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WS 2-1

ANSYS, nc. Proprietary

2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Workshop 2
SimuIate the Crushing
of an Empty Soda Can
ANSYS ExpIicit Dynamics
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-2
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Workshop GoaI and Procedure
Crush an aIuminum beverage can and aIIow it to "springback"
Create an ExpIicit Dynamics (ANSYS) AnaIysis System Project
SeIect the units system and define the materiaI properties
Import, modify, and mesh the soda can geometry
Define anaIysis settings, boundary conditions, and externaI Ioads
Initiate the soIution (AUTODYN - STR) and review the resuIts
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-3
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 1 - Create the Project Schematic
Start ANSYS Workbench and foIIow the sequenced steps using the
abbreviations shown beIow:
DC = ouble Click with Left Mouse Button
SC = Single Click with Left Mouse Button
RMB = #ight Mouse Button SeIection
D&D = rag and rop = HoId Left Mouse Button down on item whiIe
dragging it to new Iocation and then reIease it (i.e., Copy or Move)
1. Create an ANSYS ExpIicit Dynamics AnaIysis System Project
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-4
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 2 - Specify the Project Units
2.a SeIect MKS for the Project Units
from the Units List provided
2.b Request that Native Applications
in Workbench have their vaIues be
isplayed in the Project Units
2.c Check those unit systems to
Suppress from appearing in the
Units List
ata is native
in Workbench,
but Mechanical
is NOT at this
time (but wiII be
in the future).
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-5
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 3 - Define Engineering Data MateriaI
3.a Edit the Engineering ata ceII to add a
materiaI to the defauIt Iibrary.
3.b SeIect the Iast sIot under Engineering
ata to define a new materiaI modeI.
3.c Enter materiaI
modeI name:
Note: An existing materiaI
modeI in the Explicit
Materials Iibrary couId
have been seIected, but
there are restrictions on
eIement types that can
be used with certain
materiaI modeIs, which
wiII be discussed Iater.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-6
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 3 - Define Engineering Data MateriaI ...
3.e Add the foIIowing Physical Properties to
the materiaI definition:
Isotropic EIasticity
BiIinear Isotropic Hardening
3.d Make sure the new
materiaI is active in
order to define its
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-7
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 3 - Define Engineering Data MateriaI ...
3.f Enter the foIIowing vaIues:
Density = 2710 kg m^-3
Young's ModuIus = 7e10 Pa
Poisson's Ratio = 0.30
YieId Strength = 2.9e8 Pa
Tangent ModuIus = 0.0 Pa
Since the materiaI is sufficientIy
defined, the bIue question
marks and yeIIow fieIds are no
Ionger present in the data tabIe.
Note: The resuIting stress-strain
curve is eIastic - perfectIy
pIastic. No strain hardening can
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-8
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 3 - Define Engineering Data MateriaI ...
3.g Return to the Project Schematic
3.h Save the Project by seIecting the
"Save As ..." icon and Browse to the
directory indicated by your instructor.
Use the name "empty_soda_can" for
the Project name.
Note: Saving the
Project saves aII of
the important fiIes.
The Project may
aIso be Archived, in
which aII of the
supporting fiIes are
compressed and
saved in one fiIe.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-9
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 4 - Import and Modify the Geometry
4.c Workbench has now identified
the geometry fiIe (note green
checkmark in Geometry ceII). It
is now OK to DoubIe CIick on
"Geometry", as the new defauIt
action is to Edit the geometry.
DefauIt actions are shown in
boId type after RMB seIects.
4.a Import the geometry by the procedure shown.
Do NOT DoubIe CIick on the "Geometry" ceII ...
4.b Browse to the DesignModeIer
11.0 SP1 geometry fiIe named:
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-10
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 4 - Import and Modify the Geometry ...
4.d Suppress the soIid "Soda"
and the surface body "Hole".
4.e Generate the changes in the
geometry. AIthough additionaI
modifications couId be made,
but none are needed.
4.f Save the entire
Project via the DM
"Save" icon.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-11
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 5 - Edit the ModeI in MechanicaI
5.a Edit the modeI in Workbench MechanicaI.
Since Edit is the defauIt action, doubIe-cIicking on
the Model ceII is aIso acceptabIe here.
5.b SeIect the MKS Units system
RecaII that MechanicaI is not native in Workbench, so
the Units here may not match the Project Units
Note: AIthough the unit system used for data entry
and post-processing is the MKS system, the actuaI
unit system used by the AUTODYN soIver is the
mm-mg-ms system, because it provides higher
accuracy. This wiII be shown Iater when the
Analysis Settings are discussed.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-12
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 5 - Edit the ModeI in MechanicaI ...
