have an accurate sense of smell.

Bobcats have been known to live up to 25 years, but most will live only 15.

Cotton tail rabbit

These rabbits seek out habitat on the fringes of open spaces, such as fields, meadows, and farms, but can adapt to other habitatsincluding those of humans. They browse at night on grasses and herbs and are fond of garden fare such as peas and, of course, lettuce. In winter, their diet becomes a bit coarse and consists of bark, twigs, and buds. During the day, cottontails often remain hidden in vegetation. If spotted, they flee from prey with a zigzag pattern, sometimes reaching speeds of up to 18 miles (29 kilometers) an hour.There are several species of cottontail rabbit, but the eastern cottontail is the most common.

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