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Handling Stress a Workshop

Sumant Majmudar, MSW (MSU, Vadodra) MS, Columbia University, New York, USA M: 9429211922

In the popular form: the glass half empty or half full! Or in the context of stress : victim or survivor! Humans have capacity to self-direct and realize their potentials in safe and secure environment, relationships. Character Strengths and Virtues (CSV) (Park, Seligman et al. 2005): Wisdom and Knowledge (cognitive strengths: creativity, curiosity, love of learning, open-mindedness, perspective), Courage, Humanity (kindness, love, social intelligence), Justice (fairness, leadership, teamwork) , Temperance (no excess, greed) and Transcendence (connecting to larger universe and provide meaning) CSV widely recognized across cultures (40 countries), are fulfilling, satisfying leading to hope, happiness Positive orientation can be cultivated just as work, worship, good manners, working for a good cause, optimism, etc. Under stress, this capacity for positive thinking is compromised.

Orientation: Positive and Humanistic Psychology Ideas

Handling-Managing Stress
Understanding Stress Focus on Self
Relaxation Exercises Experiencing Expressing Talking over Support Seeking & Self Care Secondary Traumatization

Psychological Trauma - Stress

Negative effects of stressful events Natural & Man-made Out of routine, subjective experience of objective event, overwhelming, overpowering, beyond ones control Shatters sense of security, helpless, vulnerable, can slow down positive orientation Internal flooding from within with unpleasant stimuli, unintegrated, a threat to life, sanity subjective experiences Activating responses in the service of survival, phylogenetic, evolutionary A normal adaptive, survival response to unusual/out of routine events. While stress is ubiquitous, the response to it is protective-adaptive to the overwhelming, difficult-to-copeself experience.:

Normal Outcomes:
Fight Freeze Flight Dissociation
The signs/symptoms below are protective-adaptive the best our mind-body can do. With our resilience, mostly they subside in 4-8 days. But if they continue beyond 30-40 days,
professional help may be required.

Re-Experiencing: Frequent thoughts of stress event, nightmares, flashbacks Reminders: causes distress, brings on bodily changes - surge in heart rate etc. Avoidance: Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, conversations related to the event, Avoid places & people that remind; difficult to recall the event, Loss of interest, detachment, forgetfulness, Shock, disbelief, numbing, disconnected, lost, disoriented, difficulty having positive feelings of love, happiness, as if life is cut short, Alienation, not trusting others, controlling everyday experiences and others all causing further upset; caught between closeness needs vs. fears, loss of trust Self-blame, shame, isolation Hyperarousal: Loss of sleep, irritability, outbursts of anger, difficulty in concentrating, not relaxed, On guard, overcautious, startle, jumpy, out of control Aches & Pains, fatigue, sweating, stomach upsets, headaches

Signs & Symptoms - Expanded

Psychological Emotional Physical Behavioral

Psychological signs
Inability to concentrate or make simple decisions Memory lapses, confusion, disbelief, distortion Becoming rather vague Easily distracted Less intuitive & creative Worrying/ self-blame Negative thinking Depression & anxiety

Emotional signs Irritable, angry Mood swings Extra sensitive to criticism Defensive Tearful, sadness, hopeless, terror Feeling out of control, emotional numbing, dreamlike Lack of motivation Shock Frustrated Helplessness, guilt Lack of confidence Lack of self-esteem


Physical signs Aches/pains & muscle tension/grinding teeth Frequent colds/infections Allergies/rashes/skin irritations Constipation/diarrhea/ IBS Weight loss or gain Indigestion/heartburn/ulcers Hyperventilating/lump in the throat/pins & needles Dizziness/palpitations Panic attacks/nausea Physical tiredness Menstrual changes/loss of libido/sexual problems Heart problems/high blood pressure