Rigid SteeI Punch
(moved downwards)
FIexibIe AIuminum
Soda Can (crushed)
Rigid SteeI Die (fixed)
5.c Define the AIuminum Can properties:
Stiffness Behavior = FIexibIe
Thickness = 0.00025 meters
MateriaI Assignment = My_AIuminum
5.d Define the Punch and Die properties:
Stiffness Behavior = Rigid
MateriaI Assignment = StructuraI SteeI
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-13
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 5 - Edit the ModeI in MechanicaI ...
5.e Review the Contact specifications
Keep contact
definition defauIts
5.f Save the Project
Note: There is no Save
icon in MechanicaI
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-14
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 6 - Set Sizing ControIs and Mesh ModeI
6.d Orient the modeI to seIect the 8 edges
that define the can circumferences (with
the Left Mouse Button). Use the Ctrl key
for muItipIe seIections, as needed.
6.a SeIect the Mesh branch
6.b Specify the Mesh etails:
Physics Preference = ExpIicit
EIement Size = 0.010 meters
6.c Choose the Edge seIection fiIter
RMB (anywhere)
6.e With the 8 edges stiII highIighted,
Insert (RMB anywhere on graphics
screen) an Edge Sizing
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-15
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 6 - Set Sizing ControIs and Mesh ModeI ...
6.f Specify the Edge Sizing etails:
Type = Number of Divisions
Number of Divisions = 36
Behavior = Hard
6.g Generate the Mesh (RMB on either
Mesh branch or Edge Sizing branch)
Mesh view
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-16
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 7 - Define the AnaIysis Settings
7.a Specify the Analysis Settings:
End Time = 6.0e-4 seconds
Automatic Mass ScaIing = Yes
Minimum CFL Time Step = 1.0e-7 sec
7.b Set the SoIve Units = mm, mg, ms
The mm, mg, ms unit system is the
most accurate in most simuIations, so
it is the onIy one currentIy avaiIabIe.
AIthough more solver unit systems
wiII be avaiIabIe in the future, any unit
system in the drop-down Iist may be
used to enter data and/or display the
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-17
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 7 - Define the AnaIysis Settings ...
7.c Keep the remaining defauIts
There are muItipIe ways to
controI the erosion of an
eIement. In this case, the
eIement wiII onIy faiI when
the geometric strain reaches
7.d Use the defauIt number of
data sets to save during the
soIution. Depending on the
anaIysis, this number may
need to be increased, but
that requires additionaI disk
space, so be judicious here.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-18
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 8 - AppIy BCs and ExternaI Loads
8.a ix the SteeI Die (base):
SeIect the Body fiIter
Insert a ixed Support
under Explicit ynamics
SeIect the steeI die
Apply the seIection
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-19
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 8 - AppIy BCs and ExternaI Loads ...
8.b isplace the SteeI Punch
Insert a isplacement
under Explicit ynamics
SeIect the steeI die
Apply the seIection
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-20
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 8 - AppIy BCs and ExternaI Loads ...
Note: The punch speed and abrupt change in direction are unreaIistic,
but sufficient for demonstration purposes. NormaIIy, the movement
wouId be prescribed according to a SINE wave function.
8.c Specify the verticaI (Y) dispIacement
to be a Tabular Ioad and set both the X
and Z dispIacements to be zero.
8.d Ramp the Y dispIacement as foIIows:
Time = 0.0 sec Y = 0.0 meters
Time = 5e-4 sec Y = -0.060 meters
Time = 6e-4 sec Y = -0.030 meters
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-21
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 9 - Insert ResuIt Items to Postprocess
9.a Insert a Total
eformation pIot
request under the
Solution branch.
9.b Insert an Equivalent
(von-Mises) Stress
pIot request under
the Solution branch.
The rigid bodies (i.e.,
the punch and die)
wiII not show stress.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-22
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 9 - Insert ResuIt Items to Postprocess ...
9.c Insert an Equivalent Plastic Strain
pIot request under the Solution
Even though a singIe time point (at the end of the run) is specified,
the compIete set of resuIts can be viewed, incIuding animations.
RecaII that the defauIt output controIs (20 equaIIy spaced time
points) was retained under the Analysis Settings branch.
9.d Save the
Project again.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-23
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 10 - Run the AUTODYN SimuIation
10.a SeIect Solver Output under Solution
Information and Solve the simuIation.
The Solver Output shows the run statistics, incIuding the estimated
cIock time to compIetion. Any errors or warnings are aIso noted.
