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hyslcs for SclenLlsLs Lnglneers

ChapLer 1
1lpler Mosca
Symbollcs vs numbers
W We wlll be uslng varlables and symbollc
expresslons Lo solve problems
- uLLlng ln numerlcal values ls Lhe lasL sLep
Laken when solvlng any expresslon
- 1hls ls a more advanced way of solvlng
problems and a naLural progresslon from Lhe
plug and chug" Lechnlques you may have
used ln Lhe pasL
- lf you lnslsL on uslng numbers only some
problems become very dlfflculL or even
lmposslble Lo solve
= +
) 6 = +
SysLem of LquaLlons
W lven equaLlons wlLh more Lhan 1 unknown
W Lx
= +
6 = +
= )
= +
4 =
- lor more Lhan 2 varlables you need one unlque equaLlons for each varlable
- lf Lhese equaLlons are noL unlque (le same equaLlon wrlLLen a dlfferenL way) you
won'L have enough lnformaLlon Lo solve for Lhe varlables
;uadraLlc LquaLlons
W ueflned as
W MeLhods
lacLorlng (8ecognlze Lhe mosL obvlous Lypes)
W (dlfference of squares)
W (squared addlLlon)
W (squared subLracLlon)
;uadraLlc lormula (lf lL lsn'L obvlous use Lhls)
,. - -

= + + . - ,

= +
+ = + +
+ =
W yLhagorean Lheorem
- Law of coslnes

- , . + =

,- - , . + =

W arallel llnes cuL by a Lransversal
- erpendlculars

W accuracy of measurements |s ||m|ted

-@ere are many stat|st|ca| metods of eva|uat|ng te accuracy of
any part|cu|ar va|ue
-keep|ng track of s|gn|f|cant f|gures |s a pretty good way of
track|ng te accuracy of any va|ue
s|gn|f|cant f|gures te number of d|g|ts |n a quant|ty tat are
known w|t certa|nty
-number of s|gn|f|cant f|gures after mu|t|p||cat|on or d|v|s|on |s te
number of s|gn|f|cant f|gures |n te |eastknown quant|ty
-(@|s |s te metod we w||| be us|ng for te purposes of t|s
course because of te matemat|ca| comp|ex|ty |nvo|ved |n a fu||
stat|st|ca| treatment)
-l wanL Lo measure Lhe clrcumference of
Lhls clrcle
-l mulLlply Lhe dlameLer Llmes l Lo
geL 639734437234 cm
-l measure Lhe dlameLer d210 cm
-8uL do l really know Lhe dlameLer LhaL well?
Wook up Pi a3.14159654
-?ou should round off Lo 3 slgnlflcanL flgures Lo
geL 660 cm
11 naLure of hyslcs
9ys|cs te study of te fundamenta| |aws of nature
- tese |aws can be expressed as matemat|ca|
- an equat|on |s [ust a way of express|ng an |dea or
- muc comp|ex|ty can ar|se from re|at|ve|y s|mp|e
|mens|ons are baslc Lypes of quanLlLles LhaL can be measured or compuLed
Lxamples are lengLh Llme mass elecLrlc currenL and LemperaLure
A un|t ls a sLandard amounL of a dlmenslonal quanLlLy 1here ls a need for a
sysLem of unlLs Sl unlLs wlll be used LhroughouL Lhls class
12 unlLs
un|ts of |engt (L) mass (M) t|me (@)
Lengt te meter
Was one tenm||||ont of te d|stance from te Nort 9o|e to te equator
Now te d|stance trave|ed by ||gt |n a vacuum |n 1]2997924S8 of a second
Mass te k||ogram
Was te mass of 1 ||ter of pure water at room temperature and pressure
Now @e mass of a part|cu|ar p|at|num|r|d|um cy||nder kept at te nternat|ona| 8ureau
of We|gts and tandards vres Irance
@|me te second
Was 1]86400
of t|me |t takes eart to rotate about |ts ax|s
Now @e t|me for rad|at|on from a ces|um133 atom to comp|ete 9192631770
osc|||at|on cyc|es
Lxample 1he Sl unlL of energy ls Lhe [oule
1 [oule 1 kg m
uerlved unlL
8ase unlLs
A der|ved un|t ls composed of comblnaLlons of base unlLs
unlLs can be freely converLed from one Lo anoLher Lxamples
12 lnches 1 fooL
1 lnch 234 cm
onvert|ng un|ts |s as easy as mu|t|p|y|ng by 1 |n fact tat |s a|| tere |s to |t
Ior Lxamp|e
onvert|ng feet to meters
19 1 . 3 m 1 =
m 1
19 1 . 3
Note tat te un|ts cance| proper|y t|s |s te key to us|ng te convers|on
factor correct|y!
19 316 = ) 1 19 316 = =

