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It is formed with the appropriate tense of the verb TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE of the main verb A passive construction occurs when you make the object of an action into the subject of a sentence. That is performing the action , its not the grammatical subject of the sentences. The subject of the active verb become the agent of the passive verb. The agent is not always mentioned. When it is mentioned it is preceded by by and placed at the end of the clause. Forms of TO BE : Is/am/are Was/were Have/has been Had been Will/will have been Being + Past participle


When the agent is not known. Someone stole my wallet last night. - active My wallet was stolen last night. - passive (we dont know who stole the wallet)

When the agent is unimportant:

The new students centre was completed last week. (its not important who built the centre )

When we want to emphasize the action:

Her mother took her to school. - active She was taken to school by her mother. - passive

To emphasize (put importance on) the recipient (receiver) of the action:

Erina was chosen as best student, and of course this made her happy. (the teacher who chose Erina is not what we want to emphasize)

The passive is used when describing scientific, technical processes:

The paper is cut into small pieces .

When the active sentence contains two objects the indirect object usually becomes the subject of the passive.
They offered me a good job. - active I was offered a good job. - passive

To make generic statements, announcements, and explanations:

Students are asked not to talk.

Passive is also used for the HAVE + OBJECT+ PAST PRTICIPLE construction
I had my hair cut.

Simple Present Continuous Present Simple Past hemisphere. Past Continuous broke out. Simple Present Perfect Future Infinitive defragmented regularly. Past Infinitive where I left it. Gerund Past Gerund Ex. Football is played in most countries. Ex. My printer is being fixed. Ex. The eclipse was seen only in the northern Ex. my scanner was being fixed when the fire Ex. The suspect has been arrested. Ex. A new version of Linux will be released soon Ex. Computer hard discs should be

Ex. My car must have been stolen; it's no longer

Ex. Most people like being invited. Ex. I hate being kept waiting.


I. Rephrase the following sentences. The teacher is writing the text. The text Susie lost her money on a side road. Money.. Father gave the order to the waiter. The waiter.. The police have investigated the case for two months. The case.. The secretary types the letters and sends them by morning post. The letters

The journalists often interview political leaders. Political leaders.. They say that famous people wear very expensive clothes. Famous people. They are building a new town hall this year. A new town hall The dentist pulled his tooth out. His tooth

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