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Bienvenidos a la clase de espaol!

Seora Noguera FHS B101

Quin es la seora Noguera?

Yo soy de Lima, Peru. Me gradu de la Universidad de Rutgers. Me cri en Chosica, Per y estudi en la escuela Beata Imelda hasta la edad de los doce aos. Me gusta mucho viajar, ir al cine, leer obras literarias y pasar mucho tiempo con la familia.

My expectations of each and everyone in the classroom are very high. No one is perfect-thats why pencils have erasers Author Unknown Nothing greater was ever achieved without enthusiasm-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Objetivos de la clase:
Conversacin: Students will converse in Spanish. Interpretacin: Students will interpret written and spoken Spanish. Presentacin: Students will present information in Spanish. Cultura: Students will discover new things about the culture in Spanish speaking regions and countries. Comparaciones: Students will make comparisons between their own culture and language and those of Spanish speaking countries. Comunidades: Students will discover how and where Spanish can be used beyond the classroom and beyond this high school setting.

*Recommended Notebook/Folder

2 subject notebook with perforated pages *OR a 1 binder and loose leaf paper with the following 2 labeled sections: Tarea (Homework) Apuntes (Notes section for notes about class instruction, including regarding grammar and culture) A folder in the subject notebook or binder to hold any handouts. Individual folders are acceptable. A flash drive/USB

How will I be graded? You will be graded according to the Franklin High School Grading Policy. 90-100 = A Homework Grading Policy 80-89 =B + = 100 did extra work 70-79 =C = 80 all work was completed 67-69 =D - = 65 of the work was completed 66 & Below = F 0 = none of the work was completed

World Language Grading Profile


Summative Assessment (Oral/Written Tests, projects and portfolios) : 85% Formative Assessment (Class participation, small quizzes) : 10% Homework: 5%

Las Reglas de clase

1. Sit in your assigned seat and be ready to begin work on the Do Now/ Hagan Ahora. The Hagan Ahora will remain on the board during the 1st 5 minutes of class. I you are late to class, you can not receive credit for it.

2. Bring all materials to class and take them with you when you leave.

3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

4. Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.

5. Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the Franklin High School handbooks. Including: Tardy Policy Dress Code Cell Phones No lunch schedules

6. No eating, drinking (with the exception of bottled of water), or SLEEPING in class!

7. Guideline Infraction Notice Read it Sign it Keep it until the end of class

Following Guidelines will result in: Verbal Acknowledgement A stress free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere.

Not following Guidelines will result in: 1st - Warning and documentation 2nd -Action Plan (Infraction Notice), Parental contact, and 45 minute after school detention TUESDAYS ONLY!! 3rd - Disciplinary Referral

Procedimientos de Clase

1. When you are tardy: Enter quietly Excused: Place excused pass on my desk. Unexcused: Sign paper in the back of classroom. Have a seat and take out materials.

2. After an excused absence

Please see me at the end of the day to arrange make work (Student is responsible for verifying
missed assignment(s) and submitting it (them) ASAP and no later than one week to receive credit. Students are encouraged to check with classmates in case of absenceor check the posted grades in the classroom).

No make-up work for unexcused absences (cuts) will be given. Make-up quizzes and tests: Tuesdays B101

3. If class work is finished early: Work on unfinished Spanish assignments Study their vocabulary Start working on tonights homework

4. Classroom Discussions: Please participate I want to hear what you have to say Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion If you question is off topic, write it down and ask later.

5. Moving around the room: You must ask permission Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency.

6. Class Dismissal: The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: Tengan un buen da

My contact information: Correo electrnico: Horas de oficina: Tuesdays, room B101 732-302-4200 ext. 4502

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