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Amit Kumar Gupta(09115014, EE, 3rd yr) Amit Patel(09115016, EE, 3rd Yr) Bhaskar Mahato(09118024, CHH, 3rd yr)

Batch : T-1
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What is Watershed? Sources of Pollution. Watershed Management. Benefits of Watershed Management. Conservation Techniques. Integrated Watershed Management. Watershed Management Programmes In India. Page 2 Conclusion.

A watershed is commonly defined as an area in which all water drains to a common point. It carries rainwater falling on it drop by drop and channels it into soil, rivulets and streams flowing into large rivers and in due course sea. It affects the people living downstream of . It is a synonym of catchment or basin of a river coined for an area restricted to 2000sq. Km.
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Waterways within the watershed all feed into that main body of water, which could be a river, lake, or stream. The beginnings of a water source are called headwaters. The spot where headwaters progressively join other water sources is called the confluence, and the endpoint of the waterways that open into the main body of water is called the mouth Water does not simply hit the land and roll off it into a stream. Rainwater (and everything else) is lost through absorption by plants, evaporation and consumption by humans.
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Types Of Watershed
Watersheds is classified depending upon the size, drainage, shape and land use pattern. 1) Macro watershed (> 50,000 Hect) 2) Sub-watershed (10,000 to 50,000 Hect) 3) Milli-watershed (1000 to10000 Hect) 4) Micro watershed (100 to 1000 Hect) 5) Mini watershed (1-100 Hect)
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Some Inferences From River Basin Statistics

Himalayan Rivers Water: 300 utilizable, 1200 BCM available. Himalayan large dams presently store 80 BCM. New dams under consideration could store 90 BCM. Peninsular Rivers Water: 400 utilizable, 700 BCM available. Peninsular large dams presently store 160 BCM. New dams under consideration could store 45 BCM. In all, large dams presently store 240 BCM. New dams under consideration could store 135 BCM. Total storage thus could be 375 BCM only
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Withdrawal Of Water- 2050, Availability

Indias Yearly Requirement in 2050 (Km3 = BCM) For growing food and feed at 420 to 500 million tonnes = 628 to 807 BCM Drinking water plus domestic and municipal use for rural population at 150 lpcd and for urban population at 220 lpcd = 90 to 110 BCM

Hydropower and other energy generation = 63 to 70 BCM Industrial use = 81 to 103 BCM Navigational use = 15 BCM
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Withdrawal Of Water- 2050, Availability

Loss of water by evaporation from reservoirs = 76 BCM Environment and ecology = 20 BCM Total Availability 970 to 1200 BCM 1100 to 1400 BCM

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Sources of Pollution
In an agricultural landscape, common contributors to water pollution are nutrients and sediment which typically enter stream systems after rainfall washes them off poorly managed agricultural fields, called surface runoff, or flushes them out of the soil through leaching. These types of pollutants are considered nonpoint source pollution because the exact point where the pollutant originated cannot be identified. Such pollutants remain a major issue for water ways because the inability to trace their sources hinders any attempt to limit the pollution Point source pollution originates a specific point of contamination such as if a manure containment structure fails and its contents enter the drainage system.

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Sources of Pollution
In urban landscapes, issues of soil loss through erosion, from construction sites for example, and nutrient enrichment from lawn fertilizers exist. Point source pollution, such as effluent from wastewater treatment plants and other industries play a much larger role in this setting. The greatly increased area of impervious surfaces, such as concrete, combined with modern storm drainage systems, allows for water and the contaminants that it can carry with it to exit the urban landscape quickly and end up in the nearest stream.
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Watershed Management
Watershed management is the process of creating and implementing plans, programs, and projects to sustain and enhance watershed functions that affect the plant, animal, and human communities within a watershed boundary. Features of a watershed that agencies seek to manage include water supply, water quality, drainage, stormwater runoff, water rights, and the overall planning and utilization of watersheds.

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Objectives of Watershed Management

Conserving soil and water. Improving the ability of land to hold water. Rainwater harvesting and recharging. Growing greenery trees, crops and grasses.

