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Integrated Unit Part II

Days of Lesson Day 1

Social Studies Objectives: Students will define the word rules and give examples. Activities (include allotted time) Discussion about rules and why they are important. (15 minutes) Watch Why We Need Rules and have students compare their answers to those given by students in the video. (15 min.)

Language Arts Objectives: Students will learn vocabulary words. Activities: Introduce vocabulary of unit to students and have them look over and read the word wall. (10 min.)


Day 2

Objective: Students will infer authors opinions and make connections to selves. Activities: Students will read Lillys Purple Plastic Purse (10 min.) Students will share with their tablemates any inferences, connections, and other thoughts they have. (10 min.) Students share with class key ideas that their partner shared. (15 min.)
Objectives: Students will discuss rules Activities: Students will discuss and examine possible rules for our class.(15min) Objectives: Students will discuss and create classroom rules. Activities: Students will organize a list of rules with tablemates. (15min) Students will vote on the best teams rules. (15min) Objectives : Students will record chosen rules Activities: After students have chosen the top 10 rules for our classroom, we will record rules on butcher paper and hang in a visual area in the classroom

Objective: Students to make a hypothesis with book Activities: With tablemates Students will make a hypothesis and create a summary of what Lillys Purple Plastic Purse part II will be about.

Day 3

Objective: Students will use estimation Activities: Students will estimate how many items are in my clear plastic purse. (10min) After everyone has their estimations on paper, I will reveal the correct number. Who ever guessed the closest will receive a prize from the prize box.

Day 4

Objectives: Students will discuss and vote on top 10 rules. Activities: Students will vote on the top 10 rules for our classroom




Civics 1.2.1 Identify and follow classroom and school rules that guide behavior and establish order to accomplish tasks.
Expository text Listening Explain the purpose of and/or gain information from text using titles, text boxes, headings, illustrations, and tables of contents. Identify examples of sensory words in text. Explain the topic; identify the main idea based on evidence; describe the order of events in text. Use information to answer specific questions 7.2.1Listen for a variety of purposes: gaining information, being entertained, and understanding directions

Language Arts


Scientific Inquiry N.2.A.1N.2.A.3N.2.B.1

Record observations and give descriptions using words, numbers, and drawings. [1.1]Understand that observable patterns can be used to predict future events or sort items. [1.4]Recognize that science engages men and women of all ages and backgrounds. [1.8]

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