Behavioral signs


No time for relaxation or pleasurable activities Prone to accidents, forgetfulness Increased reliance on, smoking, caffeine, alcohol, drugs Becoming a workaholic Poor time management / standards of work/poor in studies Absenteeism Self neglect/change in appearance Social withdrawal Relationship problems Insomnia or waking tired Reckless/Aggressive/Anger outbursts/Nervous Uncharacteristically lying

Trauma-stress if experienced and expressed/talked about in - safe (providing security of basic needs when distressed) - secure base (fostering confidence to explore the wider world) - and stable, understanding environment and attachment relationships with emotional bonding - helps in reinstating, returning to normal routine behavior Relaxation response to flooding stimuli, to be cultivated Is a foundation for healing, hope Goal is to remember-recall, talk rather than relive Can prevent stress increasing maladaptative coping And lead to stress reducing adaptive coping And promote: Positive emotions, Engagement (activities involving absorption, challenge, skills, strength), Relationships, Meaning & purpose, Accomplishments (goal pursuits and hope reinforce each other) (PERMA) Experiencing and talking about stress in secure relationships is positive. And is growth promoting. Can be learnt and cultivated

Helpful Coping Strategies

Not isolating and asking for and accepting support, promotes self-care Understanding it takes time to heal Talking-communicating with those who care and listen Individual/Group counseling for support and experience Communicating in ways comfortable with close relatives, friends, colleagues, counselors, or even keeping a diary, recoding experience for oneself or for others to read Using relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga Crying, humor, music, art Establishing routines: meals, exercise etc. and help making choices and decisions

Grounding techniques to be in current reality: feel body in chair, naming objects, walking, splashing water on face, holding ice etc. Avoid conflicts, recharge your batteries, positive thinking, know your limitations, dont take on too much Turning outside and participating in helping other Specialized help by clinical counselors: Relaxation response, methods: Deep breathing, Progressive muscles relaxation, Visualization/Guided imagery, Mindfulness, Meditation, Positive thinking, Yoga NPL (Neuro-linguistic programming), Defusing, Debriefing, Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing (EMDR), Metalizing, Brief Psychotherapies(when indicated) etc.

Capacity for Support Seeking & Self Care ---Development

Support seeking connected with our capacity for self care which is rooted in early mother-child interaction Childs dependence and familys preoccupation with childs well-being Family as a safe haven and a secure base for exploration Attachment figures parents, grandparents, brothers-sisters, uncles, aunts, husband, wife, teachers, friends, heroes real and virtual etc. Emotional bonding, seek proximity, security Childs internalization of details of caring by family Childs widening social circle with growing up Familys deadaption by turning to routine work & relationships, through small doses of inevitable frustration Child learns to be less dependent and relatively independent In stress, child seeks-runs to attachment figures, leading to development of complex attachment patterns Child becomes secure. A model is internalized for future self care, support seeking Adults, in stress, continue to need & to seek support through attachment figures.

Secondary Traumatization
Effects on persons working-dealing with
trauma, indirectly experienced Also called: Compassion fatigue, Soul sadness, Vicarious traumatization, Burn out Signs: fatigue, preoccupation, isolation, sadness, cynicism, loss of humor & playfulness, restlessness, etc.

Holding & Handling Self and Others: - Awareness: can happen, identify signs, update with stress management, notice changes in oneself - Balance: among work (rotate, alternate, breaks, relax), personal and family life, rest, leisure , recreation, renewal - Building Connections: support systems, building team, peer group support of and with team and colleagues, create opportunities to talk over -Ability to be free and talk: cultivate it, get rid of inhibitions. To be able to talk and let others talk, express emotional democracy - is a virtue in modern globalizing life

Be aware of stress, most work and life situations generate stress. All of us are prone to psychological trauma. It is not a disease, illness; modern life and work gives rise to stress. Create a Safe and Secure Base Environment that goes a long way to handle stress-trauma generating life and work. Attempt to go beyond self, help others. Pursue relaxation exercises. Cultivate ability to talk, ask for and take support from family, friends, colleagues, counselors, community.

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