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lL ls one of Lhe slmplesL moderaLe Lype of m/c

Lools used for produclng clrcular holes
lL ls Lhe process of uslng a drlll blL Lo cuL/ enlarge
holes ln solld maLerlals such as wood/ meLal
ulfferenL Lools meLhods are used for drllllng
dependlng on Lype of maLerlal slze of hole no of
holes Llme Lo compleLe operaLlon
@he drllllng machlne or drlll press ls one of Lhe mosL
common and useful machlne employed ln lndusLry for
produclng formlng and flnlshlng holes ln a work plece
@he unlL essenLlally conslsLs of
1 A splndle whlch Lurns Lhe Lool (called drlll) whlch can
be advanced ln Lhe work plece elLher auLomaLlcally or
by hand
2 A work Lable whlch holds Lhe work plece rlgldly ln
Work|ng pr|nc|p|e
@he roLaLlng edge of Lhe
drlll exerLs a large force on
Lhe work plece and Lhe
hole ls generaLed
@he removal of meLal ln a
drllllng operaLlon ls by
shearlng and exLruslon
comlng ouL of fluLed shank
of drlll
lze of drllllng machlne varles wlLh Lype of m/c belng
9orLable drllllng m/c' s are speclfled by maxlmum slze/
dla of drlll blL lL can held ln splndle
enslLlve up rlghL are by dla Cf largesL w/p LhaL can
be cenLered under splndle for drllllng a hole
8adlal m/c ls speclfled by dla Cf column lengLh of arm
max drllllng radlus mln drllllng radlus splndle speeds
peclflcaLlons of urllllng Machlne
Maxlmum dlameLer of drlll LhaL can held ln splndle
Maxlmum slze of [ob LhaL can be cenLered under
Lhe splndle
lze of Lhe Lable
plndle Lravel
number of splndles speeds
9ower of moLor
@ypes @ypes
a) 8ased on consLrucLlon
b)8ased on leed
9ower drlven
lasslflcaLlon of urllllng Machlnes
1 9orLable drllllng machlne(8AnC Cl PCL PlCP
very small compacL self conLalned unlL carrylng
small elecLrlc moLor lnslde commonly used for
drllllng holes ln componenLs LhaL can'L be
LransporLed Lo shop due Lo Lhelr slze/ welghL
Many of Lhese machlnes are drlven by lndlvldual
moLors some Llmes by hand power
2 enslLlve / 8ench
drllllng machlne
used for maklng small
holes aL hlgh speeds ln
llghL [obs
@hese are capable of
roLaLlng drllls of dla
13 Lo 133 mm