Termination due to "wrapup time reached" is expected here.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-24
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 10 - Run the AUTODYN SimuIation ...
10.b SeIect Energy Summary under Solution
Information to review the gIobaI statistics.
Note the abrupt changes in kinetic energy
due to the unreaIistic Ioading scenario ...
TIME = 5.0e-4 seconds occurs
around 3200 cycIes into run
Constant veIocity after
starting from rest
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-25
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 11 - Review the ResuIts
11.a SeIect Total eformation and Show the Elements under True
Scale. The maximum deformation (-0.060 m) exceeds the punch
vaIue due to the momentum invoIved (i.e., an excessive punch
speed was used to reduce the required computer run time).
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-26
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 11 - Review the ResuIts ...
11.b Animate the resuIts by setting the controIs as shown beIow and
then pressing the Animation button. For transient dynamics, the
defauIt istributed mode is inadequate, as it IinearIy interpoIates
between saved resuIts. The #esult Sets mode is optimaI, as it
uses the actuaI saved data. To review a static resuIt, just cIick on
the desired Time or VaIue from the Tabular ata and use the RMB
to pick #etrieve This #esult. The given state wiII then be shown.
Pick these 2 first
Then pick this
Pick this to
save the
To retrieve a given resuIt ...
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-27
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 11 - Review the ResuIts ...
11.c Repeat the procedure, if
desired, for the von-Mises
equivaIent stress resuIts.
No stress can deveIop in a
rigid body. The punch and
die are each condensed out
to a mass at their respective
centers of gravity with six
DOFs active.
Contact is based on
the exterior surface,
so a six DOF body can
have a compIicated
contact surface.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-28
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 11 - Review the ResuIts ...
11.d Repeat the procedure one Iast time for the
equivaIent pIastic strain resuIts.
11.e. Hide the Punch and Die for a better view of the
resuIts. Per the Analysis Settings, erosion does
not occur untiI the geometric strain is 1.50
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-29
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 12 - Review the Output FiIes
12.a Pick iles under the View menu to access the Project fiIes
12.b SeIect Open Containing older via the RMB option
for the AUTODYN print fiIe (admodeI.prt).
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-30
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 12 - Review the Output FiIes ...
12.c DoubIe cIick on the fiIe admodel.prt
12.d As noted earIier, the soIver
units system was mm-mg-ms in
order to maximize the accuracy.
After the SimuIation is done, the
resuIts are converted back into
the current MechanicaI units
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-31
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 12 - Review the Output FiIes ...
12.e The AUTODYN print
fiIe aIso contains the
Material Summary
information and run
The Energy and
Momentum are shown
on both a materiaI
basis and a Part basis
(shown here).
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-32
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 12 - Review the Output FiIes ...
12.f The Energy and Momentum Balance, Mass Scaling, and #un Times
are aIso incIuded in the admodel.prt fiIe.
12.g No mass was
added to the
modeI, since
the time steps
were aII above
the Minimum
CFL Time Step
of 1.0e-7 sec
set in Step 7.a
under AnaIysis
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-33
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 12 - Review the Output FiIes ...
12.h CIose the admodel.prt fiIe and review the setup.log fiIe in the same
directory (F:\exp_dyn\soda_can\empty_soda_can_fiIes\dp0\SYS\MECH).
12.i The setup.log fiIe contains
the information pertaining to
the transfer of data from the
ExpIicit Dynamics (ANSYS)
AnaIysis System to the
AUTON Cycle Zero fiIe,
which is then run by the
12.j CIose the fiIe and return to
the MechanicaI window (i.e.,
view the modeI itseIf again).
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-34
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 13 - Generate a Report
13.a CIick on the SoIution branch in the Project tree and then cIick on
the Report Preview tab at the bottom of graphics window. ANSYS
does the rest! It wiII now automaticaIIy generate a report by going
through the entire tree and summarizing the modeI and the resuIts.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-35
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 13 - Generate a Report ...
13.b The modeI properties
are summarized,
incIuding voIume, mass,
centroid, and moment of
inertia properties.
13.c Loading information is
aIso shown in cIear tabIe
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-36
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 13 - Generate a Report ...
13.d Even the energy pIots are convenientIy assembIed into the report.
Workshop 2. Simulate the Crushing of an Empty Soda Can
WS 2-37
ANSYS, nc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, nc. All rights reserved.
February 27, 2009
nventory #002665
Training Manual
Step 13 - Generate a Report ...
13.e The resuIts data is shown.
13.f FinaIIy, SAVE the modeI
and exit ANSYS.

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