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David M.


Database Processing:
Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation

Chapter Three: The Relational Model and Normalization

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-1

Comprender terminologa relacional Comprender caractersticas de RELACIONES Comprender alternativas para describir el modelo relacional Identificar DEPENDENCIAS FUNCIONALES, DETERMINANTES y ATRIBUTOS DEPENDIENTES Identificar llaves candidato, primarias, compuestas, y surrogate
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-2

Identificar posibles anomalias de Insercin, Borrado, y Actualizacin en una Relacin Poner una relacin en la forma normal BCNF Comprender la importancia de la forma normal Dominio/Llave (DK) Identificar dependencias multivaluadas Poner una relacin en su 4ta forma normal
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-3

Chapter Premise
We have received one or more tables of existing data The data is to be stored in a new database QUESTION: Should the data be stored as received, or should it be transformed for storage?

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


How Many Tables?

Should we store these two tables as they are, or should we combine them into one table in our new database?
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-5

But first Comprender:

El modelo relacional Terminologa del modelo relacional

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


The Relational Model

Introduced in 1970 Created by E.F. Codd
He was an IBM engineer The model used mathematics known as relational algebra

Now the standard model for commercial DBMS products

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Important Relational Model Terms

Entity - Entidad Relation - Relacin Functional Dependency Dependencia funcional Determinant -determinante Candidate Key llave candidato Composite Key llave compuesta Primary Key llave primaria Surrogate Key llave Surrogate Foreign Key llave foranea Referential integrity constraint restriccin de Integridad Referencial Normal Form Forma Normal Multivalued Dependency Dependencia multivaluada

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Entity - Entidad
An entity is some identifiable thing that users want to track:
Customers Computers Sales

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Relation - Relacin
Relational DBMS products store data about entities in relations, which are a special type of table A relation is a two-dimensional table that has the following characteristics:
Rows contain data about an entity Columns contain data about attributes of the entity All entries in a column are of the same kind Each column has a unique name Cells of the table hold a single value The order of the columns is unimportant The order of the rows is unimportant No two rows may be identical

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


A Relation

La relacin Employee cumple con todas las caractersticas que definen una relacion

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Relation - Relacin
Una relacin es un caso especial de una tabla Todas las relaciones son tablas, pero no todas las tablas son relaciones

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


A Relation with Values of Varying Length

No caer en la trampa de pensar que dado que una celda debe tener valor nico Significa que todos los valores deben tener la misma longitud, al contrario, la relacion mostrada tiene en la columna Comment un solo comentario por celda aunque de longitud diferente entre s.

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Tables That Are Not Relations: Multiple Entries per Cell

En esta tabla Caruthers y Bandalone tienen mltiples valores de Phone

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Tables That Are Not Relations: Table with Required Row Order

Las entradas de Caruthers y Bandalone requieren un arreglo particular de renglones, si se reacomodan los renglones se sabra con precisin a quien corresponden los nmeros de fax y home
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-15

Relation - Relacin
Columnas en diferentes relaciones podran tener el mismo nombre, en ejemplos previos hemos visto que dos relaciones contienen una columna con el mismo nombre: SKU. Para evitar confusiones se antepone al nombre de una columna el nombre de la relacin seguida por un punto: SKU_DATA.SKU

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Alternative Terminology
Although not all tables are relations, the terms table and relation are normally used interchangeably The following sets of terms are equivalent:

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependency
A functional dependency occurs when the value of one (a set of) attribute(s) determines the value of a second (set of) attribute(s):

StudentID StudentName StudentID (DormName, DormRoom, Fee)

The attribute on the left side of the functional dependency is called the determinant
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-18

Functional Dependency -Ejemplo

Si compramos cajas de galletas a $5 y queremos saber costo total de las galletas CookieCost = NumberOfBoxes x $5 Se dice entonces que el costo de galletas depende funcionalmente del nmero de cajas compradas NumberOfBoxes CookieCost
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-19

Functional Dependency
Functional dependencies may be based on equations: ExtendedPrice = Quantity X UnitPrice ExtendedPrice es funcionalmente dependiente de Quantity y de UnitPrice (Quantity, UnitPrice) ExtendedPrice
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-20

Functional Dependencies Are Not Equations

Se sabe que un saco contiene objetos color, peso y forma de acuerdo a la tabla La dependencia funcional existe aun cuando no se exprese como una ecuacin.