Provides stability for machine
Cast iron with holes to be bolted to table or bench
Slots or ribs in base allow work-holding device or
work piece to be fastened
Accurate cylindrical post that fits in base
Table may be adjusted any point (base to head)
Drill press head mounted near top
Round or rectangle shaped
Used to support work piece to be machined
Surface 90 to column (move around)
Drilling Head
Mechanism used to revolve cutting tool
Spindle: round shaft holds cutting tool
Quill: houses spindle
up rlghL urllllng
lor holdlng medlum slzed
lmllar Lo senslLlve drllllng
m/c ln consLrucLlon
Large number of splndle
feeds speeds are
avallable for drllllng dlff
Lypes of works
6uipped with gearbox for variety of speeds
Spindle may be advanced by: hand lever, hand
wheel, and automatically by feed mechanism
3 Table raised or lowered by mechanism
4 Some have reservoir in base for coolant storage
8adlal drllllng machlne
used for medlum large
heavy w/p' s
Machlne conslsLs of round
verLlcal column mounLed on
olumn supporLs radlal arm
whlch can be ralsed
/lowered Lo accommodaLe
dlff helghL w/p' s
Arm may swung around Lo any poslLlon over bed
urlll head / splndle head are mounLed on radlal arm
moved horlzonLally on gulde ways clamped aL
any locaLlons
Heavy, box-type, ribbed cast iron or welded steel
Used to bolt machine to floor and provide coolant
Table may be bolted to base for small work
Upright cylindrical member fitter to base
Supports radial arm at right angles
Radial arm
Attached to column
May be raised and lowered by means of power-
driven elevating screw
Supports drive motor and drilling head
Drilling head
Mounted on arm and moved along length of arm by
traverse hand wheel
Drill spindle may be raised or lowered
3 Cang drllllng m/c
When no of slngle splndle drllllng m/c columns are
placed slde by slde on column base have a
common work Lable Lhen lL ls gang drllllng m/c
6 splndles may be mounLed ln row/ slde by slde
for producLlon Lype of work
no of operaLlons can be performed on w/p by
slmply shlfLlng work from one poslLlon Lo oLher
poslLlon on work Lable
a) Operation of producing hole by
removing metal from solid mass
using twist drill
b) Before drilling centre of hole is
located on w/p by drawing
lines at right angles to each
other & centre punch is used to
produce indentation at centre
2 8orlng( accuracy 000123 mm)
used for enlargemenL of hole Lo
brlng lL Lo requlred slze have
beLLer flnlsh
lL lnvolves use of slngle polnL
cuLLlng Lool havlng slngle cuLLlng
@o make holes of slzes for whlch
drlll Lool ls noL avallable say 2273
Ior depth oI cut
cutting tool
Single point
work piece
boring tool and
Relative rotation oI
Desired Iinal
Drilled hole
Boring bar
Work Table
Work Piece
Tool Head
Cross Rail
8eamlng (accuracy 0003)
lL ls an accuraLe way of slzlng
flnlshlng already drllled
hole by means of mulLl LooLh
Lool called as reamer
lL can'L orlglnaLe a hole lL
slmply follows Lhe paLh whlch
was drllled removes very
small amounL of maLerlal
8eamlng 9rocess
t is Cutting internal threads in
hole with cutting tool called tap
Tap is considered as bolt with
accurate threads cut on it
3 ounLer borlng ( 003 mm)
nlarging top of previously
drilled hole to given depth
to provide s6uare shoulder for
head of bolt or cap screw,
studs & pins
Tools used are double tool
boring bars/ counter bars made
with straight/ tapered shank to
fit it to drill spindle
Operation of producing tapered
or cone-shaped enlargement
to end of hole for shorter
Cutting edges of tool are
formed at conical surface,
which are having 0, 8
degrees of angles
Smoothing and
s6uaring surface
around hole to provide
seat for head of cap
screw or nut
Boring bar fitted with
double-edged cutting
Work holdlng devlces are used Lo hold Lhe work @hese devlces
are used Lo keep Lhe workplece above Lhe workLable and
allgned for drllllng
A machlne Lable vlse ls equlpped wlLh [aws whlch clamp agalnsL
Lhe workplece @he vlse can be bolLed Lo Lhe drllllng Lable
lL ls equlpped wlLh Lwo preclslon ground [aws for holdlng onLo
Lhe work and a lead screw Lo LlghLen Lhe one movable [aw Lo
Lhe work used Lo hold round recLangular square
2 @he |ve| v|e ls a
machlne vlse LhaL has an
ad[usLable base LhaL can
swlvel Lhrough 60 on a
horlzonLal plane
@he ang|e v|e ls very
slmllar Lo Lhe Lable vlse
xcepL Lhls vlse can be LllLed
Lo 90 Lo be perpendlcular
Lo Lhe work Lable
@hese holdlng devlces are bullL llke sLalrs Lo allow
for helghL ad[usLmenLs ln mounLlng drllllng [obs and
are used wlLh sLrap clamps and long @sloL bolLs
lamps are made ln numerous shapes Lo meeL varlous work
holdlng needs ommon Lypes of clamps are Lhe clamp Lhe
parallel clamp Lhe machlne sLrap clamp Lhe benLLall machlne
clamp Lhe uclamp and Lhe flnger machlne clamp
vblocks are preclslon made blocks wlLh speclal sloLs made Lo
anchor clamps LhaL hold workplaces @he vsloL of Lhe block ls
deslgned Lo hold round workplaces @he vblock and clamp seL
ls usually used Lo hold and drlll round sLock
@ool Poldlng devlces
- @he dlfferenL meLhods used for holdlng drlll ln a
drlll splndle are
-8y dlrecLly flLLlng ln Lhe splndle hole
-8y uslng drlll sleeve
-8y uslng drlll sockeL
-8y uslng drlll chuck
Drill Sleeves
Outside taper of sleeve
Matches spindle taper,
nside taper of sleeve matches drill shank taper
Drill Socket
Used when taper shank of drill is larger than taper
hole in spindle
Used to remove
tapered-shank drills
or accessories from
drill press spindle
Using DriII Chuck:
Holding smaller drills which have straight
shanks, self centering drill chucks are used
@wlsL urlll
@wlsL drllls are Lhe mosL common cuLLlng Lools used wlLh
drllllng machlnes made of P/ arbon sLeel
@wlsL drllls are deslgned Lo make round holes qulckly and
accuraLely ln all maLerlals @hey are called LwlsL drllls malnly
because of Lhe hellcal fluLes or grooves LhaL wlnd around
Lhe body from Lhe polnL Lo Lhe neck of Lhe drlll and appear
Lo be LwlsLed
@wlsL drllls are slmply consLrucLed buL deslgned very Lough
Lo wlLhsLand Lhe hlgh Lorque of Lurnlng
Body clearance
Cutting edges or lips

