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Al-Ghazwul Fikri

Penyakit Umat

Apakah al-Ghazwul Fikri?

Serangan pemikiran Ramai tidak menyedari bukti? Ramai terikut cara kuffar. Apakah kafir akan berhenti dari memerangi Islam? Tidak 61:8, 9:32

Perbezaan Ghazwul Qitali dan Ghazwul Fikri SERANGAN/SERBUAN

Saling mengetahui siapa lawan

Sepihak sahaja,yang lain tidak mengetahui jika di serang Relatif, tidak ada. Relatif, memerlukan dana yang sedikit Hasil, nyata terlihat hasilnya. Kesannya dalam dan luas

Banyak mengorbankan nyawa Memerlukan dana yang besar Hasilnya, belum tentu berhasil Kesannya terbatas

Sejarah Ghazwul Fikri

Sejarah lama sejak Nabi Adam a.s
Teknik Iblis (7:20-21)

Sejarah moden :
Perang Salib (1-9) buku, wiki (1095-1291) Kesah King Louise IX Catatan King Louise IX

Fasa-fasa GF
Sebelum kejatuhan Khalifah Semasa kejatuhan Khalifah Selepas kejatuhan Khalifah

Sebelum kejatuhan Khalifah

putuskan hubungan antara umat Islam (nasionalisme) sekulerisma, orientalisme Kristianisasi women lib dll

Putuskan hubungan dgn Khalifah

Mustafa Kamal Ata-Turk

Di Nusantara

Apa kerja Snouck?

Pembunuhan Umat Aceh

Kehidupan akibat gf hidup jahiliyyah:

sangka buruk kepada Allah rasa tidak perlu kepada hidayah dan panduan Allah melaksanakan peraturan dan undangundang jahiliyyah hidup cara jahiliyyah bangga dengan trend jahiliyyah. peragaan cara jahiliyyah

Cara serangan
Song Sex Smoke Sport Fun Female Fashion Food

Siapa di belakang semua ini?

Hollywood Broadcasting Siapa di belakang Amerika

Melepaskan diri semula dari Gf:

Diri dan masyarakat
dakwah dan jihad yang bersungguh2. jamaah dan harakah.

Penyakit ini telah melekat kuat Penyakit takut mati dan sangat sayangkan dunia.

Lampiran: projek di Borneo

Project Canterbury Borneo: The Land of River and Palm By Eda Green [no place:] Borneo Mission Association, no date [c. 1909] Chapter VI. Sixty Years of Missions

WE have seen that in 1839, Sir James Brooke first landed in Sarawak. His rule, wise and strong, did very much for the country, but, as his diary tells, he felt that a higher teaching than that of civil rule alone was needed, and, during a visit to England in 1847 he appealed to the church at home to help him in establishing a mission. Neither the S.P.G. nor C.M.S. saw their way to undertake the work, so a personal friend of the Rajah's, the Rev. A. D. Brereton, organised a committee, of which the Earl of Ellesmere was President, Admiral Sir H. Keppel, Admiral C. D. Bethune, Canon Rylewood, and Mr. Brereton were the other members, with the Rev. I. F. Stooks as Hon. Secretary. Their object was to collect and administer funds to support a mission in Sarawak under the Rajah's protection, with the hope of spreading Christianity throughout the island of Borneo, and the adjacent countries. Funds soon came in, the Queen Dowager headed the list and S.P.G. gave 50 a year.

In June, 1847, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London appointed the Rev. F. McDougall of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, as head of the mission. The Rev. W. Wright, and the Rev. S. Montgomery were chosen to work with him. Mr. Montgomery died of fever caught whilst visiting in his English parish, so only Mr. McDougall and Mr. Wright with their wives and children sailed for Borneo in November 1847. They did not reach Kuching until June, 1848. They were warmly welcomed by the English residents, and by the Rajah's arrangement were housed in a large building erected by a German Missionary who had been recalled, and of which the lower part was now used as a court-house, In the rooms above, the two missionaries and their families lived for some months. In one small room Mr. McDougall opened a dispensary where he received patients for two or three hours each day: in this way he made friends with many of the people, and also learned a good deal of the Malay language. For part of the day this same room was used as a school for a few adults who wanted to learn more English.

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