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* Asni Nurul Aini (P07131110001) * Iin Putri Pamungkas (P07131110013) * Yunita Ahadti (P07131110039)

Final -s/-es
Final s/-es is used for plural noun, Ex : I have two pens (pens= a plural noun) butterflies are beatiful ( butterflies = a plural noun) When we use the third person singular pronoun in setence Ex : she writes a letter (writes= singular) They write a letter ( write = plural) Anggi mixes the flour and eggs(mixes= singular)

Using s/-es
A final s/-es is added to a simple present verb when the subject is singular noun (mary,my father,the machine) or third person singular prounoun (he,she,it) We also can use final s/-es when we want to make plural noun sentences. (ex: a pen two pens)

Basic Subject Verb agreement

Verb + -s/-es third person singular in the simple present tense Ex : My friend lives in Boston Noun + -s/-es = plural Ex: My friends live in Boston two or more singular subjects connected by and require a plural verb Ex: My Brother and sister live in Boston

Using expressions of quantity

In most expressions of quantity, the verb is determined by the noun ( or pronoun ) that follows of. For example : Some of + singular noun = singular verb Ex : some of the book is good Some of + plural noun = plural verb Ex :Some of the books are good

Exceptions : One of,each of,and every one of take singular verbs. One of Each of + plural noun = singular verb Every one of Example: one of my friends is here each of my friends is here every one of my friends is here

Using There + be
In the structure there + be , there is called an expletive . It has no meaning as vocabulary word it introduces the idea that something exist in a particular place. Pattern : there + be +subject + expression of place Ex : there are twenty students in my class there s a fly in the room.

Using there + be
Sometimes the expression of place in omitted when the meaning is clear . Ex: there are seven continents The implied expression of place is clearly in the world. the subject follows be when there is used. Ex: singular verb : there is a book on the shelf plural verb : there are some books on the shelf.

Sometimes a proper noun that ends in s is singular. In the examples, if the noun is changed to a pronoun, the singular pronoun it is used (not the plural pronoun they) because the noun is singular. Ex : The united States is big The United states = it (not they) singular verb that end in ics , Ex:mathematics is easy for her. Physics is easy for her too.

Certain illnesses that end in s are singular: diabetes, measles, mumps, rabies, rickets Ex: Diabetes is an illness Expressions of time, money, and distance usually require a singular verb Ex: Eight hours of sleep is enough Arithmetic expressions require singular verbs Ex: six and seven is thirteen

People, police, and cattle do not end in s, but are plural nouns and require plural verb Ex: cattle are domestic animals

Singular verb and plural verb

a. English is spoken in many countries (singular verb) b. The English have an interesting history. (plural verb) In (a) English = language In (b) The English = people from England

1. Ermi want to buy a new magazine so he(go) to book shop a. Went CONGRATULATION b. Gone c. Goes d. Going

2. Oranges,tomatoes,fresh starwberries,cabbage rich in vitamin c a. Are CONGRATULATION b. Is c. Was d. Were

3. Some of the fruit in this bowl rotten a. Has b. Have CONGRATULATION c. Is d. Are

4.Physics .to understand the mysteries of the phsycal world a. Seek CONGRATULATION b. See c. Saw d. Seeks


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