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Placing MSDs within a European framework for the management of chronic conditions

Isabel de la Mata, Principal Advisor, DG SANCO, European Commission

3rd Annual Fit for Work Europe Conference European Parliament, Brussels Wednesday 19 October 2011

Chronic Diseases - the background

The most common group of diseases causing death or poor quality of life in the European Union.
over 4 million deaths each year, representing over 86% of all deaths in the EU on MSDs, e.g. arthritis or some other form of rheumatic disease affecting perhaps as many as 100 million people across the EU

Millions of people with a constant undermining of their quality of life, and their ability to live and work as they would wish

Figure 1: Chronic diseases; absolute number of deaths

European Union (27 countries) - 2008
Diseases of the circulatory system 40%

Respiratory diseases 8%

Diseases of nervous system / sense organs 3% Mental and behavioural disorders 2% Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 3% Neoplasms 26% External causes of morbidity and mortality 5%

Diseases of the digestive system 5% Diseases of the genitourinary system 2%

Other diseases 3%

Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings, not elsewhere classified 3%

Figure 2: Disability adjusted life years (DALYs): WHOEuropean Region (projections for 2015)
Non chronic diseases 20,61%

Other chronic diseases 3,94%

CVD 22,52%

Diabetes mellitus 1,99%

Digestive diseases 3,94%

Neuropsychiatric conditions 20,27%

M uscoloskeletal diseases 4,03% Respiratory diseases 4,12% Sense organ diseases 6,23%

Cancer 12,36%

Occurrence of work-related health problems and distribution of type of main problem in people that work or ever worked (15-64) in 9 EU countries (DK,ES,FI,HU,IT,LU,PT,SE,UK) Source: LFS 1999 and











% Persons with a work-related health problem that work or ever worked in Europe Musculoskeletal health problem Stress, anxiety or depression Other health problem

Healthy population
A prerequisite for economic productivity and prosperity

Need to make a convincing case for investing in health as an engine of future growth
we have to think outside the "health" box - many of these issues linked to employment, research, education Health activities for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth fulfilling Europe 2020 strategy

How can Europe deliver on its economic goals?


EU Strategy for Health "Together for Health"

The surveillance and monitoring of chronic diseases and key health determinants; Tackling the underlying factors behind chronic disease through action on health determinants; The identification and sharing of best practice for chronic disease control

"Health for Growth" programme

Re-designing the health programme Clear EU added-value and strengthening the link between economic growth and a healthy population 4 objectives:
Promoting health and preventing diseases, Innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems More access, to better and safer healthcare, for EU citizens, and, Protecting citizens from cross border health threats)

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

Mobilise both the private and public sectors to translate research and innovation into products, devices, and services that respond to the needs of Europeans Spirit of true collaboration across the political and societal spectrum

Goal is to increase by two the average number of years that Europeans live an active and healthy life Improving the population's health without increasing health budgets This means investing more in preventing diseases and promoting healthier lifestyles and applying a greater focus on innovation in health

The Challenge
To what extent the examples of addressing cancer, or rare diseases, could also be transformed and applied to address major chronic diseases, including MSDs and their determinants through an innovative EU policy approach?


Council Conclusions
Council conclusions on "Innovative approaches for chronic diseases in public health and healthcare systems",
the Council invites Member States and the Commission to initiate a reflection process aiming to identify options to optimise the response to the challenges of chronic diseases and co-operation between Member States.


Scope for Action

Health Promotion and Prevention to facilitate healthy choices in life for all citizens Healthcare to share good practices Research into chronic diseases Information at European level on the incidence, prevalence, risk factors and outcomes concerning chronic diseases


Integration generic approaches Added value at EU and Member State level Innovation the broader EU2020 Agenda Transparency the involvement of stakeholders is a key component of the process


Thank you

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