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|an of nkM Course

W art 1 Introduct|on
Introduct|on to nkM
Strateg|c ko|e of nkM
W art 2 kecru|tment and |acement
Iob Ana|ys|s
numan resource p|ann|ng and kecru|tment
Lmp|oyee 1est|ng and Se|ect|on
Interv|ew|ng Cand|date
Case Study group work exper|menta| exerc|se on recru|tment and
|an of nkM Course
W art 3 1ra|n|ng and Deve|opment
1ra|n|ng and Deve|op|ng Lmp|oyees
Manag|ng Strateg|c Crgan|zat|ona| kenewa|
erformance Management and Appra|sa|
Manag|ng Careers
Case Study group work exper|menta| exerc|se on tra|n|ng and deve|opment
M|d 1erm Lxam
W art 4 Compensat|on
Lstab||sh|ng Strateg|c ay |ans
ayforerformance and I|nanc|a| Incent|ves
8enef|ts and Serv|ces
Case Study group work exper|menta| exerc|se on compensat|on
Comprehens|ve case etc
|an of nkM Course
art S Labor ke|at|ons and Lmp|oyee Secur|ty
Labor ke|at|ons and Co||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng
Lmp|oyee safety and hea|th
Case study etc
M|d 1erm Lxam
art 6 G|oba| nkM
Manag|ng G|oba| numan kesources
Case Study ] exerc|se etc
Case study ] exerc|se etc
Course kev|s|on ] case study ] exerc|se etc
Introduct|on to nkM and
1he Strateg|c ko|e of nkM
Module Cne (a )
1he Strateg|c ko|e of nkM
1he Managers nkM kespons|b|||t|es
Strateg|c |ann|ng and 1rends
nk's Strateg|c ko|e
1he |aw regard|ng nkM
Summar|ze and A Sess|on
Introduct|on to nkM
W Management Lnv|ronment 8ackdrop
W numan kesource Management At
W 1he Chang|ng Lnv|ronment of numan
kesource Management
W 1he Chang|ng ko|e of numan kesource
W 1he numan kesource Manager's
W 1he Genera| Concepts of nkM
W Summar|ze and A Sess|on
1he course out||ne
kesearch work ] Group Asss|gnment
I|na| resentat|ons
Lnd 1erm Lxam
|ntroduct|on to nkM Ch 1
Introduct|on to nkM
W Management Lnv|ronment 8ackdrop
W numan kesource Management At Work
W 1he Chang|ng Lnv|ronment of numan
kesource Management
W 1he Chang|ng ko|e of numan kesource
W 1he numan kesource Manager's rof|c|enc|es
W 1he Genera| Concepts of nkM
W Summar|ze and A Sess|on
Management Lnv|ronment
8ackdrop for nkM
W Lmerg|ng Iorms of Crgan|zat|ons
W Chang|ng Concept of roduct|v|ty
W Synops|s of Change
W Some key Character|st|cs of the Compet|t|ve
8us|ness Lnv|ronment
W 1echno|ogy
Lmerg|ng Iorms of Crgan|zat|ons
W Crgan|zat|ons undergo|ng tremendous changes
W Sma||er compan|es com|ng up that emp|oy fewer peop|e
W 1he sh|ft from vert|ca||y |ntegrated h|erarch|es to networks of
W 1echn|c|ans rep|ac|ng manufactur|ng operat|ves as the worker e||te
W ay t|ed to the market va|ue of the sk|||s and not to a person's
pos|t|on or tenure |n the organ|zat|on
W A change |n the parad|gm of do|ng bus|ness from mak|ng a product
to prov|d|ng a serv|ce
W 1he redef|n|t|on of work |tse|f constant |earn|ng more h|gher order
th|nk|ng |ess n|netof|ve menta||ty
W I|rtua| organ|zat|on or corporat|on 1eams of spec|a||sts come
together to work on a pro[ect and d|sband after f|n|sh|ng
W I|rtua| workp|ace Work anyt|me anywhere |n rea| space or
