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Personality Development

We would all love to be called

...Successful ...Triumphant

...An Achiever

...A Winner

But is it happening?


Why this is not happening?

Have you ever thought .....

Who are you? How well do you know yourself?
What are you good at? What are your weaknesses, fears, innermost strengths and desires? Where are you heading?

My personality type is


prefers large groups of people, with a wide variety of friends Act first, and then think. distracted easily, without as much concentration on a single task very talkative and outgoing. as a host/hostess, always the center of the party. Find listening difficult Impatient with slow and tedious jobs Difficult to settle down, read and concentrate on home work

prefers small intimate gatherings of close friends Think first, then act. focus well, but not as much concentration on the big picture. good listener and more private. as a host/hostess, always behind the scenes making sure things run smoothly. Uncomfortable in discussion group Hesitate to speak in class Need sufficient time to complete their work. Unable to understand quick dialogue

Creative, innovative and always ask WHY. May not read a question paper fully. looking towards the future. If concept is understood dont repeat or practice.

observation and factsoriented learning. practical, with a view of each step. eyes on the present. Read question many times before answering Have difficulty with theory Enjoy hands on activities, audio-visual materials.

Good at problem solving Accuracy is important Analyze to identify whats wrong with something. works better with a list of pros and cons. critical by nature. more truthful than tactful

Difficult with instructors who appear impersonal or detached. Study well with others. Learn well by helping others Responds to others needs. decide with feelings. thinks through a decision based on how it effects people. people pleaser. more tactful than truthful.

likes dependable situations. plans everything, with a to do list in hand. enjoys completing projects. feels stressed by lack of planning and abrupt changes. more likely to complete a goal. "all play and no work doesn't finish the project."

likes flexible situations. waits until multiple ideas come up, and picks what to do on the fly. enjoys starting projects. feels closed in by specific plans, and looks forward to changes. more likely to see an opportunity. "all work and no play makes me dull."

My personality type is


Your personality

Interact well with others
well understood by others Perform well in study groups good class participation Weaknesses

Work independently
work with ideas Excel in scientific lab works Careful before acting

Avoid others Perform poorly in study groups poor interpersonal communication

Can not work without people change and variety need poor in time management

Solve novel and unique problems problem solving easily comes

remember details and facts systematic

Excel at generalizing
perform well on tasks requiring originality

perform well in subjective tests

impatient with theory

Weaknesses impatient with tedious tasks jump to conclusions not practical mistrust intuition prefer not to imagine the future do not have long term goals

stand firm logical, analytical and organised


consider the feelings of others comfortable in motivating others

good in science
interested in verifiable conclusions

effective mediators
interested in people Weaknesses

may not notice other's feelings show little mercy or empathy uninterested in persuading

not guided by logic less organised and overly accepting trouble on tasks requiring analytical skills

Strengths want to know more before deciding open, flexible, adaptive, non judgmental make compromises excel in social interactions


make quick decisions plan, give orders and remain on tasks decisive, firm and sure excel in independent studies

Weaknesses tend to be indecisive easily distracted from tasks do not plan or complete projects stubborn and inflexible make decisions based on insufficient data difficulty to work with others

Possible Career Paths for the ENFJ:

Facilitator Consultant Psychologist Social Worker / Counselor Teacher Clergy Sales Representative Human Resources Manager Events Coordinator Sales Representative Politicians / Diplomats Writers

Possible Career Paths for the ENFP:

Consultant Psychologist Entrepreneur Actor Teacher Counselor Politician / Diplomat Writer / Journalist Television Reporter Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst Scientist Engineer

Possible Career Paths for the ENTJ:

Corporate Executive Officer Organization Builder Entrepreneur Computer Consultant Lawyer Judge Business Administrators and Managers University Professors and Administrators

Possible Career Paths for the ENTP:

Lawyers Psychologists Entrepreneurs Photographers Consultants Engineers Scientists Actors Sales Representatives Marketing Personnel Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist

Possible Career Paths for the ESFJ:

Home Economics Nursing Teaching Administrators Child Care Family Practice Physician Clergy or other religious work Office Managers Counselors / Social Work Bookkeeping / Accounting Administrative Assistants

Possible Career Paths for the ESFP:

Artists, Performers and Actors Sales Representatives Counselors / Social Work Child Care Fashion Designers Interior Decorators Consultants Photographers

Possible Career Paths for the ESTJ:

Military leaders Business Administrators and Managers Police / Detective work Judges Financial Officers Teachers Sales Representatives

Possible Career Paths for the ESTP:

Sales Representatives Marketing Personnel Police / Detective Work Paramedic / Emergency Medical Technician PC Technicians or Network Cablers Computer Technical Support Entrepreneurs

Possible Career Paths for the INFJ:

Clergy / Religious Work Teachers Medical Doctors / Dentists Alternative Health Care Practitioners Psychologists Psychiatrists Counselors and Social Workers Musicians and Artists Photographers

Child Care / Early Childhood Development

Possible Career Paths for the INFP:

Writers Counselors / Social Workers Teachers / Professors Psychologists Psychiatrists Musicians Clergy / Religious Workers

Possible Career Paths for the INTJ:

Scientists Engineers Professors and Teachers Medical Doctors / Dentists Corporate Strategists and Organization Builders Business Administrators / Managers Military Leaders Lawyers / Attorneys Judges Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts and Computer Specialists

Possible Career Paths for the INTP:

Scientists - especially Physics, Chemistry Photographers Strategic Planners Mathematicians University Professors Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts, Computer Animation and Computer Specialists Technical Writers Engineers Lawyers / Attorneys Judges Forensic Research Forestry and Park Rangers

Possible Career Paths for the ISFJ:

Interior Decorators Designers Nurses Administrators and Managers Administrative Assistants Child Care / Early Childhood Development Social Work / Counselors Paralegals Clergy / Religious Workers Office Managers Shopkeepers Bookkeepers Home Economics

Possible Career Paths for the ISFP:

Artist Musician / Composer Designer Child Care / Early Childhood Development Social Worker / Counselor Teacher Psychologist Veterinarian Forest Ranger Pediatrician

Possible Career Paths for the ISTJ:

Business Executives, Administrators and Managers Accountants and Financial Officers Police and Detectives Judges Lawyers Medical Doctors / Dentists Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts, and Computer Specialists Military Leaders

Possible Career Paths for the ISTP:

Police and Detective Work Forensic Pathologists Computer Programmers, System Analysts and Computer Specialists Engineers Carpenters Mechanics Pilots, Drivers, Motorcyclists Athletes Entrepreneurs

Memory and Personality

Introverted personality types will do better on number recollection Extroverts will recall words better.

People can categorize human memory according to the amount of time it is stored in the brain. There are three different categories of memory
Sensory Memory Short Term memory Long term memory

iconic memory (visual sensory memory) - less than one second echoic memory (auditory sensory memory) - less than four seconds A person's short term memory capacity, also called the memory span, is approximately 7 pieces ("plus or minus two"), or units of information. This could be numbers, letters, words, etc.

The rates of forgetting text book material.

Time From First Learning After 1 day After 7 days After 14 days After 21 days After 28 days After 63 days Percentage of Material Remembered 54% 35% 21% 18% 19% 17% Percentage of Material Forgotten 46% 65% 79% 82% 81% 83%

the curve of forgetting

The well known learning curve shows that in five minutes, much of the information we have taken in is lost. After an hour - two thirds of it is lost.

And after a day has passed - 90 % of it is lost.

a specific technique that works best:

Step number 1 take in formation. Step number 2 about five minutes later, undisturbed, go over the main points of what you are trying to remember. That should only take you a minute or two. Step number 3 an hour later, do the same thing. Step number 4 three hours later, do the same thing. Just go back over the information a minute or two. Step number 5 six hours later, do the same thing. Then that night before you go to sleep, review the material one last time. Step number 6 repeat that three times a day for the second and third days. Now you have that information for the long term.

Go through the list of items

1. Match box 2. Candle 3. Bulb 4. Edison 5. House 6. Car 7. Key 8. Screw driver 9. Television 10. Water 11. telephone 12. 6349 13. Ravi 14. Cat 15. Smile.

Think a story like this :

With a match box you can light a candle and the candle will give light. Nowadays we use bulb for getting light. Thomas Alwa Edison invented bulb. One day he went to his house in his car. When he was going to unlock the door with his key, he couldnt open it and so he opened the door with a screw driver. When he entered he found the television running and the water was flowing in the kitchen. He was afraid and he immediately telephoned to 6349, the local police. Ravi, the police officer came to his house and he found that Ramas Cat is the reason for the mess and both had a hearty smile.

With a

you can light a give light. Nowadays we use Thomas Alwa One day he went to his

and the candle will

for getting light. invented bulb. in his

When he was going to unlock the door with his , he couldnt open it and so he opened the door with a When he entered he found the running and the kitchen. was flowing in the

He was afraid and he immediately

to 6349, the local police. is the

the police officer came to his house and he found that Ramas reason for the mess and both had a hearty

Introverts - extroverts

Introverts are better time managers

Extroverts are poor time managers

Thinking about a problem or issue takes less time than talking about it.

They use up their own time as well as that of others

Sensors - Intuitives
Sensors perceive a minute as sixty seconds Intuitives perceive time as what you make out of it

Thinkers - feelers
Thinkers schedule their time based on the days priorities, regardless of the nature of the tasks. 9 to 5 schedule does not suit a thinker Feelers set up their schedules according to the people with whom they will interact throughout the day Avoid conflict, putting off unpleasant meetings

Judgers / perceivers
Judgers do their home work on time, their projects done on schedule. Time conscious They are the people who are slave to their clocks To do lists, day planners etc can certainly help Perceivers will be constantly late. They dont have time to get it right. They only have time to do it over. Easy going and unpredictable. Need to structure things and they may use all tools or use nothing

A one-day session wont do it.

Unlearn old habits

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