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Factors affecting watershed management a) Watershed characters

i) Size and shape ii) Topography iii) Soils b) Climatic characteristic i. Precipitation ii. Amount and intensity of rainfall c) Watershed operation d) Land use pattern i. Vegetative cover ii. Density e) Social status of inhability f) Water resource and their capabilities

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Benefits of Watershed Management

Good watershed management increases the expected benefits experienced by domestic and non-domestic water supply customers, farm operators, other rural self-supplied residents, people participating in water-based recreation and those who value aquatic ecosystems and environmental amenities. System failures can expose the customer to unsafe drinking water and potential impairment of health. Unpalatable water reduces the customer's level of satisfaction. An improvement in raw water quality may also reduce the customers water bill by reducing the cost of producing treated water and the cost of treating wastewater. The reduction in the expected price of water services increases the expected benefits the consumer derives from the consumption of various goods/services including tap water
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Benefits of Watershed Management

Benefits of watershed management are also experienced in agricultural, commercial and industrial operations. These benefits are produced by increases in the expected income generated by the operations. Watershed management increases expected income by either reducing production costs or increasing productivity . For example, watershed management can modify the expected quantity or quality of water that is available for irrigation. Resulting reductions in the cost of producing irrigated crops or in the yield or quality of these crops will benefit the farm operator by increasing net farm revenues.

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Benefits of Watershed Management

The preceding examples of benefit are all user benefits But individuals also experience non-use benefits from watershed planning. Economists identify a number of distinct non-use values that can be magnified through watershed management Pure existence benefits: the satisfaction derived from just knowing, talking, or thinking about the existence of healthy ecosystems for fauna and flora; Altruistic existence benefits: the satisfaction derived from just knowing, talking, or thinking about the opportunity that other persons have or will have to benefit from healthy ecosystems, where other persons include either Page 17 existing or future generations.

Benefits of Watershed Management

Certain non-use values come into play when there is uncertainty about future outcomes. Option value: Option value can be compared to the amount of money an individual would be willing to pay, say as an insurance premium, to guarantee that opportunities to experience use or non-use benefits associated with a water resource will be provided in the future. Quasi-option value: the satisfaction experienced by an individual when an irreversible action that may have an uncertain adverse impact is delayed in order to allow for the development of more knowledge about the consequences of the action thus permitting better decisions about the action to be taken.
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Controlling Pollution
In agricultural systems, common practices include the use of buffer strips, grassed waterways, the reestablishment of wetlands, and forms of sustainable agriculture practices such as conservation tillage, crop rotation and intercropping. After certain practices are installed, it is important to continually monitor these systems to ensure that they are working properly in terms of improving environmental quality.

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Controlling Pollution
In urban settings, managing areas to prevent soil loss and control stormwater flow are a few of the areas that receive attention. A few practices that are used to manage stormwater before it reaches a channel are retention ponds, filtering systems and wetlands. It is important that stormwater is given an opportunity to infiltrate so that the soil and vegetation can act as a "filter" before the water reaches nearby streams or lakes.

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Controlling Pollution
In the case of soil erosion prevention, a few common practices include the use of silt fences, landscape fabric with grass seed and hydroseeding. The main objective in all cases is to slow water movement to prevent soil transport.

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Water Consevation
For crop irrigation, optimal water efficiency means minimizing losses due to evaporation, runoff or subsurface drainage while maximizing production. Flood irrigation, the oldest and most common type, is often very uneven in distribution, as parts of a field may receive excess water in order to deliver sufficient quantities to other parts Overhead irrigation, using center-pivot or lateral-moving sprinklers, has the potential for a much more equal and controlled distribution pattern. Drip irrigation is the most expensive and least-used type, but offers the ability to deliver water to plant roots with minimal losses.

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Rain Water Harvesting

Rain Water Harvesting RWH- process of collecting, conveying & storing water from rainfall in an area for beneficial use. Storage in tanks, reservoirs, underground storagegroundwater. RWH - neither energy-intensive nor labour-intensive. It has been used to provide drinking water, water for livestock, water for irrigation, as well as other typical uses given to water.