ObjectColor Weight ObjectColor Shape ObjectColor (Weight, Shape)


DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall

Functional Dependency
La nica razn para tener RELACIONES es guardar instancias de dependencias funcionales No existe una frmula para que a partir de tu matricula de estudiante se determine Nombre, Apellidos, Promedio

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Composite Determinants
Composite determinant: A determinant of a functional dependency that consists of more than one attribute
(StudentName, ClassName) (Grade)

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependency Rules

If A (B, C), then A B and A C If (A,B) C, then neither A nor B determines C by itself

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Find Functional Dependency

Preguntarse Alguna columna determina el valor de otra columna?

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependencies in the SKU_DATA Table

Buyer determina Department porque Jerry Martin se apareja con un mismo departamento siempre, al igual que Cindi Lo y otros buyers. por tanto Buyer Department No ocurre as si tomamos Department para determinar un nico Buyer, pues un departamento puede tener ms de un Buyer Notar que Buyer no determina valores nicos de SKU ni SKU_Description
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-26

Functional Dependencies in the SKU_DATA Table

Notar que un cliente (buyer) puede aparecer ms de una vez en la tabla, pero que esto ocurre siempre aparejado con el mismo departamento. Esto es cierto para todas las dependencias funcionales Si A B entonces cada valor de A estar aparejado con uno y solo un valor de B Tambin sucede que lo inverso no es necesariamente cierto, si A B entonces un valor de B podra aparejarse con muchos valores de A.

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependencies in the SKU_DATA Table

Analizando otras columnas. Si se conoce el valor de SKU entonces conocemos los valores de todas las dems columnas SKU SKU_Description SKU Department SKU Buyer Tambin si se conoce el valor de SKU_Description entonces conocemos los valores de todas las dems columnas SKU_Description (SKU,Department,Buyer)

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependencies in the SKU_DATA Table

SKU (SKU_Description, Department, Buyer) SKU_Description (SKU, Department, Buyer) Buyer Department

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependencies in the ORDER_ITEM Table

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependencies in the ORDER_ITEM Table

Preguntas El campo OrderNumber determina otro campo? No determina SKU porque una orden tiene varios SKU asociados Tampoco quantity, Price, ni ExtendedPrice El campo SKU determina algn campo? No determina OrderNumber,Quantity, ni ExtendedPrice
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-31

Functional Dependencies in the ORDER_ITEM Table

SKU si parece determinar Price SKU Price Ms sucede que el precio puede cambiar una vez que se haya procesado la orden. Entonces para que se cumpla se debe asociar SKU a una orden especfica para que ambos fijen el precio (Order Number, SKU) Price

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependencies in the ORDER_ITEM Table

Los campos Price, Quantity, ExtendedPrice no determinan a ningun otro, Saber qeu algo costo $3,00 no indica nada, o que compre 3 unidades de producto no me dice que producto o su nmero de orden Si se analiza por pares de columnas, entonces se pueden descubrir ms determinantes

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Functional Dependencies in the ORDER_ITEM Table

Una orden y un SKu particular determinan un nico Quantity, Price, y ExtendedPrice (OrderNumber, SKU) (Quantity, Price, ExtendedPrice) (Quantity, Price) (ExtendedPrice)

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


What Makes Determinant Values Unique? A determinant is unique in a relation if, and only if, it determines every other column in the relation You cannot find the determinants of all functional dependencies simply by looking for unique values in one column:
Data set limitations Must be logically a determinant
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-35

Determinantes nicos
Cada vez que un valor de la columna A parece coincidir con el mismo valor de la columna B, A puede ser determinante de B Una muestra de datos puede ser incompleta para hacer diicha afirmacin Pensar siempre en la naturaleza del negocio y en preguntar al usuario
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-36

A key is a combination of one or more columns that is used to identify rows in a relation A composite key is a key that consists of two or more columns

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Candidate and Primary Keys

A candidate key is a key that determines all of the other columns in a relation A primary key is a candidate key selected as the primary means of identifying rows in a relation:
There is one and only one primary key per relation The primary key may be a composite key The ideal primary key is short, numeric and never changes
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-38

