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The Concept of Culture

Culture: is a shared, learned, symbolic system of values, beliefs and attitudes that shapes and influences perception and behavior -- an conceptual "mental blueprint" or "mental code."


Definition of Culture
Brainstorm What do you consider culture?
Physical aspects
Objects Actions

Mental aspects
Thoughts Beliefs Values Inventions Rules

Entrepreneurship and Culture

Entrepreneurship is not an inborn skill, it is a product of the environment. It involves a complex of economic and social behavior. To be successful, an entrepreneur has to remain dynamic and responsible to the whole environment. Entrepreneurship can hardly survive under any given circumstances. It can flourish only under the right environment. It is a part of the total system. The social values, culture, government policies, political system, technology, economic conditions, customs, laws, etc. influence the growth of entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneurship cannot be kept aloof (unapproachable) from the changing social values, ideologies, new emerging aspirations, environmental pressures, religious beliefs, consumer wants and society needs etc.
Business is a system made up of certain environmental factors which require the entrepreneur to adopt a dynamic attitude and a new strategy of their own.

Culture of an organizationThe culture of the organization is reflected in its philosophies, rules and values.

It defines how we do things around here for employees and consequently for customers.
A strong entrepreneurial culture reflects the entrepreneurial values of the founders.

Entrepreneurial culture

Entrepreneurial culture implies a set of values (principles, ethics, ideals, morals), norms (customs, standard, rule) and traits (character, personality, behavior, individuality, persona, qualities) that are conducive to the growth of entrepreneurship.

Cultural values deeply affect entrepreneurship and the level of economic development Structural conditions make development possible cultural factors determine whether the possibility becomes an actuality.

Culture has everything to do with the entrepreneurial process and focuses on the discovery and interpretation of opportunities, neglected by others. No entrepreneur can ignore the countrys cultural heritage and values if he wants to survive and progress. He needs to function on the basis of social expectations, desires and goals. The entrepreneur has to respect the human society, its cultural values and traditions.

Awareness and understanding of the cultural environment of business maybe useful to the entrepreneur in several ways:

To better understand the behavior and conduct of people with regard to entrepreneurship.

To predict behavior and determine how people will act in a certain situation as regards to entrepreneurship. It develops the sensitivity of the entrepreneur.

It facilitates change of the entrepreneur.

Culture is of great importance to entrepreneurship, because it determines the philosophy of people. It trains people along particular lines, creates distinctions.
Culture conveys a sense of identity, enhances social system stability. It creates people, enterprising men and risk bearers, determines goods and services. The understanding of culture enables the entrepreneur to skillfully manipulate the cultural codes of his society, balancing between the permissible and the profane,.

Entrepreneurs often start their business because they want to do things in their own way, and creating the entrepreneurial culture is their opportunity to see that everyone does it their own way.
The entrepreneurs communicate what they believe is important for the organization to be doing. This communication can be face to face, or can take place in meetings, employee news letters, or in other written forms.

Entrepreneurial culture is different from the culture of traditional large organizations. It is future oriented and emphasizes new ideas, creativity, risk taking, and opportunity identification. People feel empowered to manage their own jobs and time. Everyone can make a contribution to the firms success, and the common worker is a hero. Communication is frequently horizontal and bottom up- while the worker servers the customer , the manager servers the worker.

What Makes a Culture Entrepreneurial?

Treat people with respect.This is a very simple premise, which threads through each and every complicated issue that can arise within a company. Respect and trust provide the necessary base for a vibrant and sustainable corporate culture.

Help employees stay healthy.

Open doors to communication.

Create an environment where people can interact with each other, support each other and recognize each other's efforts and achievements. Provide positive rewards for positive behavior. Share information, so that employees are aware of the direction of the company and are involved in it. Use all-hands meetings for financial and operational information, team-building and social events. Offer incentive programs to effort and improve quality of life.

Build friendly environment.

Make time for people to get to know each other and the company.

schedule an annual off-site meeting to build team spirit and discuss where the company was going.
At such events you can also distribute and share your business plan and discuss issues and ideas raised by your strategies.

Maintaining Entrepreneurial Culture

Don't forget the little things.Culture is made up of many small actions that, when put together, create something larger than the sum of the parts. There are many things management can do to make employees feel a part of the company.

Some are just common courtesy: hallway conversations, saying "hello" in the morning, opening doors, asking after people's families and partners. Others are little extras, such as flowers to say thank you and happybirthday e-mail messages. Eating lunch with employees, helping spouses find jobs and participating in team events show that managers are involved with employees.

Participate without controlling.

Let the culture flourish, without your either meddling with it or ignoring it.

Let the team build itself.Within that safe, comfortable, open environment, let employees grow together without being made to.

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