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Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting

1.Provides self-sufficiency to water supply 2.Reduces the cost for pumping of ground water 3.Provides high quality water, soft and low in minerals 4.Improves the quality of ground water through dilution when recharged 5.Reduces soil erosion & flooding in urban areas 6.The rooftop rain water harvesting is less expensive & easy to construct, operate and maintain 7. In desert, RWH only relief
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Rainwater Harvesting

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How Much Water Can Be Harvested?

Water harvesting potential = Rainfall (mm) x Collection efficiency Area of plot = 100 sq. m. (120 square yards) Height of the rainfall = 0.6 m (600 mm or 24 inches) Volume of rainfall over the plot = Area of plot x height of rainfall Assuming that only 60 per cent of the total rainfall is effectively harvested Volume of water harvested = 36,000 litres (60,000 litres x 0.6) This volume is about twice the annual drinking water requirement of a 5-member family. The average daily drinking water requirement per person is 10 litres.
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How Much Water Can Be Harvested?

India's average rainfall is about 1170 mm. An average Indian village needs 1.12 hectares of land to capture 6.57 million litres of water India's total land area is over 300 million hectares. Let us assume that India's 587,000 villages can harvest the runoff from 200 million hectares of land, excluding inaccessible forest areas, high mountains and other uninhabited terrains, that still gives every village on average access to 340 hectares or a rainfall endowment of 3.75 billion litres of water.
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Soil Conservation Techniques

Contour plowing is the farming practice of plowing across a slope following its elevation contour lines. The rows formed slows water run-off during rainstorms to prevent soil erosion and allows the water time to settle into the soil. In contour plowing, the ruts made by the plow run perpendicular rather than parallel to slopes , generally resulting in furrows that curve around the land and are level. Crop rotation is simply the conventional alternation of crops on a given field, so that nutrient depletion is avoided from repetitive chemical uptake/deposition of single crop growth.
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Soil Conservation Techniques

Salinity Management: Salinity in soil is caused by irrigating the crops by salty water during the evaporation the water from the soil evaporate .Use of humic acid, especially in locales where excessive irrigation was practiced. The mechanism involved is that humic acids can fix both anions and cations and eliminate them from root leaving the soil behind causing salinization . Promoting the viability of beneficial soil organisms is an element of soil conservation; moreover this includes macroscopic species, notably the earthworm, as well as microorganisms. Positive effects of the earthworm are known well, as to aeration and promotion of macronutrient availability. Soil microorganisms play a vital role in macronutrient wildlife. For example, nitrogen fixation is carried out by free-living or symbiotic bacteria.
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Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or stand of trees in an area where there was no forest.[1] Reforestation is the reestablishment of forest cover, either naturally (by natural seeding, coppice, or root suckers) or artificially (by direct seeding or planting).[2] Many governments and non-governmental organizations directly engage in programs of afforestation to restore forests, increase carbon capture and sequestration, and help to preserve biodiversity

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Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons for various benefits such as to avoid the build up of pathogens and pests that often occurs when one species is continuously cropped. A traditional element of crop rotation is the replenishment of nitrogen through the use of green manure in sequence with cereals and other crops. It is one component of polyculture. Crop rotation can also improve soil structure and fertility by alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants.

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Terraces and Strip cropping

Terraces are used in farming to cultivate sloped land. Graduated terrace steps are commonly used to farm on hilly or mountainous terrain. Terraced fields decrease erosion and surface runoff, and are effective for growing crops requiring much water, such as rice. Strip cropping is a method of farming used when a slope is too steep or too long, or when other types of farming may not prevent soil erosion. Strip cropping alternates strips of closely sown crops such as hay, wheat, or other small grains with strips of row crops, such as corn, soybeans, cotton, or sugar beets. Strip cropping helps to stop soil erosion by creating natural dams for water, helping to preserve the strength of the soil. Certain layers of plants will absorb minerals and water from the soil more effectively than others

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Soil Conservation Techniques

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Soil Conservation Techniques

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Integrated Watershed Management

Large water resources development projects in India have adverse socio-economic and environmental socioconsequences. consequences The failure of such projects, contributed to indebtedness indebtedness, raising economic pressure and jeopardising future development. Indiscriminate expansion of marginal lands and over-utilisation of existing water resources for irrigation Traditional water harvesting systems have suffered sever neglect. Over-utilisation of existing water resources for irrigation.
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Objectives of IWM
Water has multiples uses and must be managed in an integrated way. Water should be managed at the lowest appropriate level. Water allocation should take account of the interests of all who are affected. Water should be recognised and treated as an economic good.

