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Thermodynamics without entropy

or analogies among dynamical systems

• please note the distinction between Static and Dynamic energy storages
• small w denotes total energy, capital W denotes energy density
• systems can be “lumped parameter” or distributed
• Four variable models -- note the “oddball” down in the lower left corner
• yes, Virginia, dynamic is really different from static energy storage (you always
knew there was something strange about kinetic energy and momentum)
• Primary network variables are the ones whose product is power (or power flux)
and whose ratio is impedance -- the use of any other variable pair as the primary
variables impedes building complicated systems from elementary building blocks;
although it can, at times, be thermodynamically advantageous

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

v q voltage charge Push stuff

λ i flux-turns linkage current Thud Flow

Impedance = v / i C
v q wstatic = ∫v dq
d⁄dt d⁄dt

wdynamic = ∫i dλ λ i
Power = v i
Uncertainty Pair

Electrical Lumped

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

F x Force position Push stuff

p v momentum velocity Thud Flow

Mechanical Impedance = F / v 1/k

F x wstatic = ∫F • dx
d⁄dt d⁄dt

wdynamic = ∫v • dp p v
Power = F v
Uncertainty Pair

Linear Lumped
Mechanical Element
Variables (i.e., F, x, v, p) may be scalars or vectors.

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

T θ Torque position Push stuff
L ω momentum velocity Thud Flow

Mechanical Impedance = T / ω 1/k

T θ wstatic = ∫Tdθ
d⁄dt d⁄dt

wdynamic = ∫ω dL L ω
Power = T ω
Uncertainty Pair

Rotational Lumped

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

T Q Temperature heat, energy Push stuff

? I[Q´] Nameless heat flow Thud Flow

Thermal Impedance = T / I CThermal

d⁄dt d⁄dt
? I

Thermal Lumped
An example of an incomplete analogy. There is nothing to put into the “thud” slot in
general; although for studies of TTT processing, “soakage” might be a reasonable candidate.

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

Electric field Displacement Push stuff
E D Intensity Flux Density
Magnetic Flux Magnetic
B H Density Field intensity Thud Flow

Wave Impedance = |E| / |H| ε0

E D Wstatic = ∫E • dD
∂⁄∂t, ∂⁄∂t,
∇× ∇×
Wdynamic = ∫H • dB B* H
Power Flux Density = E × H
Uncertainty Pair, in
some extended sense
Electrical Distributed
* Fields
instead of B one could use A, this does break the
symmetry of the analogy and is not recommended

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

Pressure Volume
P Q [V] Differential
Push stuff

Momentum Volume rate

p Q´ Density of flow Thud Flow

Flow Impedance = P / Q´ Gas Law

P Q Wstatic = ∫P dQ
∂⁄∂t ∂⁄∂t

Wdynamic = ∫Q´ dp p Q´
ρ Power Flux Density = P Q´

Gas Flow Distributed

Fluid Flow

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

Pop Quiz (answers ahead)
• What is the pneumatic equivalent of “ground bounce”
• What is the electrical equivalent of “stiction”
• Comparing the Mississippi River and a fire hose
• which is higher impedance?
• why?
• Is a direct analogy between the old style automotive
ignition and hammering in a nail reasonable?
• If yes, why?
• If no, why not?

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

Pressure variations displacement
P ξ (Intensity)
Push stuff

p v momentum Thud Flow

density velocity

Acoustic Impedance = P / v 1/M*

P ξ Wstatic = ∫P dξ
∂⁄∂t ∂⁄∂t

Wdynamic = ∫v dp p v
Power Flux = P v
? Uncertainty Pair, in
some extended sense

Acoustic Distributed
M is bulk modulus; for isothermal it is (for small strains) equal to the unperturbed pressure System
for sound, however, adiabatic is more accurate than isothermal, so multiply by 1.4 for diatomic gases

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

• What is the pneumatic equivalent of “ground bounce”
• Pressure rise in the pneumatic return line upon operation
• What is the electrical equivalent of “stiction”
• One example is crossover distortion in Class B push-pull stages
• Comparing the Mississippi River and a fire hose
• which is higher impedance?
• Fire hose: impedance = Push/Flow
• why?
• Higher pressure (more push), lower flow
• Is a direct analogy between the old style automotive ignition and hammering in
a nail reasonable?
• If yes, why?
• Yes - both involve storing energy for rapid release as dynamic
storage is stopped -- it is hard to get similar results with static storage
• If no, why not?

Copyright 2001 Kevin G. Rhoads

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