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: P. Srinivasa Baba
Designation : Lecturer in ECE
Branch : Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Institute : Govt. Polytechnic for women, Guntur
Year/ Semester : III
Subject : Digital Electronics
Subject Code : CM-305
Topic : Logic gates & Boolean Algebra
Duration : 50 mts.
Sub topic : Boolean postulates
Teaching aids : Diagrams
CM305.4 1

• Need of logic gates

• Universal Logic gates
• Realization of basic logic gates
• Applications of Ex-OR gate


After the end of this Class , you will be able to


• Definitions in Boolean algebra

• Different Boolean postulates

• Principle of duality

CM305.4 3
• Digital : Involving digits to represent discretely all

variables occurring in a given problem

• Logic : A particular method of reasoning or argumentation

• Analog : That solves a given problem by using physical

analogies, such as electric voltage (which is continuous),

occurring in a problem
CM305.4 4
Advantages of Digital solution over Analog

Digital solution

• Is more reliable

• Can implement more sophisticated functions.

CM305.4 5
Boolean postulates

1. Commutative Law

• A+B=B+A


2. Associate Law

• (A + B) + C = A + (B + C)

• (A B) C = A (B C)

CM305.4 6
3. Distributive Law

• A (B + C) = A B + A C

• A + (B C) = (A + B) (A + C)

4. Identity Law

• A+A=A

• AA=A

CM305.4 7
1. Redundance Law (absorption)

A + A .B = A

A (A + B) = A

6 A.B + A.B = A

(A+B)(A+B) = A

CM305.4 8
1. 0 + A = A

0 .A = 0

8. 1+A=1

1. A = A

CM305.4 9
9 . (a) A + A = 1
(b) A . A = 0

10. (a ) A  AB  A  B
(b) A( A  A)  A.B

11. A = A
CM305.4 10
Principle of duality

• The dual of any Boolean expression is obtained by

replacing ‘+’ by ’.’ and vice versa, and by replacing every

0 with 1, and vice versa.

• The dual of any true statement in Boolean algebra is

also a true statement

CM305.4 11

• Definitions in Boolean algebra

• Different Boolean postulates

• Principle of duality

CM305.4 12

2) Which of the following is a Associative law

1. A + (B C) = (A + B) (A + C)

2. A + A = A

3. A A = A

4. none of the above

CM305.4 13
2) Give the relationship that represents the dual of the

Boolean property A + 1 = 1?

(Note: * = AND, + = OR and ' = NOT)

1. A * 1 = 1

3. A * 0 = 0

5. A + 0 = 0

7. A * 1 = 1

CM305.4 14
3) Give the best definition of a literal?

1. A Boolean variable

2. The complement of a Boolean variable

3. 1 or 2

4. The actual understanding of a Boolean variable

CM305.4 15
Frequently asked questions in Exams

1) Write any four Boolean postulates

2) Write commutative, distributive

and associative laws of Boolean algebra

CM305.4 16
Assignment questions

1) Write Boolean postulates

CM305.4 17

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