W Modu|ar corporat|on Iocus on a few core competenc|es those a
company does best eg des|gn|ng and market|ng computers and
outsourc|ng rest eg e|ectron|cs and appare| or ant|craft
W If des|gn and market|ng are core competenc|es then
manufactur|ng or serv|ce un|ts are modu|ar components ||ke one
used |n a ch||ds |ogo set Lxamp|e appare|s e|ectron|cs
Lmerg|ng Iorms of Crgan|zat|ons
Chang|ng Concept of roduct|v|ty
Cutput (goods serv|ces)
Input (|abor mater|a| equ|pment)
Gett|ng more out of what |s put |n
p 1o do more w|th |ess fewer
peop|e |ess money |ess t|me |ess space
and fewer resources
Smart work|ng and not hard work|ng
Synops|s of Change
W urrenL model
W Plerarchy
W SelfsufflclenL
W SecurlLy
W Pomogeneous
W 8y lndlvlduals
W uomesLlc
W osL
W roflLs
W aplLal
W 8oard of ulrecLors
W WhaL's affordable
W AuLocraLlc
W 1wenLyflrsLcenLury
W neLwork
W lnLerdependence
W ersonal growLh
W ulLurally dlverse
W 8y Leams
W Clobal
W 1lme
W usLomers
W lnformaLlon
W varled consLlLuenLs
W no compromlses
W lnsplraLlonal
Some key Character|st|cs of the
Compet|t|ve 8us|ness Lnv|ronment
W Demograph|c changes and |ncreas|ng Cu|tura| D|vers|ty
W 1he Sk|||s Gap
W G|oba| Compet|t|on
4 Ia|||ng kea| Wages
4 Downs|z|ng
W Impact and Lffect of the Lconom|c Changes
W Weapons of econom|c compet|t|on are commerce growth rates
|nvestment trade b|ocks |mports and exports
W ku|es of econom|c or g|oba| compet|t|on
W eop|e as a source of compet|t|ve advantage (Cap|ta| kaw mater|a|
Informat|on a|| common)
W A workforce know|edgeab|e and sk|||ed at do|ng comp|ex th|ngs keeps
company compet|t|ve and attracts fore|gn |nvestment
W 1echno|ogy Any equ|pment too|s or operat|ng methods that are
des|gned to work more eff|c|ent 1echno|og|ca| advances ref|ect |n
|ntegrat|ng any techno|ogy |nto any process of chang|ng |nputs |nto
W Advances |n tech permanent|y a|tered the econom|cs of the wor|d
the way peop|e work and the way we manage our nk
W Modern c|v|||zat|on evo|ved over three waves I|rst wave dr|ven by
agr|cu|ture second |ndustr|a||zat|on and th|rd one based on
W What |s a know|edge worker?
W In what ways Does 1echno|ogy Affect nkM kAC1ICLS?
Lmp|oyee Se|ect|on
1ra|n|ng and Deve|opment
Lth|cs and Lmp|oyee k|ghts
Mot|vat|ng know|edge Workers
ay|ng Lmp|oyees Market Ia|ue
A |ega| concern
Work L|fe 8a|ance
numan kesource Management At Work
W Management?
W What |s numan kesource Management?
W Why |s numan kesource Management
Important to A|| Managers?
W L|ne and Staff Aspects of numan kesource
W Def|n|t|on Des|gn|ng ma|nta|n|ng an env|ronment |n
wh|ch |nd|v|dua|s work|ng together |n groups ach|eve
se|ected a|ms eff|c|ent|y
W Management has f|ve funct|ons
|ann|ng Crgan|z|ng Staff|ng Lead|ng Contro|||ng
W Cne of the funct|ons |e S1AIIING and |ts re|ated act|v|t|es
are expressed as nkM
W Management can be c|ass|f|ed |nto
Money I|nanc|a| Management
Mater|a| Mater|a| Management
Mach|nes Cperat|ona| Management
Men numan kesources Management
What |s numan kesources Management?