Surrogate Keys
A surrogate key as an artificial column added to a relation to serve as a primary key:
DBMS supplied Short, numeric and never changes an ideal primary key! Has artificial values that are meaningless to users Normally hidden in forms and reports
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-39

Surrogate Keys
NOTE: The primary key of the relation is underlined below:

RENTAL_PROPERTY without surrogate key:

RENTAL_PROPERTY (Street, City, State/Province, Zip/PostalCode, Country, Rental_Rate)

RENTAL_PROPERTY with surrogate key:

RENTAL_PROPERTY (PropertyID, Street, City, State/Province, Zip/PostalCode, Country, Rental_Rate)
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-40

Foreign Keys
A foreign key is the primary key of one relation that is placed in another relation to form a link between the relations:
A foreign key can be a single column or a composite key The term refers to the fact that key values are foreign to the relation in which they appear as foreign key values

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall

Foreign Keys
NOTE: The primary keys of the relations are underlined and any foreign keys are in italics in the relations below:
DEPARTMENT (DepartmentName, BudgetCode, ManagerName) EMPLOYEE (EmployeeNumber, EmployeeName, DepartmentName)

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


The Referential Integrity Constraint

A referential integrity constraint is a statement that limits the values of the foreign key to those already existing as primary key values in the corresponding relation

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Foreign Key with a Referential Integrity Constraint

NOTE: The primary key of the relation is underlined and any foreign keys are in italics in the relations below:
SKU_DATA ORDER_ITEM (SKU, SKU_Description, Department, Buyer) (OrderNumber, SKU, Quantity, Price, ExtendedPrice)

Where ORDER_ITEM.SKU must exist in SKU_DATA.SKU

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Modification Anomalies
Deletion Anomaly Insertion Anomaly Update Anomaly

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Modification Anomalies
The EQUIPMENT_REPAIR table before and after an incorrect update operation on AcquisitionCost for Type = Drill Press:

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Normal Forms
Relations are categorized as a normal form based on which modification anomalies or other problems that they are subject to:

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Normal Forms
1NF A table that qualifies as a relation is in 1NF 2NF A relation is in 2NF if all of its nonkey attributes are dependent on all of the primary key 3NF A relation is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and has no determinants except the primary key Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) A relation is in BCNF if every determinant is a candidate key I swear to construct my tables so that all nonkey columns are dependent on the key, the whole key and nothing but the key, so help me Codd.
DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-48

Eliminating Modification Anomalies from Functional Dependencies in Relations

Put all relations into Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF):

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Putting a Relation into BCNF: EQUIPMENT_REPAIR

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Putting a Relation into BCNF: EQUIPMENT_REPAIR

EQUIPMENT_REPAIR (ItemNumber, Type, AcquisitionCost, RepairNumber, RepairDate, RepairAmount)
ItemNumber (Type, AcquisitionCost) RepairNumber (ItemNumber, Type, AcquisitionCost, RepairDate, RepairAmount)

ITEM (ItemNumber, Type, AcquisitionCost) REPAIR (ItemNumber, RepairNumber, RepairDate, RepairAmount) Where REPAIR.ItemNumber must exist in ITEM.ItemNumber

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Putting a Relation into BCNF: New Relations

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Putting a Relation into BCNF: SKU_DATA

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Putting a Relation into BCNF: SKU_DATA

SKU_DATA (SKU, SKU_Description, Department, Buyer)
SKU (SKU_Description, Department, Buyer) SKU_Description (SKU, Department, Buyer) Buyer Department

SKU_DATA (SKU, SKU_Description, Buyer) BUYER (Buyer, Department) Where BUYER.Buyer must exist in SKU_DATA.Buyer

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Putting a Relation into BCNF: New Relations

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Multivaled Dependencies
A multivaled dependency occurs when a determinant determines a particular set of values:
Employee Degree Employee Sibling PartKit Part

The determinant of a multivaled dependency can never be a primary key

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall 3-56

Multivaled Dependencies

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


Eliminating Anomolies from Multivaled Dependencies

Multivalued dependencies are not a problem if they are in a separate relation, so:
Always put multivaled dependencies into their own relation This is known as Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


David M. Kroenkes Database Processing

Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation (10th Edition) End of Presentation: Chapter Three

DAVID M. KROENKES DATABASE PROCESSING, 10th Edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall


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