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a) Carbohidrates

b) Protiens c) d) e) f) Fats Vitamins Minerals Fibre

g) Water

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are called nutrients they contain useful substances required by our body The process of obtaining and using nutrients from food is called nutrition


Carbohydrates are organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Formed by simple sugars that are joined together Can be divided into three types based on the number of simple sugars in them:
Types of carbohydrates Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides Examples Glucose, fructose, galactose Lactose, maltose, sucrose Starch, glycogen, cellulose

Sources of carbohydrates :
i) Starchy food such as bread, rice and potatoes ii) Sugary food such as honey, fruits, sugar cane iii) Cellulose food such as those found in the plant cell walls

Importance of carbohydrates :
a) Main source of energy for cell activities b) Form supporting structures, such as cell wall plants c) Can be converted to proteins and fat


Proteins are organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

Every protein molecule is made up of basic units called amino acids Importance of proteins :
a) Needed for growth b) To form new cells to replace old or damaged cells c) To form enzymes, hormones, hemoglobin and antibodies d) To provide energy


Fats are compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Properties of fats:
a) The basic unit of fats is fatty acids combined with glycerol b) Fats exist in solid form. At room temperature, fats exist in liquid form called oils

c) Fats are insoluble in water but they are soluble in alcohol

Food rich in fats include butter, margarine, cooking oil and fatty meats Importance of fats :
a) Provides a lot of energy b) As a heat insulator to the body. Excess fats are stored under the skin to maintain body temperature

c) To dissolves vitamins A, D, E and K so they can be easily transported to other body parts.


Vitamins are organic compounds which contain carbon and hydrogen. Some vitamins also contain oxygen, nitrogen, cobalt and zinc.

Divided into two groups: a) Water-soluble vitamins i) vitamin B ii) vitamin C

b) Fat-soluble vitamins i) vitamin A ii) vitamin D iii) vitamin E iV) vitamin K

Minerals are inorganic substances needed by our body in small amounts for healthy growth and development



Fibre is also known as roughage. Fibre is made up of cellulose from plant cell walls.

Fibre cannot be digested by our body

Fibre can hold a lot of water so that our faeces remain soft and ca pass from our body easily Therefore fibre can prevent constipation.

Water makes up about three quarters or 70% of our body weight.

Functions of water: a) To dissolve chemicals in our body and allow them to react b) To transport digested food, oxygen and excretory substances c) To regulate and maintain the body temperature d) To regulate the pressure of body fluids (such as blood) e) As a lubricant to reduce friction between joints bones f) To assist smooth peristalsis

g) As moist substance in cells, tissue and internal organs The main sources of water are fresh fruits, vegetables and drinking water.

The importance of a balanced diet

Fat and oil food Milk food meat food

fruit & vegetable Grain food

The food we eat every day is known as diet A balanced diet is a diet that contains all classes of food in the right amount according to our body needs

Factors that determine a persons balanced diet

age body size gender occupation physical activity climate state of health

Calorific Value of Food The amount of energy in food is known as calorie Calorific value / energy value is the amount of energy produced by one gram of a particular type of food

The calorific value in a food sample can be determined using a bomb calorimeter

The SI unit to measure the amount of energy in foods is joules (J) or calories (cal)

1cal = 4.2 J

Planning a balanced diet Important to :

Imbalanced diet can cause malnutrition and deficiency diseases

a) Maintaining health of the body b) Ensure body growth c) Repair and replace damaged tissues d) Ensure sufficient energy for the body

Human Digestive System

_________ is the process of breaking down ___________molecules into ______________ molecules that are readily absorbed by the body Digestion occurs in an eight-metre long called the _______ or __________________

Table of food
Food Rice Cabbage Calories value (KJ/100g) 1500 100

Calculate the calories: Rice 200g Cabbage 50 g

The Calories value : rice = 100g = 1500 kj 200g =? 1500x200 = 1500 x 2 = 3000 kJ


Flow of food particles in the alimentary canal

Mouth Large intestine Oesophagus


Type of digestion _______ digestion _______ digestion

Mechanical breakdown of food by the chewing action of teeth and the churning action of stomach.

Involves the use of enzymes to break down food substances.

Absorption of Digested Food

The end products of digestion Vitamins Minerals

Are absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine by diffusion

During absorption: Glucose, fructose, amino acid, minerals, vitamin B and C absorbed into blood capillaries Fatty acids, glycerol, vitamins A, D, E, K are absorbed into the small intestine
The characteristics of small intestine : a) It is coiled and about 7 meters long b) There are villi (villus), which are finger-like projections on the inner wall of the small intestine c) Villi increase the surface area to speed up the absorption of digested food d) Villi also contain many blood capillaries to increase the absorption of digested food

Reabsorption of Water and Defecation

a) Undigested food such as fibre is transported by peristalsis from the small intestine to the large intestine b) The rate of peristalsis in the large intestine is slower than in the small intestine c) In the large intestine, the reabsorption of water takes place. The water an dissolves minerals from undigested food diffuses through the walls of the large intestine.

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