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4 comporotive 5tudy Of c5k

4ctivits Of Mohindro linonce

resented 8y GroupS
Anupam Mohapatra(10202068)
awan Chaudhury(10202089)
Gaurav Iha(10202114)
Abh|[eet an|grah|(1020211S)
Swatee M|shra(10202112)
Mah|ndra and Mah|ndra I|nanc|a| Serv|ces L|m|ted ls one of
lndla's leadlng nonbank|ng f|nance compan|es 1hrough a vasL
neLwork of branches lL provldes personallzed flnance for Lhe
wldesL range of uLlllLy vehlcles LracLors and cars focuslng on
Lhe rural and semlurban secLor
MMlSL's rural flnanclng ls consldered as Lhe cornersLone of
poverLy reducLlon rural developmenL and lncluslve growLh ln
many parLs of Lhe counLry
CurrenLly provlde employmenL Lo over 6200 people who
belong Lo Lhe areas ln whlch we serve ensurlng LhaL our
employees Lruly undersLand Lhelr cusLomers
Ilson Cf Lhe Company
1o be Lhe leadlng llnanclal Servlces rovlder ln
urban and 8ural lndla
Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty
AcLlve lmplemenLaLlon of programs and lnlLlaLlves for Lhe
beLLermenL of socleLy communlLles and Lhe envlronmenL
CommlLLed Lo educaLlon Lhe envlronmenL and seLLlng up and
malnLalnlng lnfrasLrucLure for urban beauLlflcaLlon polluLlon
reducLlon and healLhcare wasLe managemenL ln Lhe offlce
envlronmenL Lree planLaLlon and waLer LreaLmenL
Lncourages and recognlze employees for volunLeerlng wlLh
Lhe splrlL of servlng and sharlng wlLh Lhe communlLy
arLnered wlLh Lhe governmenL nCC's and oLher buslness
parLners Lo conLrlbuLe poslLlvely Lowards Lhe economlc and
human developmenL of Lhe socleLy and especlally Lhe
underprlvlleged secLlons of socleLy
1he Mlllennlum uevelopmenL
1) LradlcaLe exLreme poverLy and hunger
2) Achleve unlversal prlmary educaLlon
3) romoLe gender equallLy and empower women
4) 8educe chlld morLallLy
3) lmprove maLernal healLh
6) CombaL PlI$AluSmalarla and oLher dlseases
7) Lnsure envlronmenLal susLalnablllLy
8) uevelop a global parLnershlp for developmenL
Mahlndra llnance +MuC
@hree ma|n CSk act|v|t|es
1 Clrl Chlld(MuC Coal2)
2 PealLhcare(MuC Coal6)
3 LnvlronmenL(MuC Coal7)
CS8 8C!LC1S 8? 1PL
Lmployee Soclal CpLlons(eople)
Mahlndra Parlyall (laneL)
nanhl kall(eople)
Llfe Llne Lxpress(eople)
8lood uonaLlon Camps(eople)
Ambulance uonaLlon(people)
Employee Social Options: Employee Social Options are
designed to instill the spirit oI social volunteering in the
employees oI the Mahindra group. This unique initiative
provides our employees with an opportunity to contribute to
society by participating in our wide-ranging social activities.
ahindra Hariyali : t is a mass tree plantation initiative
undertaken by each and every Mahindra location, be it a
Plant/Iactory setting or a corporate oIIice. Shramdaan` by
Mahindra employees, their Iamilies and even Mahindra dealers,
is a major driver oI the initiative.
!roject Nanhi Kali :t was initiated in 1996 by K C Mahindra
Education Trust (KCMET) with an objective to provide primary
education to underprivileged girl children in ndia. 10 years oI quality
education and material support to underprivileged girl children.
Currently having the education oI over 49,203 underprivileged girl
ife ine Express: Iree oI cost hospital-on-wheels, is a joint
undertaking oI Mahindra & Mahindra Automotive and Mahindra
Finance to sponsor the LiIeline Express project at Rangia, Assam.
OOD & ambulance donation: donated ambulances to Echo,
Voice oI ndia, Sevak Mental Hospital, Mukth Jeevan and other
hospitals. Nationwide Blood Donation Camps and Annual Blood
Donation Drives to commemorate its pledge to our society under the
banner oI Employee Social Options (ESOPS),
CS8 of Magma llnance+MuC
AL Magma CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy
(CS8) ls a medlum Lo meeL our soclal
economlc envlronmenLal and eLhlcal
1LducaLlon(MuC Coal2)
2 PealLh(MuC Coal436)
;uallLy LducaLlon wlLh Magma
ducat|onlor Lhe deprlved and genderdlscrlmlnaLed
chlldren Magma represenLs posslblllLles
Magma has parLnered wlLh lrlends of 1rlbal SocleLy for lLs
LlLeracy ro[ecL lL has adopLed 13 schools ln slx Lrlbal areas of
!amshedpur 8alpur !abalpur 8anchl Slllgurl and
8hubaneshwar under Lhe unlque Lkal Ildyalaya Scheme
ne teacher schoo|s (C1S) ls based on Lhe slmple buL
effecLlve concepL of one Lralned Leacher educaLlng chlldren
ln Lhe 614 age group for Lhree hours a day uslng lnformal
Leachlng meLhods
8eLLer PealLh wlLh Magma llnance
PealLh and eyecheckup camps for Lruck drlvers and Lhelr
As medlcal experLs gulde Lhe Lruckers on healLhrelaLed
lssues free medlclnes specLacles and glfLs are also
dlsLrlbuLed aL Lhe healLh camps
1he Lruckers recelve Llps on healLh and safe drlvlng along
wlLh whlch Lhey en[oy Lhe enLerLalnmenL programes
