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UNI1 2

lndlan Labour SLaLuLes 1rade unlon AcL

lacLorles AcL lndusLrlal ulspuLes AcL
rovlslons lmplemenLaLlon agencles 8eporLlng
rocesses and rocedures lncludlng a brlef vlew
on lormaLs Lo be submlLLed Lo AuLhorlLles
Lxperlences from lmplemenLaLlon of each of
Lhese AcLs from employers' employees'
governmenL and socleLy polnL of vlews and
from landmark [udgmenLs new look aL Lhe
labour law and needed labour reforms Lo be ln
Lune wlLh markeL lmperaLlves concepLs
mechanlcs of employmenL sLandards and
employees rlghLs an overvlew
Amendments to 1rade Un|ons Act 1926
1 1rade Un|on (Amendment )Act 1947 malnly lL
provlded for compulsory recognlLlon on prescrlbed
condlLlon and penalLles for cerLaln unfalr labor pracLlces
on Lhe parL of unlons and employers boLh Powever Lhe
AcL has noL been broughL lnLo force so far
2 1rade Un|on 8||| 19S0 1he blll lapsed owlng Lo Lhe
dlssoluLlon of Lhe parllamenL
Some mlnor amendmenLs were made ln 1960 and 1964
3 Industr|a| ke|at|ons 8||| 1978 based on Lhe
recommendaLlons of flrsL naLlonal Commlsslon of labor
(1969) Powever Lhe blll could noL be passes
4 1rade Un|ons (Amendments) 8||| 1982 lL conLa9lned
provlslons for resolvlng lnLer and lnLra unlon dlspuLes
eLc 1hls blll also could noL be passed
S 1rade Un|ons (Amendments) Act 2001
road feaLures are
8equlremenL of 10 or 100 workmen whlchever ls
less employed wlLh a mlnlmum of 7 workmen
LlecLlon of execuLlve and offlce bearers aL an lnLerval
of noL more Lhan 3 years
rescrlbed mlnlmum subscrlpLlon for rural
unorganlzed and oLher workers
ueslgnaLlon of appellaLe courLs
LlmlLlng ouLslders Lo 1/3
or 3 generally and 30 ln
unorganlzed secLor
uebarrlng persons holdlng offlce of proflL ln Lhe
unlon or sLaLe from membershlp of Lhe execuLlve or
oLher offlce bearers of a reglsLered Lrade unlon
1nL 1kADL UNICN AC1 1926
W Cb[ect of the Act
1o provlde for Lhe reglsLraLlon of 1rade unlon and ln
cerLaln respecLs Lo deflne Lhe law relaLlng Lo reglsLered
1rade unlons
W keg|strat|on of the trade un|on (Sect|on 4)
Any 7 or more members of a Lrade unlon may by
subscrlblng Lhelr names Lo Lhe rules of Lhe Lrade unlon and
lLs compllance
1here should be aL leasL 10 or 100 workmen whlchever
ls less engaged or employed ln Lhe esLabllshmenL or
lndusLry wlLh whlch lL ls connecLed
lL has on Lhe daLe of maklng appllcaLlon noL less Lhan 7
persons as lLs members who are workmen engaged or
employed ln Lhe esLabllshmenL or lndusLry wlLh whlch lL ls
W App||cat|on for keg|strat|on (Sect|on S)
AppllcaLlon along wlLh a copy of 8ules ln rescrlbed from wlLh Lhe
followlng deLalls
names occupaLlons and addresses of Lhe members' place of work
Address of lLs head offlce and
name age addresses and occupaLlons of lLs offlce bearers
1he federaLlon of Lrade unlons also requlre reglsLraLlon
8ules Lo menLlon Lhe name ob[ecL and Lhe purpose for whlch lLs funds
are Lo be used faclllLles for lnspecLlon raLe of subscrlpLlon eLc
rescrlbed raLes are
1 8s100 per annum for rural workers
2 8s300 per annum for workers ln oLher unorganlsed secLors
3 8s1200 per annum for workers ln any oLher case
W ,|n|mum requ|rement for membersh|p of trade un|on (Sect|on
noL less Lhan 10 or 100 of Lhe workmen whlchever ls less sub[ecL
Lo a mlnlmum of 7 engaged or employed ln an esLabllshmenL eLc
W ,|n|mum requ|rement for membersh|p of trade un|on
(Sect|on 9A)
noL less Lhan 10 or 100 of Lhe workmen whlchever ls less
sub[ecL Lo a mlnlmum of 7 engaged or employed ln an
esLabllshmenL eLc
W Cance||at|on of reg|strat|on (Sect|on 10)
lf Lhe cerLlflcaLe has been obLalned by fraud or mlsLake or lL has
ceased Lo exlsL or wlllfully conLravened any provlslon of Lhls AcL
lf ceased Lo have Lhe requlslLe number of members
W Cr|m|na| consp|racy |n trade d|spute (Sect|on 17)