19 1 . 3
m 1
19 316 m 3 . 96
19 1 . 3
m 1
1 or =
13 Converslon of unlLs
ulmenslons are baslc Lypes of quanLlLles such as lengLh L Llme 1 or mass M
1he square brackeLs are referrlng Lo
dlmenslons noL unlLs
13 ulmenslons of hyslcal ;uanLlLles
IecLors ln hyslcs
undersLandlng dlrecLlon
-norLh SouLh LasL WesL are undersLood Lo be dlrecLlons
-When graphlng x y are ofLen separaLed llke Lhls (xy)
-ln physlcs Lhe haL symbol over any vecLor ls used Lo slgnlfy ln
Lhe dlrecLlon of LhaL vecLor and ls called a unlL vecLor
-rlmarlly we use Lo show ln Lhe x dlrecLlon" ln
Lhe y dlrecLlon"
-We wlll also use where lL ls undersLood lx [y kz
-unlL vecLors can be mulLlplled by any scalar quanLlLy Lo show an
amounL along LhaL dlrecLlon


& ,

cos =
sin =

vec9or 9e o1 eng9 Te
direc9ion sow 9o & rs uni9 vec9o by
mu9ipied be mus9 ence and scaars are & 9a9 No9e

componen9s s i9 o1 sum 9e as wri9en be can vec9or Te

+ =

cos =
sin =

vec9or 9e o1 eng9 Te
33 Addlng and SubLracLlng IecLors
Addlng IecLors uslng ComponenLs
1 llnd Lhe componenLs of each vecLor Lo be added
2 Add Lhe and componenLs separaLely
3 llnd Lhe resulLanL vecLor


+ =

+ =

MulLlplylng a vecLor by a number [usL changes Lhe lengLh of Lhe
vecLor lor example Lhe vecLor 2 ls Lwlce as long as Lhe vecLor
buL sLlll polnLs ln Lhe same dlrecLlon

SubLracLlng IecLors 1he negaLlve of a vecLor ls a vecLor of Lhe same
magnlLude polnLlng ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon Pere u A 8
uoL roducLs
W 1he uoL roducL of Lwo vecLors ls a scalar
1haL's why lL ls also called a scalar producL
W llnd Lhe doL producL by mulLlplylng Lhe
componenLs of Lhe Lwo vecLors lnvolved and add
Lhem LogeLher

+ =
cos sin 0 cos = + =
- Lxample lf IecLor A polnLs along Lhe x axls and IecLor 8
olnLs ln a dlrecLlon 0 above Lhe xaxls
1hen A
A and A
8cos0 and 8

Cross roducLs
- 1he Cross roducL of vecLors A 8 (Whlch ls
wrlLLen ) ls also a vecLor whlch ls
perpendlcular Lo boLh A 8
1haL's why lL ls also called a vecLor producL
- 1he dlrecLlon of Lhe cross producL ls deLermlned
by Lhe rlghL hand rule
- 1he magnlLude of Lhe cross producL ls Lhe area of
Lhe parallelogram LhaL Lhey form

: :

sin = L
: :
9rob|em o|v|ng |n 9ys|cs
No rec|pe or p|ugandcug works a|| te t|me but ere are some gu|de||nes
1 kead te prob|em carefu||y
2 ketc te system
3 V|sua||ze te pys|ca| process
4 Wr|te down any assumpt|ons you are mak|ng about t|s process (|e A|r res|stance |s neg||g|b|e
acce|erat|on |s constant etc)
S Ass|gn a var|ab|e name to eac of te g|ven needed quant|t|es and wr|te a key to keep tem
stra|gt (add var|ab|e |abe|s to your draw|ng)
6 eterm|ne |f te prob|em can be broken |nto sma||er p|eces f so |dent|fy te sma||er prob|em and go
back to step #2 for te sma||er prob|em
7 dent|fy a|| equat|ons tat are va||d for t|s process and conta|n te appropr|ate quant|t|es (tere are
a|most a|ways severa| equat|ons tat w||| work you w||| typ|ca||y se|ect te ones tat make te
ca|cu|at|ons eas|est)
8 Wr|te down and so|ve te equat|ons
9 eck your answer (Us|ng order of magn|tude ca|cu|at|ons and d|mens|ona| ana|ys|s or [ust p|ug |n
te numbers to see |f |t adds up)
10 Lxp|ore ||m|ts and spec|a| cases (9|ay te "wat |f?" game w|t your var|ab|es and cons|der cases
were you know te answer)

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