W "nkM |s the process of acqu|r|ng tra|n|ng appra|s|ng and
compensat|ng emp|oyees and attend|ng to the|r |abor
re|at|ons hea|th and safety and fa|rness concerns"
W numan kesource Management (nkM) "1he po||c|es and
pract|ces |nvo|ved |n carry|ng out the "peop|e" or numan
kesource aspects of a management pos|t|on |nc|ud|ng
recru|t|ng screen|ng tra|n|ng reward|ng and appra|s|ng"
W "nkM study w||| prov|de you w|th the concepts and techn|ques
you need to carry out the peop|e or personne| aspects of
Lvo|ut|on Cf numan kesources Management
W 1he Industr|a| kevo|ut|on (1776)
W 1he Lmergence of Iree Co||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng
W Sc|ent|f|c Management
W US C|v|| Serv|ces Comm|ss|on
W r|vate Industry's Approach to ersonne| Management
W numan ke|at|ons Movement
W 1he 8ehav|ora| Sc|ences
Deve|opment Cf nkM
Pioneer Work
BehavioraI Science
OrganizationaI DeveIopment
The Corporate CuIture CuIt
The Art Of Japanese
Peter Drucker 1950
DougIas Mcgreger
MasIows Hierarchy
Of Needs 1960
1960 - 1970
1970 - 1980
1980 - 1985
Growth Cf numan kesources Management
W I||e Ma|ntenance Stage
W Government Accountab|||ty Stage
W Crgan|zat|ona| Accountab|||ty Stage
W Strateg|c artnersh|p Stage
SLage 1
SLage 2
SLage 3
SLage 4
I||e Ma|ntenance
Strateg|c artner
8ecruLlemnL SelecLlon Wages Salary AdmlnlsLraLlon
ompensaLlon 8eneflLs
Lmployeee 8elaLlon Lmployee 1ralnlng
PealLh SefeLy Lmployee uevelopmenL
ManagemenL uevelopmenL CrganlzaLlonal uevelopmenL
8esearch CrganlzLlonal ommunlcaLlon
hange ManagemenL CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlour
8eneflLs Servlces lndusLrlal sychology
Legal 8egulaLlons Puman 8elaLlons
Soclo ulLural ubllc 8elaLlon
Lx L8SCnnLL uLA81MLn1
now P8 uLA81MLn1
W Conduct|ng [ob ana|yses (determ|n|ng the nature of each emp|oyee's [ob)
W |ann|ng |abor needs and recru|t|ng [ob cand|dates
W Se|ect|ng [ob cand|dates
W Cr|ent|ng and tra|n|ng new emp|oyees
W Manag|ng wages and sa|ar|es (compensat|ng emp|oyees)
W rov|d|ng |ncent|ves and benef|ts
W Appra|s|ng performance
W Commun|cat|ng (|nterv|ew|ng counse||ng d|sc|p||n|ng)
W 1ra|n|ng and deve|op|ng managers
W 8u||d|ng emp|oyee comm|tment
W Lmp|oyee hea|th and safety
W nand||ng gr|evances and |abor re|at|ons
8as|c Concepts 1echn|ques of nkM
It he|ps you not to make the fo||ow|ng m|stakes wh||e manag|ng
W n|re the wrong person for the [ob
W Lxper|ence h|gh turnover
W nave your peop|e not do|ng the|r best
W Waste t|me w|th use|ess |nterv|ews
W nave your company taken to court because of d|scr|m|natory act|ons
W nave your company c|ted under federa| occupat|ona| safety |aws for unsafe
W nave some emp|oyees th|nk the|r sa|ar|es are unfa|r and |nequ|tab|e re|at|ve to
others |n the organ|zat|on
W A||ow a |ack of tra|n|ng to underm|ne your department's effect|veness
W Comm|t any unfa|r |abor pract|ces
W Can he|p ensure that you get resu|ts through peop|e
Why |s numan kesource Management
Important to a|| Managers?