no offlcebearer or member of reglsLered a Lrade unlon shall be
llable Lo punlshmenL under subsecLlon (2) of consplracy u/s
120 of lC ln respecL of any agreemenL made beLween Lhe
members or Lhe purpose of furLherlng any such ob[ecL of Lhe
1rade unlon as speclfled u/s13
lmmunlLy can noL be lnvoked ln case of vlolenL sLrlkes (!ay Lngg
Works LLd v/s SLaLe of wesL engal Al81968Lab407)
W Immun|ty from C|v|| Su|ts |n certa|n cases
(Sect|on 18) ln case any acL done ln conLemplaLlon
of a Lrade dlspuLe Lo whlch he ls a parLy
W D|squa||f|cat|on of the off|cebearer of 1rade
Un|on (Sect|on 21A)
lf one has noL aLLalned an age of 18
ConvlcLlon for an offence lnvolvlng moral LurplLude
noL appllcable when 3 years have elapsed
W keturns (Sect|on 28)
Annually Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar on or before such daLe as
may be prescrlbed a general sLaLemenL audlLed ln
Lhe prescrlbed manner of all recelpLs and expendlLure
of every reglsLered 1rade unlon durlng Lhe year
endlng on 31
W a||ure to subm|t returns (Sect|on 31)
shall be punlshable wlLh flne whlch may exLend Lo 8s 3 and
ln case of conLlnuous defaulL wlLh an addlLlonal flne whlch
may exLend Lo 8s 3 for each week afLer Lhe flrsL Powever
aggregaLe flne shall noL exceed 8s 30 lor wlllful mlsLakes flne
upLo 8s300
W Cb||gat|on of keg|stered 1rade Un|on
8eglsLraLlon makes lL obllgaLory for a Lrade unlon Lo
a) Allow any person of Lhe age of 13 years and above Lo be a
member of unlon sub[ecL Lo any rule of Lrade unlon Lo Lhe
conLrary and en[oy all Lhe prlvlleges aLLached Lo Lhe membershlp
(SecLlon 21)
b) have 73 of Lhe offlce bearers of Lhe unlon from among Lhe
persons acLually engaged or employed ln lndusLry wlLh whlch Lhe
Lrade unlon ls concerned and Lhe remalnlng 1/3
can be
ouLslders say lawyers pollLlclans soclal workers and oLhers who
are noL ln any way connecLed wlLh Lhe lndusLry/underLaklng of
whlch Lhe workers are members of Lhe unlon A erson
dlsquallfled Lo be a member of execuLlve or any oLher offlce
bearer of reglsLered Lrade unlon lf he has noL aLLalned Lhe age of
18 years or lf he has been convlcLed of any offence lnvolvlng
moral LurplLude and senLenced Lo lmprlsonmenL unless a perlod
of flve years has elapsed slnce hls release (SecLlon 21A22)
c) keep accounL books and membershlp reglsLer
avallable for lnspecLlon by any member or
offlce of Lhe unlon (SecLlon 20)
d) Send Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar on or before Lhe
prescrlbed daLe an annual sLaLemenL of
recelpLs and asseLs and llablllLles of Lhe unlon
audlLed ln Lhe prescrlbed manner as on 31
uecember LogeLher wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL
showlng changes ln Lhe offlce bearers and
rules of Lhe unlon made durlng Lhe year
(SecLlon 28)
W Incorporat|on of keg|stered 1rade Un|on (Sect|on 13)
A Lrade unlon afLer reglsLraLlon acqulres Lhe
followlng characLerlsLlcs
1 1 becomes a body corporaLe by Lhe name under
whlch lL ls reglsLered and become a legal enLlLy
dlsLlncL from Lhe members of whlch lL ls composed
2 lL has perpeLual successlon and a common seal lL has
Lhe power Lo acqulre and hold boLh movable and
lmmovable properLy
3 lL has Lhe power Lo conLracL
4 lL can sue and be sued by Lhe name under whlch lL ls
under Lhe presenL law reglsLraLlon of a Lrade unlon
ls noL compulsory
unreglsLered unlon are noL ln any way lllegal uL
Lhe beneflLs conferred by
1he law on reglsLered unlons wlll noL be avallable Lo
unreglsLered Lrade unlon
An unreglsLered unlon has no corporaLe exlsLence
and lL ls nelLher a legal enLlLy nor a quasl
corporaLlon A reglsLered Lrade unlon buL
unrecognlzed can represenL workmen (SahlLya
Mandlr ress LLd vs CovernmenL of u
1931l lL!246)

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