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SWOT AnuIysIs oI Cocu CoIu

How ExLernuI ucLors AIIecLIng TIe
PorLer`s Ive orce ModeI oI Cocu CoIu
EE muLrIx Ior Cocu CoIu
^oup Membe^_:
Wuqur Yuqoob (G)
mrun Huzoor
KIurum SIeIzud
UmuIr TuIIr
T Analy_i_ of Coca Cola
Demand oI coke is more than its competitors.Company has a
very established name and a good reputation.coke has large
market share than its competitors.As the target customers oI
coke is young generation, so coke has more brand loyal
customers.Most oI the customers are satisIied with the price oI
the coke.coke is an international company and it has a very
strong position internationally.The environment oI Iactory is
very good and attractive.
W arge scale oI operations
W Strong supply chain management system
Coke does not oIIer any sort oI incentive or discount to its
retailers.Coke target only young customers in their
promotions.Crown oI the disposable bottle is not
good.Demand oI disposal bottle is declining. coke tin pack is
not available in Iar oII rural areas.
W Some time customer unable to diIIerentiate itselI Irom Pepsi .
W ess eIIective campaigns
W Company may start entering rural areas also.The company
may also diversiIy its business in some other potential
business.Increased interest oI people in musical groups,
cultural shows and sports has provided an opportunity Ior coke
to increase its sales through them.
Growing bottled water market.
Untouched markets.
The main competitor oI the company is the Pepsi Cola.At the
international level, coke has a very strong competition with
pepsi. pepsi has started its advertisements more eIIectively to
increase their demand and it is a very strong threat Ior coke.
Cola drinks are not good Ior the health so the awareness level
oI the people is increasing which is a big threat to the
Intense competition with competitors.
Intense price competition.
Dependence on bottling partners
Sluggish growth oI carbonated beverages
ow Extcvna! Factovs EIIcct
thc stvatcgics
W The macro environment consists oI the larger societal Iorces
that aIIect the microenvironment. The external Iactors are not
under the control oI the marketers; they can just observe them
and make strategies in light oI these Iactors. Some oI these
Iactors are given below:
W Age
The requirements oI diIIerent age groups are diIIerent. coke
should target that age group that consumes it the most and
make promotional strategies according to their behavior. So
their main target is the young generation.
W Education
A company has to make promotional strategies keeping in
view the customer level. II the percentage oI education is high
in a country then through advertisements people can be made
well aware oI their product and can convey their message
easily. Promotion and education has a direct relationship.
W Population Distribution
Population distribution means how much |population lives In
urban areas and rural areas. In Pakistan 35 population
resides in urban areas and 65 population lives in rural areas.
coke is Iocusing on urban areas as people there are more
inclined towards such beverage while people in rural areas are
more inclined drinking lassi and desi drinks.
W Income and Income per Capita
II the income level or per capita income oI the people
increases, it will have a positive eIIect on the consumption oI
W Inflation
II the country Iaces inIlationary trend in the market, the price
oI the Coke will ultimately increase which will lower its
W Consumption Behavior
Pakistan is a consumption oriented society. Due to
demonstration eIIect the people are more inclined towards
consumption than saving. So the people oI Pakistan spent
heavily on Iood items. Hence COKE has a good market share
in the present circumstances.
W Income Distribution
It means how much is in the hands oI rich and poor class. In
Pakistan 10 rich people posses 93 oI wealth and 90
people posses 7 oI wealth. II there is balanced distribution oI
income in the country, the consumption oI the people will
increase hence increasing the sales oI beverages as well.
W Payment Mod
As the use oI plastic money is increasing the consumption
pattern oI the people are increasing. Although it will have a
low aIIect on the consumption oI Coke.
W Employment Opportunities
As employment opportunities increase the living standard oI
the people increase and the people consume more.
W Aggregate Demand
In case oI Coke, aggregate demand oI the product increases in
the season oI summer as the hot weather makes the consumers
want to drink more.
W Aggregate Supply
In summer season to cope up with the increasing demand they
have to increase the aggregate supply oI their product.
W Economic Policies
Some oI the economic policies which can aIIect the market oI
coke are discussed below:
W Fiscal Policy
It is the policy oI taxes. II heavy tax is levied on Coke then its
price will rise having negative aIIect on its consumption
W Monetary Policy
Monetary policy is made to restrict or increase the supply oI
money in the market. II policies are made to restrict the Ilow
oI money in the market, inIlation can be controlled hence
increasing the real income oI the people which will ultimately
aIIect the consumption oI Coke.
W Price Policy
II price oI Coke is increased its demand will decrease and
vice versa.
W Income Policy
II income oI the people will increase their purchasing power
will increase and hence increasing the market share oI Coke.
W Region
Pakistan is divided into diIIerent geographical regions.
Marketing and sales oI Coke is diIIerent in diIIerent
geographical regions. In hot areas its demand is more.
W City Size
The cities which are densely populated the consumption oI
Coke is more.
W Climate
Coke is more suitable Ior humid or hot weathered countries
like Pakistan. It is a source oI reIreshment when a person is
thirty due to the hot weather.
W Research and Development
Through research and development quality oI the product can
be improved or better techniques or machinery can be
developed which can increase the production. When
technology is advance the supply oI the product increase hence
the company experiences growth in their business.
W Political stability:
W Mixed Economy
W Social Responsibility
W Religious
#eligious Iactors can inIluence the market sales oI Coke as it
happened in 2003 when the U.S-led attack on Iraq, wide
sections oI society in Pakistan have banned American
multinationals Coke and Pepsi
W Social Status
Coke is a well renowned brand. People who are brand
conscious will not drink beverages oI lesser known brands
such as Amrat cola. They will try to show their status by
drinking Coke which is known to all as a quality drink.
W Media
It is a very important Iactor Ior marketing. Media these days is
a very eIIective way oI inspiring people to buy a speciIic
Mai^ix of Coca Cola
Cppertun|t|es We|ghts kat|ng We|ghted
Crowlng demand of nonalchollc 8everage 01 3 03
PealLh Consclos CusLomers 01 3 03
arLnershlp buslness wlLh food chaln 007 2 014
lnncrease usage of smaller beverage producL 006 3 018
lmprovlng economlc condlLlon 008 3 024
CompeLlLor are lncreaslng ln lndusLry such as
pepsl cola
01 4 04
Puge number of subsLlLuLe 01 4 04
lncrease demand of !ulces 008 3 024
lncreaslng rlces of raw meLerlal such as
shugar and meLals
004 2 008
Plgh AdverLlslng by CompeLlLor 017 2 034
Plgh flucLuaLlon of exchange raLes 01 2 2
1ota| 1 282

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