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Integrated Watershed Management

IWM is the process of planning and implementing water and natural resources an emphasis on integrating the bio-physical, socio-economic and institutional aspects. Integrated Watershed Management provides a framework to integrate natural resource management with community livelihoods in a sustainable way. This action area addresses the issues of degradation of natural resources, soil erosion, landslides, floods, frequent droughts and desertification, low agricultural productivity, poor water quantity and quality and poor access to land and related resources from an integrated watershed management perspective.

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Watershed Management Progammes In India

Many projects were, at different points of time, taken up by the Government of India. The Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP) and the Desert Development Programme (DDP) were brought into the watershed mode in 1987. The Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP) launched in 1989 under the aegis of the National Wasteland Development Board also aimed at the development of wastelands on watershed basis All these three programmes were brought under the Guidelines for Watershed Development with effect from 1.4.1995. Other major programmes now being implemented through this approach are the National Watershed Development Project in Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) and the Watershed Development in Shifting Cultivation Areas (WDSCA) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA).

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Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP).

The basic objective of this scheme is an integrated wastelands development based on village/micro watershed plans. These plans are prepared after taking into consideration the land capability, site condition and local needs of the people. The scheme also aims at rural employment besides enhancing the contents of people's participation in the wastelands development programmes at all stages, which is ensured by providing modalities for equitable and sustainable sharing of benefits and usufructs arising from such projects. The major activities taken up under the scheme are: In situ soil and moisture conservation measures like terracing, bunding, trenching, vegetative barriers and drainage line treatment. Planting and sowing of multi-purpose trees, shrubs, grasses, legumes and pasture land development. Encouraging natural regeneration. Promotion of agro-forestry & horticulture. Page 39


The basic objective of the programme is to minimize the adverse effects of drought on production of crops and livestock and productivity of land, water and human resources ultimately leading to drought proofing of the affected areas. The programme also aims to promote overall economic development and improving the socioeconomic conditions of the resource poor and disadvantaged sections inhabiting the programme areas.

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Desert Development Programme (DDP)

The basic object of the programme is to minimize the adverse effect of drought and control desertification through rejuvenation of natural resource base of the identified desert areas. The programme strives to achieve ecological balance in the long run. The programme also aims at promoting overall economic development and improving the socio-economic conditions of the resource poor and disadvantaged sections inhabiting the programme areas.

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Watershed management progammes in India

Details of projects sanctioned and funds released from 1995-96 to 2007-2008 Name of Scheme No. of project sanctioned Area covered (in lakh ha.) Total funds released by Centre (Rs. in crores) 2837.81 2103.23 2797.56 7738.60 Page 42


27439 15746 1877 45062

130.20 78.73 107.0 322.93

There is a close relationship between the environment and the community living within that area as the community derives sustenance from it. Increase in biotic pressure leads to overexploitation and degradation of natural resources. Paucity of resources also leads to internal conflict giving opportunity to others to exploit the situation. It is thus necessary for people to realize the intrinsic relationship between population, poverty and degraded environment they live in. the poor, in the developing country like India are left with no option but to degrade their own environment for their very own survival. Still, it is only they who can restore the health to environment thus ruined, outside actors can only facilitate but never substitute for stake holders. Hence, there can be no sustainable natural resources management unless it involves all inhabitants of the affected areas in an active manner and development plans are formulated and executed by them. Page 43

Integration of indigenous technologies with development is vital. Rural peoples knowledge and the technological advancements are complimentary in their strengths and weaknesses. Combined together, they may achieve what neither would achieve along. Low cost locally available technology with suitable intervention by latest advancements yields best solution. It is clear that the watershed development cannot be done in isolation. A land lying in a valley cannot be improved if the land at upper reaches is not treated. Treatment of land in a scattered manner will not lead to wasteland development. Mere treatment of land is not enough. Land and people cannot and should not be viewed in isolation. So the best possible strategy would be treating the land by empowering the people who live in it.

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Thank You

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