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Atmosphere is composed of layers

weather patterns are formed in the troposphere useful ozone layer (the ozone shield) in the stratosphere

note: 1 km = about .6 miles. to change km to miles, just multiply by .6 and round off (I learned this easy method living in Europe - changing the speed limit signs to match my speedometer!)

Global air circulation patterns cause weather changes

Effects of the Great Ocean Conveyor

(remember this from last week's topics?)
small variations in the conveyor circulation can produce dramatic changes in weather patterns around the world

trap pollutants near ground level

Thermal inversions

a layer of warm air traps pollutants so can't rise and disperse pollutants released by the morning rush hour stay at ground level - can cause quite serious health effects

Air pollution affects local weather

in addition to weather affecting air pollution, air pollution can affect weather cities release large amounts of heat (thermal pollution) from burning of fossil fuels urban areas tend to experience more rain and snow than surrounding areas because of the pollution they produce

also, concrete and metal retain the sun's energy, turning cities into "heat islands" have you ever noticed that, in summer, it's much hotter in DC, for example, than PG County? why?

Primary and secondary air pollutants


released directly into atmosphere from burning fuels or wastes


produced by interactions among primary pollutants in atmosphere

Emissions of air pollutants from human activities - what are the two biggest sources?

Photochemical smog

produced by reactions among sunlight, primary pollutants, and components in the atmosphere smog forms brownish haze worst in hot, sunny weather with little wind

Photochemical smog

exhaust from morning traffic releases large amounts of NO and VOCs sunlight promotes conversion into ozone and other components of smog urban levels usually highest in mid-afternoon (recall: recent Olympic games in China) irritates eyes, noses, throats, makes asthma symptoms worse, etc.

Los Angeles

Acid precipitation
nitric oxides and sulfur dioxide released by burning fossil fuels combine with water in the atmosphere to form acids returns to earth as acid rain, acid snow, acid fog

global air circulation disperses the pollutants effects can be felt hundreds of miles from the source

acid kills soil decomposers acid soil prevents plants from absorbing minerals lack of nutrients damages forests and crops

acid dissolves limestone and marble damages buildings, monuments, and other structures

damages aquatic life decreased survival of fish larvae many are commercially important species decreased survival of amphibians (frogs, toads, salamanders) important for ecosystem health

salmon larvae

Some legislation to reduce air pollution

U.S. Clean Air Act

addresses air pollution from ____ standards set by ____ enforced by ___

Montreal Protocol
addresses air pollution from ____ standards set by ___ enforced by ___

Strategies to reduce air pollution

most air pollutants found in vehicle emissions (source: burning of fossil fuels) hybrid vehicles get much better mileage and so, release less air pollution more on this in the energy unit!

Toyota Prius

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