Helix angle oI
the Ilutes

(Ilute spaces)

120 to 135
Chisel edge


Helical Ilutes
Dead center
Axis oI the drill
Edges or lips

Point angle
Taper Shank
@wlsL drllls are classlfled as sLralghL shank(up Lo 12 mm)
or Lapered shank (larger slzes)
1 8ody Maln parL of drlll where splral fluLes/ hellcal
grooves are cuL
2 hank lL ls Lhe parL LhaL flLs lnLo Lhe machlne splndle/
holdlng devlce lL ls a sLralghL shank or a Lapered
@ang lL ls Lhe flaLLened end of Laper shank whlch flLs
lnLo drlfL sloL ln machlne splndle @he drlll blL geLs
drlve from splndle Lhrough Lhe Lang
@he po|nt ls Lhe enLlre conlcal shaped end of Lhe drlll lL ls
shaped Lo produce face flank and chlsel edge
3 @he ch|e| edge ls Lhe polnL aL whlch Lhe Lwo llps meeL @he
chlsel edge acLs as a chlsel when Lhe drlll ls Lurnlng and cuLs a
small hole lnLo Lhe work plece @he chlsel edge musL always be
cenLered exacLly on Lhe drlll's axls for accuraLe cuLLlng acLlon
6 @he f|ute Lhe hellcal groove cuL on body of Lhe drlll lL
carrles ouL Lhe chlps and admlLs coolanL Lo Lhe cuLLlng
edges carrles cuLLlng edges on polnL
@ypes of uLLlng @ools
MulLl LooLh cuLLlng Lool
AccuraLe way of slzlng and flnlshlng Lhe preexlsLlng
Accuracy of I0003mm can be achleved
8orlng @ool
lngle polnL cuLLlng Lool
8orlng Lool ls held ln Lhe borlng bar whlch has Lhe
Accuracy of I0003mm can be achleved
peclal angled cone shaped enlargemenL aL Lhe end
of Lhe hole
uLLlng edges aL Lhe end of conlcal surface
one angles of 60 82 90 100 110 120
ounLer 8ore @ool
peclal cuLLers uses a plloL Lo gulde Lhe cuLLlng
AccommodaLes Lhe heads of bolLs/ nuLs
lor cuLLlng lnLernal Lhread
MulLl cuLLlng edge Lool
@applng ls performed elLher by hand or by machlne
Mlnor dla of Lhe Lhread ls drllled and Lhen Lapplng
ls done
CperaLlng ondlLlons
uLLlng peed (v)
lL's Lhe perlpheral speed of polnL on surface of Lhe drlll
ln conLacL wlLh w/p
v "&D&N ] meLres /mln where
u dla of Lhe drlll ln mm
n peed of roLaLlon ln rpm
leed 8aLe (f)
lL ls axlal dlsLance of drlll moves lnLo w/p aL each
revoluLlon of splndle
xpressed ln mm/ revoluLlon of drlll
uepLh of uL (d)
@he dlsLance from Lhe machlned surface Lo Lhe drlll axls/
drllllng doc ls equal Lo one half of drlll dlameLer
d u / 2
u dla of drlll
MaLerlal 8emoval 8aLe
lL's Lhe volume of maLerlal removed by Lhe drlll per unlL
Llme lL ls producL of csa of drllled hole feed raLe
M88 (" u
/ ) * f * n mm

/ mln
Machlnlng @lme (@)
lL depends upon Lhe lengLh (l) of Lhe hole Lo be drllled
Lo Lhe peed (n) and feed (f) of Lhe drlll
L L / f n mln
Thickness oI
workpiece, L
Length oI recess
or overtravel
Length oI

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