L|ne and Staff Aspects of nkM
W A|| managers are |n a sense human resource managers s|nce
they a|| get |nvo|ved |n act|v|t|es ||ke recru|t|ng |nterv|ew|ng
se|ect|ng and tra|n|ng
W Def|n|t|on of ||ne versus staff author|ty
4uthority |s the r|ght to make dec|s|ons to d|rect the work of others
and to g|ve orders
ine 4uthority g|ves managers the r|ght (or author|ty) to |ssue
orders to other managers or emp|oyees It creates a super|or
subord|nate re|at|onsh|p
toff 4uthority g|ves the manager the r|ght (author|ty) to adv|se
other managers or emp|oyees It creates an adv|sory re|at|onsh|p
L|ne and Staff Aspects of nkM
W numan kesource Manager's Dut|es
W numan kesource Managers Spec|a||st Inc|ude
W Cooperat|ve L|ne and Staff nk Management
W Irom L|ne Manager to nk Manager
W A L|ne Iunct|on
W A Coord|nat|ve Iunct|on
W Staff Iunct|ons (ass|st and adv|se )
numan kesource Manager's Dut|es
W L|ne Author|ty 1he author|ty exerted by an nk
manager by d|rect|ng the act|v|t|es of the peop|e |n
h|s or her own department and |n serv|ce areas
||ke the p|ant cafeter|a
W Staff Author|ty Staff author|ty g|ves the r|ght
(author|ty ) to adv|se other managers or
numan kesource Manager's L|ne and Staff
W Imp||ed Author|ty 1he author|ty exerted by an nk
manager by v|rtue of others' know|edge that he or she
has access to top management ( |n areas ||ke test|ng and
aff|rmat|ve act|on)
W Iunct|ona| Contro| 1he author|ty exerted by an nk
manager as coord|nator of personne| act|v|t|es
W Lmp|oyee Advocacy nk must take respons|b|||ty for
c|ear|y def|n|ng how management shou|d be treat|ng
emp|oyees make sure emp|oyees have the mechan|sms
requ|red to contest unfa|r pract|ces and represent the
|nterests of emp|oyees w|th|n the framework of |ts
pr|mary ob||gat|ons to sen|or management
numan kesource Manager's L|ne and Staff
numan kesource Management Spec|a|t|es
1. Recruiters
2. Job AnaIysts
3. Compensation Managers
4. Training SpeciaIists
5. Labor ReIations/ IR SpeciaIists
6. EquaI EmpIoyment Opportunity (EEO) Coordinators
Cooperat|ve L|ne and Staff nk Management
W 8oth ||ne Manager and nk Managers have nkM dut|es
W 1here |s no s|ng|e d|v|s|on of respons|b|||t|es regard|ng ||ne or Staff nk dut|es
W ke|at|onsh|p |s genera||y cooperat|ve
W In kecru|t|ng n|r|ng ||ne Managers descr|be the qua||f|cat|ons emp|oyees
need to fu||f|| for spec|f|c pos|t|ons 1hen the nk 1eam takes over and prov|des
f|na| cand|dates through the|r process
W In 1ra|n|ng the ||ne manager aga|n descr|bes what he or she expects the
emp|oyee to be ab|e to do 1hen the human resource team dev|ses a tra|n|ng
program wh|ch the ||ne manager then adm|n|sters
W Lmp|oyment 1est|ng Insurance 8enef|ts Adm|n|strat|on Lmp|oyment
Interv|ews erformance Appra|sa| Sk|||s 1ra|n|ng Iob Descr|pt|ons and
D|sc|p||nary rocedures are shared between nk and L|ne Managers
W Some act|v|t|es are usua||y nk's a|one
W nkM |s part of every manager's [ob
1he Chang|ng Lnv|ronment of nkM
Changes are occurr|ng today that are requ|r|ng human kesource
Managers to p|ay an |ncreas|ng|y centra| ro|e |n manag|ng compan|es
1hese changes or trends |nc|ude
W G|oba||zat|on 1rends
W 1echno|og|ca| 1rends
W 1rends |n the Nature of work
G|oba||zat|on 1rends
W G|oba||zat|on |s the tendency of f|rms to extend the|r sa|es ownersh|p and or
manufactur|ng to new markets abroad Compan|es expand abroad for severa|
Sa|es Lxpans|on
Seek new fore|gn products serv|ces to se|| and cut |abour costs
Iorm|ng artnersh|ps
W G|oba||zat|on Imp||cat|ons
More g|oba||zat|on means more compet|t|on
1o make emp|oyees more product|ve and to do th|ngs better and |ess expens|ve|y
Grow|ng |ntegrat|on of the wor|d economy |nto a s|ng|e huge market p|ace
8oth workers Compan|es have to work harder smarter than they d|d work out