AwarenessgeneraLlng puppeL shows and nukkad naLaks
(sLreeL plays) games slnglng arm wresLllng and conLesLs on
besL malnLalned Lruck compeLlLlons among oLhers creaLe a
lasLlng lmpacL
ArLA splash of color
Lncourage buddlng young palnLers Lo express Lhelr unlque
LalenL by organlzlng Lhe alnLers Workshop
romlslng palnLers are selecLed for yearlong scholarshlps
glvlng Lhem some flnanclal leeway Lo pursue Lhelr dreams 8y
supporLlng Lhe developmenL of Lhe LalenLed arLlsLs our foray
ln Lhe domaln of flne arLs has become a success
Grandparents day out1hls program was lnlLlaLed Lo exLend our
love and respecL Lo Lhe elderly clLlzens who llve ln old age
Monetary banda|dlL offers flnanclal asslsLance Lo Lhe soclally
dlsadvanLaged paLlenLs of leukemla and oLher forms of cancer
and Luberculosls among oLhers lL ls Magmas way of helplng
Lhe needy
CS8 of Crlsll
C8lSlL Maklng Lhe markeLs funcLlon beLLer ls noL llmlLed Lo
lLs buslness servlces lL ls applled ln large parL also Lo lLs
commlLmenL Lo socleLy and ln lLs lnlLlaLlves Lo fosLer self
rellance and a beLLer fuLure for Lhe nexL generaLlon
l llnanclal Awareness
ll Maklng and faclllLaLlng uonaLlons
lll AccredlLaLlon of nCCs
lI Creen lnlLlaLlves
llnanclal awareness
@o ensure greater f|nanc|a| |nc|us|on
a Mlcroflnance lndusLry Analysls lndlas 1op 30 Mlcroflnance lnsLlLuLlons a
publlcaLlon by C8lSlL lncludes a comprehenslve and lnclslve commenLary
LhaL faclllLaLes a sLrucLured evoluLlon of Lhe Mll secLor whlch leads Lo
lncreased Lransparency
b CreaLlng and dlssemlnaLlng lnformaLlon for reLall lnvesLors C8lSlLs
llnanclal Awareness Leam concepLuallzed and creaLed a large reposlLory
of educaLlonal maLerlal cusLomlzed Lo Lhe needs of Lhe general publlc lL
ls now worklng on Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon plans Lo lmplemenL and reach ouL Lo a
wlde audlence LhaL sLands Lo beneflL from Lhls maLerlal
c C8lSlL ComplexlLy Levels A Clobal llrsL C8lSlL proacLlvely monlLors Lhe
debL markeL for lssuances and analyses Lhese Lo deLermlne Lhe complexlLy
levels of lnsLrumenLs lssued and makes lL publlcly avallable free of cosL
Maklng and faclllLaLlng uonaLlons
roducL dlsplay by nCC
lranchlse Awareness campalgn
8lood donaLlon camps
8ulld and 1ree lanLaLlon urlves
!oy of Clvlng Week
1he CloLhes and 1oys uonaLlon
An opporLunlLy Lo play SanLa
AccredlLaLlon of nCCs
C8lSlL has always worked Lowards fosLerlng Lransparency ln
Lhe IolunLary CrganlzaLlon (IC) secLor Lhrough a rellable
accredlLaLlon process
C8lSlL asslsLed Lhe Lask force ln Lhe followlng areas
% ueflnlng Lhe procedure for accredlLaLlon of ICs
% ldenLlfylng Lhe posslblllLy and mechanlsm of gradlng of
ICs$nongovernmenLal organlzaLlons (nCCs)
% SuggesLlng vlable flnanclal models for accredlLlng ICs$
Creen lnlLlaLlves
C8lSlL recenLly moved lLs offlces ln Mumbal Lo C8lSlL Pouse
Plranandanl owal 1hls 211610 squarefeeL offlce bulldlng ls an
envlronmenL frlendly bulldlng
CpLlmum use of waLer fuel and energy
use of recyclable$renewable maLerlal Lhus reduclng lLs carbon
1here ls a large green cover and a roof garden Lo ensure mlnlmal
CC2 emlsslons 1here ls a provlslon for allowlng ample sunllghL
Lhus reduclng elecLrlclLy consumpLlon
Ildeo conferenclng and oLher modern LelecommunlcaLlons Lo
reduce Lravelllng requlremenLs
C8lSlL uses low powerconsumlng deskLop vlrLuallzaLlon
concepLs ln cases where fullfledged Cs are noL requlred
8educes energy consumpLlon by up Lo 20 per cenL and waLer
consumpLlon by up Lo 30 per cenL
uurlng Lhe recenL LarLh Pour employees of C8lSlL
parLlclpaLed by swlLchlng off llghLs and alr condlLloners ln all
offlces worldwlde
CS8 Comparlson
CSk AC@I@ Mah|ndra I|nance Magma I|nance Cr|s||
A81 CuL1u8L
Maklng and
AccredlLaLlon of
Recommendations for extra CSR activities for
Carbon Footprinting Reaches Supply Chains: More
companies are gathering credible data about the carbon
emissions in their global supply chainand CSR is designing
a calculator tool to help them.
New Opportunities in Environmental Markets: Beyond
reducing their climate impact through decreased carbon
emissions, advanced companies are working to monetize and
develop markets Ior environmental services like water,
nutrients and biodiversity.
Employee can donate some part oI their salary to various
NGO`S in order to have social development without any
Should bring in women empowerment program to make
the women's in villages more self dependent by training
them in embroidery, stitching, and other textile craftwork
Should offer incentives to their employee to install solar
panels in their homes.
Should give more emphasis on microfinance sector by
which it can help unprivileged section of the society.

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