g|oba||zat|on and nk he|ps Compan|es to do th|s
It br|ngs both benef|ts threats Ior Consumers |t means |ower pr|ces h|gher
1he prospect of work|ng harder and w|th |ess secure [obs ([obs outsourc|ng)
Ior bus|ness owners benef|ts ||ke search|ng m||||ons of customers fac|ng new
1echno|og|ca| 1rends
W No need of expens|ve |nventor|es
W Compan|es operate the|r own |nternet based networks check
out a|| |nventory mater|a| mach|nes peop|e requ|rement
W Can mon|tor the|r sa|es and stores
W A|| funct|ona| work|ng based on techno|ogy]computers
W 1echno|ogy cuts t|m|ngs prov|des speed to market
W Compan|es use v|rtua| on||ne commun|t|es to |mprove eff|c|ency
1rends |n the Nature of Work
W n|gh1ech Iobs
W Serv|ce Iobs
W Iust |n t|me Manufactur|ng 1echn|ques
W know|edge Work and numan Cap|ta|
W Nature of Work |mp||cat|ons for nk
W Workforce Demograph|c 1rends
W Use of |nternet based customer order|ng
1he Chang|ng ko|e of numan kesource
numan kesource Managers [ob has Grown 8roader and
Strateg|c Cvert|mes
W Strateg|c numan kesource Management
W Creat|ng n|gherformance Work Systems
W Measur|ng the numan kesource Management 1eam's performance
W nk Metr|cs
W Manag|ng w|th the nk Scorecard rocess
Strateg|c numan kesource Management
W Strateg|c |ann|ng |s the company's p|an for how |t w||| match |ts
|nterna| strengthens weakness w|th externa| opportun|t|es
threats |n order to ma|nta|n a compet|t|ve advantage Wh||e
strategy |s a course of act|on
W Strateg|c numan kesource Management means formu|at|ng
execut|ng nkM po||c|es and pract|ces that produce the emp|oyee
competenc|es and behav|ors the company needs to ach|eve |ts
strateg|c a|ms
W Strateg|c numan kesource |ans enab|e the company to h|re the
emp|oyee who cou|d exh|b|t the behav|ors the company needs to
accomp||sh |ts goa|s
W nkM Strateg|c ko|e means severa| th|ngs
4 artner|ng w|th the|r top managers |n des|gn|ng and execut|ng
company strateg|es
4 Lxpress the|r departmenta| p|ans and accomp||shments |n
measureab|e terms
W 1he top management today wants to see how the nk Managers |an
w||| make the company more va|uab|e eg by boost|ng company
peop|es' sk||| |eve|s and the|r by |mprov|ng performance
Strateg|c numan kesource Management
Creat|ng n|gherformance Work Systems
1he emphases on Strateg|c numan kesource Management |s
one change and a focus on product|v|ty and performance |s an
other nkM ract|ces can |mprove performance |n three ma|n
W Manag|ng w|th 1echno|ogy
W Lffect|ve nk ract|ces
W n|gherformance Work Systems
Manag|ng w|th 1echno|ogy
Improve nk erformance |n f|ve ma|n ways
W Se|f Serv|ce
W Ca|| Centers
W roduct|v|ty Improvement
W Cutsourc|ng
W Web based or e|ectron|c nk Serv|ces
Lffect|ve nk ract|ces
W Screen|ng App||cants through persona||ty test|ng can produce
emp|oyee who perform better (psychometr|c tests persona||ty
assessment behav|ora| based |nterv|ews )
W We|| tra|ned emp|oyees perform better than untra|ned
W Safe workp|aces produce fewer |ost t|me acc|dents and acc|dents
costs than unsafe ones
W 1he most product|ve and h|ghest perform|ng compan|es have
wor|d c|ass tra|n|ng p|ant safety programs
n|gh erformance Work System
A h|gh performance work system |s
an |ntegrated set of human resource
management po||c|es and pract|ces
that together produce super|or
emp|oyee performance
Measur|ng the numan kesource Management
1eam's performance
W In today's performance based env|ronment emp|oyers
natura||y expect the|r numan kesource Management teams to
prov|de measurab|e ev|dence of the|r eff|c|ency and
effect|veness and for that of the|r proposed programs Ior
W now much more product|ve w||| our emp|oyees be |f we
|nst|tute a new tra|n|ng program
W now product|ve |s our nk 1eam |n terms of staff per emp|oyee
compared to our compet|tors ?
W 1he fundamenta| requ|rement for such measurab|||ty |s that
the numan kesource manager needs the numbers Spec|a||y
the quant|tat|ve performance measures ( metr|cs )Ior
examp|e med|an nk expenses as a proport|on of compan|es
tota| operat|ng costs average about 08 Cr 1 nk Staff per
100 emp|oyees
Measur|ng the numan kesource Management
1eam's performance
W Cther measureab|e e|ements are
W Absence rate
W Cost of h|re
W 1|me to f|||
W nk expense factor
W 1urnover rate
ko|es Cf nk Manager
W 8us|ness person
W Shaper of change
W Consu|tant to the organ|zat|on and partner to ||ne managers
W Strategy formu|ator and |mp|ementer
W 1ALLN1 MANAGLk (IL network w|th profess|ona| co||eagues
|nc|ud|ng recru|ters ||ne managers and other nk
understand|ng f|nanc|a| and account|ng procedures)
rlLlcal Lrends for P8M
W CloballzaLlon
W 1echnology
W hange
W knowledge
W Speed ln markeL change
W osL conLrol
Lmerglng leadershlp compeLencles for P8
W redlblllLy
W eople skllls
W undersLandlng 8uslness of 8uslnesses
W A onsulLaLlve Approach
W omforL wlLh change
W vlslonlng
1he Chang|ng ko|e of nk
esterday 1oday 1omorrow
Success factors 8uslness [udgmenL
sLraLeglc plan
llexlblllLy aglllLy speed
Crgan|zat|ona| sty|e aLernallsLlc rofesslonal Lmpowered learnlng
cons|dered as
Pungry naked
1hlnklng and
raLlonal belngs
lully evolved
compleLely saLlsfled
maLure human belngs
urlvlng people
Lhrough baslc needs
urlvlng people
Lhrough soclal and
lnLellecLual needs
eople drlve
ko|e of nk rovldlng people
wlLh food cloLhlng
and shelLer
MoLlvaLe by
provldlng effecLlve
falr appralsals
As a change agenL
As lnnovaLor
As a sLraLeglc parLner
nkM h||osophy Cf Is|am
W Author|ty and respons|b|||ty
W art|c|pat|ve management
W kewards and performance
W Lqua| opportun|t|es concept
W Leadersh|p
W Lva|uat|on |mprovement
W Comm|tment mot|vat|on
W 8a|anced approva|
Summ|ng up
the days d|scuss|on and
nkM can be def|ned as a strateg|c and
coherent approach to the management of an
organ|zat|on's most va|ued assets the peop|e
work|ng there who |nd|v|dua||y and
co||ect|ve|y contr|bute to the ach|evement of |ts
It |s the management of work and peop|e
towards des|red ends It can be regarded as a
set of |nterre|ated po||c|es w|th an |deo|og|ca|
and ph||osoph|ca| underp|nn|ng
1he four aspects that const|tute the
mean|ngfu| vers|on of nkM are
A set of be||efs and va|ues
A strateg|c thrust on peop|e management
1he centra| |nvo|vement of ||ne managers
A set of |evers to shape emp|oyment
1he P8M operaLes Lhrough human resource
1 P8 hllosophles
2 P8 SLraLegles
3 P8 ollcles
4 P8 rocesses
3 P8 racLlces
6 P8 rograms
AIMS CI nkM 1o ensure that the organ|zat|on
|s ab|e to ach|eve success through peop|e
1he P8 Coals could be
onLrlbuLlon ( whaL klnd of employee behavlors
are expecLed )
omposlLlon ( Lhe headcounL sLaff raLlo and skllls
mlx )
ompeLence ( general level of ablllLy deslred ? )
ommlLmenL ( level of employee aLLachmenL and
ldenLlflcaLlon ? )
1he P8 Cb[ecLlves concerned wlLh followlng
CrganlzaLlonal effecLlveness
Puman caplLal managemenL
knowledge managemenL
8eward managemenL
Lmployee 8elaLlons
MeeLlng ulverse needs
8rldglng Lhe gap beLween rheLorlc and reallLy

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